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Sonnak Defence v1.7b (eng)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Urami Presents
Sonnak Defence 1.7b

Created by Urami

Map Info
Map Info

The horde has been trying to colonize new planets since many centuries ago, now it's time for you for participating in one of their conquest: the planet Sonak. Pick a unit type from this elite squad and and survive trought the teamwork waves filled with hostile life forms. Defensive structures are extremely important if they fall down consider yourself dead.


Space Orcs features about 40 minutes of intense gameplay that will keep you with a sharp eye for what might comes late. This map includes a completly customized terrain and skiils, featuring dozens of custom triggers and creep systems that, acompanied with a great variety of models and skins will make you feel like in a real spacial enviroment.

> About 40 minutes of action gameplay.

> 7 type of heroes to select.

> Three waves of changing creeps.

> Custom spacial terrain.

> Custom skills for every hero.

> Great variety of creeps with diferent kind of attacks.

> Boss fights

> Cool buyable items, including defensive robots and drones.

> Base upgrade system.

> Drop system.


Heavy infantry: Minigun Frenzy, Battle Clone, High calliber Bullets, Super Berserker

Light infantry: Mini-bot, Fury, Reflexes, Brain Alteration

Firebat: Fire Blood, Celular Ignition, Napalm Bomb, Core Overload

Demolisher: Cluster rockets, AT Shield, Shock Bottom, Nuclear Blast

Tesla infantry: Thunder Call, Electro Shock, Shock Tova, Vortex

Sniper: Stealth, Acid Load, Critical hit, Certain Death

Medic: Chain Lightning, Heal, Telekinetic Boost, Heal Frenzy






Change Log

- Replaced Heavy gunner's passive with High Calliber Bullets
- Added intro music
- Books color drop bug fixed
- Fixed imported icons bug
- Queen is now removed seconds after it dies
- Some passive skills renamed

- Several bugs fixed
- Added sky animation
- Testla infantry's electro pulse balanced
- Reptile queen's corpse bug fixed
- Barricades now dissapear right after they fall


  • Several bugs fixed
  • Tons of typos fixed


  • Fixed lazy creeps bug
  • Bosses bug fixed
  • War factory cooldown reduced


  • Several creeps balanced


  • Added defeat by command post destroyed
  • Barricades selling bug fixed


  • Bosses now drop items
  • Removed ally fire
  • fixed creeps attack bug
  • fixed skills hotkeys for demolisher
  • breeders hp lowered


  • Item drop system
  • Defibrilator for starting


Special Thanks:

  • General frank
  • Pyritie
  • jk2pach
  • olofmoleman
  • killst4r
  • Fingolfin
  • Kofi_Banan
  • Teaspoon
  • AlienAntFarm
  • Sephiroth_VII
  • epsilon
  • SuPa-
  • Trollschnitzel
  • Burning_Dragoon5
  • Illidan(Evil)X
  • Ice
Author's Notes

Find any bug or give me suggestions for the map. Sick waves and new systems coming soon, depending on your support.


Sonnak Defence v1.7b (eng) (Map)

19:14, 9th Jun 2016 Shadow Fury: Back to pending.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain was really amazing! I really liked how you manipulated the tiles to give the terrain the look of a hostile planet. Even the base is magnificent with those futuristic tiles and models which satisfy all the basic requirements for a decent modern base. However, I was disappointed from some things. For example, I don't like how the raisings have so sharp edges and such an unnatural look. I suggest you use the Smooth tool in the Terrain Palette to smooth a bit those sharp and pointed raisings to give them a more natural look. The other thing is that you didn't add any fog or sky during the initial cinematic and that really ruined the whole thing. Talking about the intro cinematic, you could've added a background music/theme to improve the cinematic.

