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be wise! use this library from now :v
demo code is important here, you must read it bcs this is not a so easy to use system.
demo code is important here, you must read it bcs this is not a so easy to use system.
library Vote /* v1.4 by Dalvengyr
This library provides a voting system which you may determine the action
when the voting is closed and whether its succeed or not. Success in this
library means when a votings point reach the required vote. You are able
to start as many as votings as you want at once. The next voting will be
started right after the previous one has ended. See demo code to understand
more how to use this.
1. Start a new voting
function StartVote takes integer requiredVote, real voteUptime, code func returns Vote
2. End a voting
function EndVote takes Vote whichVote returns nothing
3. Add point(s) to a voting, when points >= required votes then the voting will be marked as succeed
This also returns the current vote points of that voting
function AddVotePoint takes Vote whichVote, integer amount returns integer
4. You may start multiple votings at once so this function returns the votings index on that period
function GetVoteIndex takes Vote whichVote returns integer
5. Set a new voting requirement
function SetVoteRequirement takes Vote whichVote, integer amount returns nothing
Event Responses
1. Return the current opened voting
function GetTriggeringVote takes nothing returns Vote
2. Return true when points >= required votes
function IsVoteSuccess takes nothing returns boolean
1. Set a new voting up
static method setup takes integer requiredVote, real voteUptime, code func returns thistype
2. Add point(s) to a voting
This also returns the current vote points of that voting
method add takes integer amount returns integer
3. End a voting
method end takes nothing returns nothing
4. Set a new voting requirement
method require takes integer amount returns nothing
// This is the only thing which is configurable in this library
private constant real ACCURACY = .03
// Furthermore, edit it with your own risk
private boolean IsSuccess = false
private integer Total = -1
private integer Done = 0
private timer Timer = CreateTimer()
private Vote array This
function StartVote takes integer requiredVote, real voteUptime, code func returns Vote
return Vote.setup(requiredVote, voteUptime, func)
function EndVote takes Vote whichVote returns nothing
call whichVote.end()
function AddVotePoint takes Vote whichVote, integer amount returns integer
return whichVote.add(amount)
function SetVoteRequirement takes Vote whichVote, integer amount returns nothing
call whichVote.require(amount)
function GetVoteIndex takes Vote whichVote returns integer
return whichVote.Index
function GetTriggeringVote takes nothing returns Vote
return This[0]
function IsVoteSuccess takes nothing returns boolean
return IsSuccess
struct Vote
integer Point
integer Required
integer Index
real Duration
trigger Trigger
static method setup takes integer requiredVote, real voteUptime, code func returns thistype
local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
set Total = Total + 1
set This[Total] = this
set .Point = 0
set .Required = requiredVote
set .Index = Total + Done
set .Duration = voteUptime
set .Trigger = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddCondition(.Trigger, Condition(func))
if Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(Timer, ACCURACY, true, function thistype.onPeriodic)
return this
method add takes integer amount returns integer
set .Point = .Point + amount
return .Point
method require takes integer amount returns nothing
set .Required = amount
method end takes nothing returns nothing
local boolean b
if Total > -1 then
set b = IsSuccess
if .Point >= .Required then
set IsSuccess = true
call TriggerEvaluate(.Trigger)
call DestroyTrigger(.Trigger)
call .destroy()
set IsSuccess = b
private static method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this = This[0]
if .Duration > 0. then
set .Duration = .Duration - ACCURACY
if .Duration <= ACCURACY then
call .end()
private method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i == Total
set This[i] = This[i + 1]
set i = i + 1
call .deallocate()
set Total = Total - 1
if Total < 0 then
set Done = 0
call PauseTimer(Timer)
set Done = Done + 1
library Demo initializer ini uses Vote
/* !! Read this paragraph first !!
Okay, its not so easy to use this system, you have to understand some
tricks in this system to declare a proper voting. So here is an example
how to properly declare a voting.
// Anticipating multiple voting declaration so we need these variables
private integer Total = -1
private Vote array v
// To ease you understand :v this function is executed when a voting is ended
function show takes nothing returns boolean
local integer i = 0
local integer j
exitwhen i > Total
// If ended-voting matched one of started votings
if GetTriggeringVote() == v[i] then
// If the voting was success
if IsVoteSuccess() then
// Nah, look here. (GetVoteIndex(v[i]) + 1) is equal to votings index at declaration
// At voting declaration, votings are placed in order. So the first declared voting
// has 0 as index, the second has 1, the third has 2, etc.
call BJDebugMsg("Your " + I2S(GetVoteIndex(v[i]) + 1) + "th voting was succeed")
// Same here
call BJDebugMsg("Your " + I2S(GetVoteIndex(v[i]) + 1) + "th voting was FAIL! :v")
// Look at here!! this is one important thing
// Look closely at how I de-index them. It's different with common index recycling.
// Why? Because the votings must be placed in order and we must keep that order.
// Otherwise, the voting won't be executed in order as our expectation.
set j = 0
exitwhen j == Total
set v[j] = v[j + 1]
set j = j + 1
set Total = Total - 1
set i = i - 1
set i = i + 1
return false
private function act takes nothing returns boolean
// Declare a new voting
if GetEventPlayerChatStringMatched() == "-start" then
set Total = Total + 1
// Voting requires 1 point to be marked as succeed
// will be ended after 15. seconds
// and will execute a function named show when the voting is ended
set v[Total] = Vote.setup(1, 15., function show)
// Or call StartVote(1, 15., function show)
// Show debug message right after declaration
// Well, it's hard to explain why, you need to understand it by yourself
call BJDebugMsg("You have just started " + I2S(GetVoteIndex(v[Total]) + 1) + "th voting")
// Close a voting
elseif GetEventPlayerChatStringMatched() == "-end" then
// Show debug message right before the index is recycled
call BJDebugMsg("You have just ended " + I2S(GetVoteIndex(v[0]) + 1) + "th voting")
// Always use 0 as index to access current executed voting
// Don't be confused, v is a "Vote" global variable
// So v[0] is the curren executed Vote variable
call v[0].end()
// Or call EndVote(v[0])
// When a player is voting for (agreed with the given statement)
elseif GetEventPlayerChatStringMatched() == "-yes" then
call BJDebugMsg(GetPlayerName(GetTriggerPlayer()) + " has voted for your " + I2S(GetVoteIndex(v[0]) + 1) + "th voting")
// As I said before, when you add a point to v[0] it will give point to current executed voting
call AddVotePoint(v[0], 1)
// Or call v[0].add(1)
return false
/* Nah, that was an example how to declare multiple votings at once
and handle them properly.
Dont worry, mostly you will just need to declare one voting at once.
How? it is much more simple. First, show a message to players, as
example: "Dalvengyr is cool? Type '-yes' if you agree"
and do the exact same things like the example above (how to add points,
how to declare and stop a voting)
But, you need some additional conditions so that a player cannot vote for
multiple times which you must configure it by yourself :p Good luck
private function ini takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(0), "-start", false)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(0), "-end", false)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(0), "-yes", false)
call BJDebugMsg("Enter \"-start\" to start a new voting. And enter \"-end\" to close current voting")
call BJDebugMsg("Enter \"-yes\" to add 1 point to the current voting")
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function act))
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