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[Snippet] SpellEffectEvent

A handy approach to using spell effect responses. You can assign an event to fire for only a specific ability code, or when any ability is cast. API is intuitive and avoids creating tons and tons of handles to get the job done. This kind of thing has similar approaches by other people but this is definitely the most efficient way to do it.

Effectively, this is supposed to turn:

private function onCast takes nothing returns boolean
    if (GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000') then
        // Do actions
    return false
private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function onCast))
    set t = null


private function onCast takes nothing returns nothing
    // Do actions
private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
    call RegisterSpellEffectEvent('A000', function onCast)

As you can see, a lot fewer lines of code. It saves TONS of efficiency on maps with a lot of spells in them. The two main reasons why are:

1. Does not generate 16 events per spell.
2. This uses one trigger evaluation instead of one for each individual spell (some maps have quite a few). This helps keep framerate high and fluid when a spell is cast.

// SpellEffectEvent
// - Version
// API
// ---
//     RegisterSpellEffectEvent(integer abil, code onCast)
// Requires
// --------
//     RegisterPlayerUnitEvent: hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203338
// Optional
// --------
//     Table: hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188084
library SpellEffectEvent requires RegisterPlayerUnitEvent, optional Table
private module M
    static if LIBRARY_Table then
        static Table tb
        static hashtable ht = InitHashtable()
    static method onCast takes nothing returns nothing
        static if LIBRARY_Table then
            call TriggerEvaluate(.tb.trigger[GetSpellAbilityId()])
            call TriggerEvaluate(LoadTriggerHandle(.ht, 0, GetSpellAbilityId()))
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        static if LIBRARY_Table then
            set .tb = Table.create()
        call RegisterPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, function thistype.onCast)
private struct S extends array
    implement M
function RegisterSpellEffectEvent takes integer abil, code onCast returns nothing
    static if LIBRARY_Table then
        if not S.tb.handle.has(abil) then
            set S.tb.trigger[abil] = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerAddCondition(S.tb.trigger[abil], Filter(onCast))
        if not HaveSavedHandle(S.ht, 0, abil) then
            call SaveTriggerHandle(S.ht, 0, abil, CreateTrigger())
        call TriggerAddCondition(LoadTriggerHandle(S.ht, 0, abil), Filter(onCast))

--Lua RegisterSpellEffectEvent
    local tb =  {}
    local trig = nil
    function RegisterSpellEffectEvent(abil, onCast)
        if not trig then
            trig = CreateTrigger()
            TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEventBJ(trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
            TriggerAddCondition(trig, Condition(function()
                local i = tb[GetSpellAbilityId()]
                if i then i() end
        tb[abil] = onCast
--syntax is:
--RegisterSpellEffectEvent(FourCC('Abil'), function() print(GetUnitName(GetTriggerUnit())) end)
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At this point
        local player p = casterowner
        local integer c = casterid
        local integer t = targetid
        local integer a = abilcode
        local real cx = casterx
        local real cy = castery
        local real tx = targetx
        local real ty = targety

You want to probably use an array. Incrementing and decrementing an array would probably be a lot faster than declaring all of those locals ; P.

No . needed on these. Also please follow JASS convention (camelcase)
    readonly static real casterX = 0
    readonly static real casterY = 0
    readonly static real targetX = 0
    readonly static real targetY = 0

And why are you storing the x,y positions anyways? The user may not need that data at all. You should remove the storage of the coordinates.

private function getEvent takes integer abilcode returns Event

Should be

private function GetEvent takes integer abilcode returns Event

Get rid of this
function OnSpellEffect takes boolexpr c returns nothing

Fire off via an Event instead within your onCast method. You realize that your recursion will fail with how you have it right now right? For any, the direct event can be used. A function wrapper name would probably be

function RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent takes boolexpr c returns nothing

This hurts my eyes to read
// RegisterSpellEffectEvent(boolexpr, abilcode)
// TriggerRegisterSpellEffectEvent(trigger, abilcode)
// OnSpellEffect(boolexpr)
// readonly integer SpellEffect.casterid
// readonly integer SpellEffect.targetid
// readonly integer SpellEffect.abilcode
// readonly player SpellEffect.casterowner
// readonly unit SpellEffect.caster
// readonly unit SpellEffect.target
// readonly real SpellEffect.casterx
// readonly real SpellEffect.castery
// readonly real SpellEffect.targetx
// readonly real SpellEffect.targety