Gameplay and Balance

I found some positive as well as negative aspects of the gameplay. I like how the creeps start evolving as you go on playing. In addition, it's astonishing to see that monsters "launch" items to me instead of simply dropping them on the ground when they die. Then, I really adored the models you chose for the map because they are really appropriate and give the map that feeling of modernity. Concerning how amusing the map is, I have to say that I didn't find the map that entertaining. First of all, for too much time I simply leave my hero to shoot the monsters and just cast any active skill I have. It would be really great if instead of leaving it like that you could add monsters that can "dig" underground and pop out in my base. That would make things exciting and more challenging. Then, I tried all of the heroes and sincerely I found some unbalance in between them. Tesla Infantry, for example, has a very imba passive skill. When the monsters breached in and attacked him, they just got some electric shocks and died very easily without having to do anything. While someone like the Heavy gunner for me was a useless hero. His 1st didn't actually deal 300 damage and his attack damage was already so low that even Critical Strike didn't help. I got overwhelmed too quickly with that guy. Have a look again at the other heroes as well and try to obtain a balance between them. The abilities themselves however weren't great sometimes. In plenty of cases, they are plain CnPs of old skills like Evasion, Stealth, Critical Strike etc... and that ruins the originality of your map.

Other Issues

Firstly, I'd like to list the most critical issue. The icons of most heroes turn green when I pause the game and that's against the Map Submission Rules. Are you sure you imported correctly the DISBTN of all icons? Besides, when monsters launch the item, the tome colour isn't the same as the actual tome created. For example, a blue tome (Int. tome) is launched but then I get a red one (Str. tome). Look into this. Furthermore, I found a lot of typos just by reading the loading screen description or heroes' skills. They are pretty clear so I guess you can spot and correct them. Finally, when the sandbags are destroyed, they remain there for some time before vanishing. You should instead remove them by means of triggers as they die. It's awkward to see monsters passing through the sandbags like ghosts. The same thing goes for the Reptile Queen which dies and disappears after ages.

Overall Result

In conclusion, I'd like to say that this map has a very strong potential. It just needs to be improved and have some issues fixed. For now, 3/5 and I suggest to AWAIT UPDATE!
Level 6
Jul 26, 2010
Dude you soloed the map. I isn't supposed to be like that, actually I think u didn't even reach the second wave when monsters dig from underground cuz in a solo match u last like 10 mins before the sandbags break up. I'll probable add or change a few skills and balance the some heores... And thnx for the pointy terrain suggestion
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Dude you soloed the map. I isn't supposed to be like that, actually I think u didn't even reach the second wave when monsters dig from underground cuz in a solo match u last like 10 before the sandbags break up. I'll probable add or change a few skills and balance the some heores...

I know the map was supposed to be played multi but that doesn't mean I can't check out the balance of the map or other minor issues! And I've been able to finish the game just to let you know...
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Comes across as a run of the mill horde-defense/hero siege map.
You have two entrances which you defend from huge wave of enemies.
Main gripe would be that the map doesn't escalate in any way. You fight the same mobs for minutes on end until an event occurs, each time they slowly whittle down the barricades.
Combat is slow, very slow. Unbearably slow for certain classes such as the demolisher, I found Heavy infantry the only class that fights at a enjoyable speed.

- You get tons of cash, more than you have any use for.
- Plenty of non-english in tooltips
- Game bugs out when what I assume a boss wave spawns

Even if all the mentioned issues didn't exist, the map still is very simple/lacking content
Now, if combat were interesting I wouldnt mind mowing down wave after wave of monster. I do not mind that there is only combat, however if that is all the map is, then it better be good.
Hundreds of mobs chipping down a barrier doesnt quite cut it, nor does introducing a new mob type every 5 - 10 mins.
Events help, but they are far too widely spaced.

Terrain is nice on paper, unfortunately you dont see any of the good bits ingame.

TLDR Version
Ultimately there isn't much to do here.
Content wise, it is slightly more developed than a hero siege template.
Lastly, the map has been updated several times, yet the initial problems raised still apply.

> Moved to Simple/Substandard
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