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[Snippet] Bitwise

Moved here from Byte Not to not spam Mag's thread, plus it's probably more convivient for you to have snippet at the top instead of looking through the thread.

Here I provide merged library which contains all miscellanous "byte" snippets.

Though, each of bitwese operator could be implement via Series and some algebra, Nestharus provided neat solution which better accomodates into wc3 jass environtment. However, libraries were spread out and some of them were even removed thus it was a good idea to bring them together. Included Mag's stuff. I've also added shifts and rotations to complete the library.

*    Bitwise v1.0.0.1
*       by Nestharus, Magtheridon96 & Bannar
*    Provides convinient way to perform bitwise operations.
*    struct lbyte:
*       static constant method operator [] takes integer val returns integer
*    struct rbyte:
*       static constant method operator [] takes integer val returns integer
*    struct sbyte:
*        static constant method AND takes integer sub1, integer sub2 returns integer
*        static constant method OR takes integer sub1, integer sub2 returns integer
*        static constant method XOR takes integer sub1, integer sub2 returns integer
*    struct Bitwise:
*       1 byte - 8 bits
*          static constant method NOT takes integer byte returns integer
*          static constant method AND takes integer byte1, integer byte2 returns integer
*          static constant method OR takes integer byte1, integer byte2 returns integer
*          static constant method XOR takes integer byte1, integer byte2 returns integer
*       Bit shifts
*          static method shiftl takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
*          static method shiftr takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
*          static method rotl takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
*          static method rotr takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
*       4 bytes - 32 bits
*          static constant method NOT32 takes integer int returns integer
*          static method AND32 takes integer int1, integer int2 returns integer
*          static method OR32 takes integer int1, integer int2 returns integer
*          static method XOR32 takes integer int1, integer int2 returns integer
library Bitwise

        private integer array leftByte
        private integer array rightByte
        private integer array andData
        private integer array orData
        private integer array xorData
        private integer array powShift

        private integer b1
        private integer b2

    private module lbyteInit
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i16 = 0x0
            local integer i256 = 0x0
            local integer i
                exitwhen i256 >= 0x100
                set i = 0
                    exitwhen i >= 0x10
                    set leftByte[i256] = i16
                    set i256 = i256 + 1
                    set i = i + 1
                set i16 = i16 + 1

    struct lbyte extends array
        static constant method operator [] takes integer val returns integer
            return leftByte[val]
        implement lbyteInit

    private module rbyteInit
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i256 = 0x0
            local integer i16
                exitwhen i256 >= 0x100
                set i16 = 0
                    exitwhen i16 >= 0x10
                    set rightByte[i256] = i16
                    set i256 = i256 + 1
                    set i16 = i16 + 1

    struct rbyte extends array
        static constant method operator [] takes integer val returns integer
            return rightByte[val]
        implement rbyteInit

    struct sbyte extends array
        static constant method AND takes integer sub1, integer sub2 returns integer
            return andData[sub1 * 0x10 + sub2]

        static constant method OR takes integer sub1, integer sub2 returns integer
            return orData[sub1 * 0x10 + sub2]

        static constant method XOR takes integer sub1, integer sub2 returns integer
            return xorData[sub1 * 0x10 + sub2]

    private keyword BitwiseInit

    struct Bitwise extends array
        static constant method NOT takes integer byte returns integer
            return 0xff - byte

        static constant method AND takes integer byte1, integer byte2 returns integer
            return sbyte.AND(lbyte[byte1], lbyte[byte2]) * 0x10 + sbyte.AND(rbyte[byte1], rbyte[byte2])

        static constant method OR takes integer byte1, integer byte2 returns integer
            return sbyte.OR(lbyte[byte1], lbyte[byte2]) * 0x10 + sbyte.OR(rbyte[byte1], rbyte[byte2])

        static constant method XOR takes integer byte1, integer byte2 returns integer
            return sbyte.XOR(lbyte[byte1], lbyte[byte2])*0x10 + sbyte.XOR(rbyte[byte1], rbyte[byte2])

        static method shiftl takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
            return byte * powShift[shift]

        static method shiftr takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
            return byte / powShift[shift]