Make it prettier ; (, like

    // function RegisterSpellEffectEvent takes boolexpr, abilityId returns nothing
    // function TriggerRegisterSpellEffectEvent takes trigger, abilityId returns nothing
    // function RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent takes boolexpr returns nothing

    // readonly integer casterId
    // readonly integer targetId
    // readonly integer ability
    // readonly player casterOwner
    // readonly unit caster
    // readonly unit target
>>You want to probably use an array. Incrementing and decrementing an array would probably be a lot faster than declaring all of those locals ; P.

You're definitely right here.

>>No . needed on these.

Definitely not needed, but it is good programming practice, when you use a real, to use at least a . at the end so someone flipping through a script doesn't have to constantly consult the API to know if it's a real or integer when you omit the .

>>Also please follow JASS convention (camelcase)

It's more annoying to uppercase obviously separated words, but for the case of matching JASS' already-poor syntax, fine.

>>You should remove the storage of the coordinates.

Doing so would make GetSpellTargetX/Y do nothing (remember it's a variable event), so that would be foolish. Although getting rid of caster x/y would be good in case the caster's position changed.

>>This hurts my eyes to read

Hence why I could never be an artist. First 6 or 7 months of my JASS career I was just copying Berb, now I don't know what I'm doing.

Can't fault the recursion as that's not going to screw anything as the spell responses are stored into variables, negating the need for calling the natives. And remember you were the one who told me to use a simple boolexpr evaluation for "any spell event", and now you think I should change it back.

Editing to factor in the changes.
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Updated. Removed the "casterOwner" variable for the extremely unlikely event that the owner changes during that time, and removed casterX and casterY.

RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent now exists and can actually use the native event responses OR the struct variables. RegisterSpellEffectEvent and the trigger-version can only use the struct variables because they are triggered by a variable event and not by a spell event, but it's more optimal to do it like that anyway.

This is the first release of mine which uses a shorter scope-prefix to privatise names instead of the longer library prefix (because Vex's map optimiser is so broken). There are other libraries planned to be released like this.
This now breaks if it's done within the trigger
function RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent takes boolexpr c returns nothing
    call TriggerRemoveCondition(trig, func)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trig, c)
    set func = TriggerAddCondition(trig, cond)

You do know that removing a triggercondition from within the trigger stops the trigger in its tracks right? : )

Just run it thru an Event man >.>.
Now it's actually slower than just firing off an event... >.<

You have an extra trigger evaluation now ; |

2 trigger evals on the firing trigger and 1 trigger evaluation in one of tem

If you did it right, u'd have 1 trigger eval on firing trigger and 1 trigger evaluation on it

Plus you can't register triggers to fire whenever a spell fires.

Just run it through an Event =O, I've said it before and I'll say it as many times as I have to until you get it :p
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Updated to with re-added functionality with the Event library, but this time without the requirement of Vexorian's Table because it breaks with module initializers.

The speed is almost the same but now you have the TriggerRegisterSpellEffectEvent(integer whichAbility, trigger whichTrigger) functionality back.
What's wrong with this JASS : P
//boolexpr second? : O
function RegisterSpellEffectEvent takes integer whichAbility, boolexpr c returns nothing
    call GetEvent(whichAbility).register(c)

//trigger first
function TriggerRegisterSpellEffectEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer whichAbility returns nothing
    call GetEvent(whichAbility).registerTrigger(whichTrigger)

//boolexpr first
function RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent takes boolexpr c returns nothing
    call TriggerAddCondition(trig, c)
Bribe, this IS approval worthy :)
Imagine a map with 412 spells (103 heroes with 4 spells each)
That would create 412 * 16 = 6592 event reqisterations and 412 triggers handles.
This system can reduce that number to a static value (16) no matter how many spells
there are in the map.

