I must say I was positively surprised about this td. This td has a lot of potential. My suggestions:
-There's no point in displaying who sold what tower to all players. I dont need to know that player x sold an archer.
-Displaying kills in your leaderboard is also useless. You should instead display lives there.
-Imo this map needs a total remake of the terrain. The current terrain is dull and not working. For instance the paths have different widhts. There's zero tactical points where to build. You can basicly build your tower anywhere, it wouldnt make much difference.
-Nice that you have put some thought to your towers, but what was missing from them was abilities. When I look at the more expensive towers I see that its a tower with damage x, attack speed x and range x. No abilities or upgrades. It doesnt make me go "I want that tower!". All I need to do is read the description and then I've seen the tower

. And after I've seen the towers I can just quit because there is nothing keeping me in the game.
-The name is also pretty bad. Winter TD is does not stick in the back of your head. It does not raise interest, its a plain and dull name. I also think there's been several Winter TD's before this, Im not sure since not one of them stuck in my mind

I see a lot of potential in this td, dont take all my critisism too hard. I really want to see this TD improved and being hosted on bnet so I would have something to play

. I'll recap my main suggestions:
-Better name
-Totally different terrain
-Abilities for the towers