        static method rotl takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
            return OR( shiftl(byte, shift), shiftr(byte, 4*8 - shift) )

        static method rotr takes integer byte, integer shift returns integer
            return OR( shiftr(byte, shift), shiftl(byte, 4*8 - shift) )

        static constant method NOT32 takes integer int returns integer
            return -int - 1

        static method AND32 takes integer int1, integer int2 returns integer
            if (0 > int1) then
                set int1 = -2147483648 + int1
                set b1 = 1
                set b1 = 0
            if (0 > int2) then
                set int2 = -2147483648 + int2
                set b2 = 1
                set b2 = 0
            return AND(b1*128 + int1/0x1000000, b2*128 + int2/0x1000000)*0x1000000 + /*
                */ AND((int1 - int1/0x1000000*0x1000000)/0x10000, (int2 - int2/0x1000000*0x1000000)/0x10000) * 0x10000 + /*
                */ AND((int1 - int1/0x10000*0x10000)/0x100, (int2 - int2/0x10000*0x10000)/0x100) * 0x100 + /*
                */ AND(int1 - int1/0x100*0x100, int2 - int2/0x100*0x100)

        static method OR32 takes integer int1, integer int2 returns integer
            if (0 > int1) then
                set int1 = -2147483648 + int1
                set b1 = 1
                set b1 = 0
            if (0 > int2) then
                set int2 = -2147483648 + int2
                set b2 = 1
                set b2 = 0
            return OR(b1*128 + int1/0x1000000, b2*128 + int2/0x1000000)*0x1000000 + /*
                */ OR((int1 - int1/0x1000000*0x1000000)/0x10000, (int2 - int2/0x1000000*0x1000000)/0x10000) * 0x10000 + /*
                */ OR((int1 - int1/0x10000*0x10000)/0x100, (int2 - int2/0x10000*0x10000)/0x100) * 0x100 + /*
                */ OR(int1 - int1/0x100*0x100, int2 - int2/0x100*0x100)

        static method XOR32 takes integer int1, integer int2 returns integer
            if (0 > int1) then
                set int1 = -2147483648 + int1
                set b1 = 1
                set b1 = 0
            if (0 > int2) then
                set int2 = -2147483648 + int2
                set b2 = 1
                set b2 = 0
            return XOR(b1*128 + int1/0x1000000, b2*128 + int2/0x1000000)*0x1000000 + /*
                */ XOR((int1 - int1/0x1000000*0x1000000)/0x10000, (int2 - int2/0x1000000*0x1000000)/0x10000) * 0x10000 + /*
                */ XOR((int1 - int1/0x10000*0x10000)/0x100, (int2 - int2/0x10000*0x10000)/0x100) * 0x100 + /*
                */ XOR(int1 - int1/0x100*0x100, int2 - int2/0x100*0x100)

        implement BitwiseInit

// Trust me, you don't want to scroll down there
    private module BitwiseInit
        private static method initShiftData takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer bit = 0
                exitwhen bit > 0x20
                set powShift[bit] = R2I(Pow(2, bit))
                set bit = bit + 1