After you update it, I suggest you approve it immediately ;)



Level 4
Jun 7, 2011
I don't see a point in using Event for this. Here's what I would do:
//! zinc
library SpellEffectEvent requires Table
    module initializer
        private static method onInit()
            integer i;
            for (0 <= i <= 15)
                TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(thistype.mainTrigger, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null);
            TriggerAddCondition(mainTrigger, static method() -> boolean
                return TriggerEvaluate(thistype.storage.trigger[GetSpellAbilityId()]);
            thistype.storage = Table.create();
    struct eventHandler[]
            static trigger mainTrigger = CreateTrigger();
            static Table storage;
        static method getTrigger(integer abilityId) -> trigger
            if (!thistype.storage.handle.has(abilityId))
                thistype.storage.trigger[abilityId] = CreateTrigger();
            return thistype.storage.trigger[abilityId];
        static method register(boolexpr onEffect, integer abilityId)
            TriggerAddCondition(thistype.getTrigger(abilityId), onEffect);
        static method registerAny(boolexpr onEffect)
            TriggerAddCondition(mainTrigger, onEffect);
        module initializer;
    public function RegisterSpellEffectEvent(boolexpr onEffect, integer abilityId)
        eventHandler.register(onEffect, abilityId);
    public function RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent(boolexpr onEffect)
//! endzinc
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It looks more readable to me this way:

//! zinc
library SpellEffectEvent requires Table
    module initializer
        private static method onInit()
            integer i;
            for (0 <= i <= 15) { TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(thistype.mainTrigger, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null); }
            TriggerAddCondition(mainTrigger, static method() -> boolean { return TriggerEvaluate(thistype.storage.trigger[GetSpellAbilityId()]); });
            thistype.storage = Table.create();
    struct eventHandler[]
        private static trigger mainTrigger = CreateTrigger();
        private static Table storage;
        static method getTrigger(integer abilityId) -> trigger
            if (!thistype.storage.handle.has(abilityId)) { thistype.storage.trigger[abilityId] = CreateTrigger(); }
            return thistype.storage.trigger[abilityId];
        static method register(boolexpr onEffect, integer abilityId)                    { TriggerAddCondition(thistype.getTrigger(abilityId), onEffect); }
        static method registerAny(boolexpr onEffect)                                    { TriggerAddCondition(mainTrigger, onEffect); }
        module initializer;
    public function RegisterSpellEffectEvent(boolexpr onEffect, integer abilityId)      { eventHandler.register(onEffect, abilityId); }
    public function RegisterAnySpellEffectEvent(boolexpr onEffect)                      { eventHandler.registerAny(onEffect); }
//! endzinc

Also, it's for (0 <= i <= 15) not for (0 <= i <= 16) lol :p
But anyways, if you're going to do that Bribe, you could make Event Optional and use static ifs in the code =D



Level 4
Jun 7, 2011

Yes, I'm perfectly aware of that (and that's why I didn't even include it in my "version"), but TriggerRegisterSpellEffectEvent() is kind of useless.
I have updated this to and backwards compatibility is 100% broken.

RegisterSpellEffectEvent(boolexpr onCast, integer abil)
RegisterSpellEffectEvent(integer abil, code onCast)

I swapped the code and integer arguments to fall in line with RegisterPlayerUnitEvent's convention of code second, type first. It is more readable anyway because the abil id is the main thing to care about, and the code argument itself is a lesser priority, with these kinds of things. Blizzard often does the same thing with having the code/boolexpr argument come last, except in perhaps one type of case - GroupEnum/ForceEnum...Counted.



Level 4
Jun 7, 2011
    static method onCast takes nothing returns boolean
        call TriggerEvaluate(tb.trigger[GetSpellAbilityId()])
        return false
change this to

    static method onCast takes nothing returns boolean
        return TriggerEvaluate(tb.trigger[GetSpellAbilityId()])
Level 6
Jun 20, 2011
funny how out of pure necessity i coded the same resource in my map, has two very small differences:
- function name OnAbilityCast
- I check if the trigger handle exists inside the hashtable to avoid firing null triggers when abilities that have no coding are cast.
Level 20
Aug 13, 2013
There's a compile error: trigger is not a member of Table__GTable...
The compile error line in: call TriggerEvaluate(.tb.trigger[GetSpellAbilityId()])
Pls help me I'm a newbie at vJASS and I'm practicing and learning how to use systems

I am using Table 3.1 by Vexorian