Rui's review for "Snowy Peak" (melee map by GinGeR-)
I found "Snowy Peak" to be very... raw. Its landscape is ugly: the ground textures are placed heterogeneously and there is no use of elevation tools. But the terrain's layout itself displeases me: there are lot of useless paths and unused space. Even more important is the fact the building room is small and unequal.I should also mention the map has no boundaries, which does not help at all. Never remove boundaries.
Neutral buildings are a minus too.There are two expansion Gold Mines next to each other, on a quadrangular room, guarded by a red creep camp. On the sides, there are two ramps that lead you to a path, which ends on a Goblin Merchant, protected by a yellow hostile spot. My question is, is anyone going to use these Merchants (more than once, at least)?I see no good reason for only two of the four players to have a Tavern close to them either.Finally, the Fountain of Health is a good idea, but I could not, likewise, find a motive for it to be open to the left side while the right side is covered by trees.
And to conclude, the creeps.This is the first map I see creeps with HP set to 50%. Why would someone do that? The green creep camp is composed of three Timber Wolves (wouldn't Frost Wolves look better?), and so they're not a very hard creep camp. Surprisingly, they drop a lvl2 consumable.The rest of the creeps drop averagely balanced items. I'd go on with a few suggestions, but considering the author is gone, I would just be wasting my time.
To conclude, I can only say "Snowy Peak" isn't a map I would choose for a (balanced) melee match.My rating is 2/5 (Lacking). I am not going to vote. While this map is not getting updated, it is an old resource and I respect that. I'll leave it up for the users who play it (and comment) to decide.