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Soul Reaver - Sarafan Brotherhood Request

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Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
Hi, I'm working on a project here in the game, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 ...
Most of the Sarafan Stronghold, I already did, the textures of the walls are nearly all ok and etcs ... More needs only 3 help
1 Model and 2 Skins
The model is pratically hardly going to have change, it is a Sentry bald, yes that's right, no hair in head
and the two skins are those
first based in the Captain Model
And the second as two options
one based in sorceress and other based in Sentry, look:
But in the two options the model must be Bald, NO one hair in your head :D

Just this ^^
Somebody can help-me?? please :))

Thanks :ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis:
Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
Sarafan Sorceress Testing...

Here's a 'Sarafan Sorceress' I am still making out of boredom...
Although it would be nice if there's a back view concept art for the character in question...

The model is based from a Sentry and edited to look more feminine(?)...
Only problem is I can't figure out the design of the character's clothing...
And looking through Google Images under 'Sarafan Priestess' results to in-game model design way different from the concept art...

And now the question... Do you have a clothing design in mind for the Priestess, OR should I come up with something closely similar to the concept art...?


  • SarafanSorceress_WIP.png
    345 KB · Views: 446
Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
Here's a 'Sarafan Sorceress' I am still making out of boredom...
Although it would be nice if there's a back view concept art for the character in question...

The model is based from a Sentry and edited to look more feminine(?)...
Only problem is I can't figure out the design of the character's clothing...
And looking through Google Images under 'Sarafan Priestess' results to in-game model design way different from the concept art...

And now the question... Do you have a clothing design in mind for the Priestess, OR should I come up with something closely similar to the concept art...?

As I understand it, you got confused because in the game they / she has a different outfit in the picture I posted is the other?
Her clothing can equal the same image:
On the colors of the images means that let's say "Chatting itself" :ogre_haosis:

Ps: Sorry my english errors, english dont is my national language :/
Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
Sarafan Sorceress - WIP...

I understand the 'Sarafan Sorceress' model design must be based from the concept art picture you attach to this 'Request Thread'...
All I wanted to know is how the back of the model should look like (you didn't help there...)?

Anyway, after browsing through pictures on 'Google Image' I decided the model should be a little revealing under the White Cloth as seen in the picture...

Am I doing the clothing right OR should the clothing be different...?


  • SarafanSorceress_WIP2.png
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Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
Ow sorry, excuse my confusion
I had understood .. if I wanted her outfit was similar to the image or the game rsrs
My Inglês is bad, sorry xD :ogre_haosis:
But before one question, that part of the image will be black the red part of her outfit? then over this part of the cloth will come in white?

ps: if the red part of it need not be so "very exposed" can be like a "tank top / swimsuit" :ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis:


  • Look.png
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Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
Fixes to come...

Ow sorry, excuse my confusion
I had understood .. if I wanted her outfit was similar to the image or the game rsrs
My Inglês is bad, sorry xD
But before one question, that part of the image will be black the red part of her outfit? then over this part of the cloth will come in white?

Yes, the Black 'Swimsuit' can be change into Red if you prefer it that way... OR the swimsuit can be Team Colored... The choice is yours...
I will add the White Cloth design in front of the model's body later as shown in the concept art picture...

ps: if the red part of it need not be so "very exposed" can be like a "tank top / swimsuit"

Sure, I can tone down the exposure if the 'swimsuit' into a Tank-top/Swimsuit design...
Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
Sarafan Sorceress Complete?

The Sarafan Sorceress model is complete...
The animations are from the Sentry model and the run animation looks kinda weird...
The skin is kinda bad so if you want a better texture, have someone else open the .blp file and edit them...


  • SarafanSorceress.mdx
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  • SarafanSorceress.blp
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