        private static method initANDData takes nothing returns nothing
            set andData[0x00] = 0x0
            set andData[0x01] = 0x0
            set andData[0x02] = 0x0
            set andData[0x03] = 0x0
            set andData[0x04] = 0x0
            set andData[0x05] = 0x0
            set andData[0x06] = 0x0
            set andData[0x07] = 0x0
            set andData[0x08] = 0x0
            set andData[0x09] = 0x0
            set andData[0x0a] = 0x0
            set andData[0x0b] = 0x0
            set andData[0x0c] = 0x0
            set andData[0x0d] = 0x0
            set andData[0x0e] = 0x0
            set andData[0x0f] = 0x0
            set andData[0x10] = 0x0
            set andData[0x11] = 0x1
            set andData[0x12] = 0x0
            set andData[0x13] = 0x1
            set andData[0x14] = 0x0
            set andData[0x15] = 0x1
            set andData[0x16] = 0x0
            set andData[0x17] = 0x1
            set andData[0x18] = 0x0
            set andData[0x19] = 0x1
            set andData[0x1a] = 0x0
            set andData[0x1b] = 0x1
            set andData[0x1c] = 0x0
            set andData[0x1d] = 0x1
            set andData[0x1e] = 0x0
            set andData[0x1f] = 0x1
            set andData[0x20] = 0x0
            set andData[0x21] = 0x0
            set andData[0x22] = 0x2
            set andData[0x23] = 0x2
            set andData[0x24] = 0x0
            set andData[0x25] = 0x0
            set andData[0x26] = 0x2
            set andData[0x27] = 0x2
            set andData[0x28] = 0x0
            set andData[0x29] = 0x0
            set andData[0x2a] = 0x2
            set andData[0x2b] = 0x2
            set andData[0x2c] = 0x0
            set andData[0x2d] = 0x0
            set andData[0x2e] = 0x2
            set andData[0x2f] = 0x2
            set andData[0x30] = 0x0
            set andData[0x31] = 0x1
            set andData[0x32] = 0x2
            set andData[0x33] = 0x3
            set andData[0x34] = 0x0
            set andData[0x35] = 0x1
            set andData[0x36] = 0x2
            set andData[0x37] = 0x3
            set andData[0x38] = 0x0
            set andData[0x39] = 0x1
            set andData[0x3a] = 0x2
            set andData[0x3b] = 0x3
            set andData[0x3c] = 0x0
            set andData[0x3d] = 0x1
            set andData[0x3e] = 0x2
            set andData[0x3f] = 0x3
            set andData[0x40] = 0x0
            set andData[0x41] = 0x0
            set andData[0x42] = 0x0
            set andData[0x43] = 0x0
            set andData[0x44] = 0x4
            set andData[0x45] = 0x4
            set andData[0x46] = 0x4
            set andData[0x47] = 0x4
            set andData[0x48] = 0x0
            set andData[0x49] = 0x0
            set andData[0x4a] = 0x0
            set andData[0x4b] = 0x0
            set andData[0x4c] = 0x4
            set andData[0x4d] = 0x4
            set andData[0x4e] = 0x4
            set andData[0x4f] = 0x4
            set andData[0x50] = 0x0
            set andData[0x51] = 0x1
            set andData[0x52] = 0x0
            set andData[0x53] = 0x1
            set andData[0x54] = 0x4
            set andData[0x55] = 0x5
            set andData[0x56] = 0x4
            set andData[0x57] = 0x5
            set andData[0x58] = 0x0
            set andData[0x59] = 0x1
            set andData[0x5a] = 0x0
            set andData[0x5b] = 0x1
            set andData[0x5c] = 0x4
            set andData[0x5d] = 0x5
            set andData[0x5e] = 0x4
            set andData[0x5f] = 0x5
            set andData[0x60] = 0x0
            set andData[0x61] = 0x0
            set andData[0x62] = 0x2
            set andData[0x63] = 0x2
            set andData[0x64] = 0x4
            set andData[0x65] = 0x4
            set andData[0x66] = 0x6
            set andData[0x67] = 0x6
            set andData[0x68] = 0x0
            set andData[0x69] = 0x0
            set andData[0x6a] = 0x2
            set andData[0x6b] = 0x2
            set andData[0x6c] = 0x4
            set andData[0x6d] = 0x4
            set andData[0x6e] = 0x6
            set andData[0x6f] = 0x6
            set andData[0x70] = 0x0
            set andData[0x71] = 0x1
            set andData[0x72] = 0x2
            set andData[0x73] = 0x3
            set andData[0x74] = 0x4
            set andData[0x75] = 0x5
            set andData[0x76] = 0x6
            set andData[0x77] = 0x7
            set andData[0x78] = 0x0
            set andData[0x79] = 0x1
            set andData[0x7a] = 0x2
            set andData[0x7b] = 0x3
            set andData[0x7c] = 0x4
            set andData[0x7d] = 0x5
            set andData[0x7e] = 0x6
            set andData[0x7f] = 0x7
            set andData[0x80] = 0x0
            set andData[0x81] = 0x0
            set andData[0x82] = 0x0
            set andData[0x83] = 0x0
            set andData[0x84] = 0x0
            set andData[0x85] = 0x0
            set andData[0x86] = 0x0
            set andData[0x87] = 0x0
            set andData[0x88] = 0x8
            set andData[0x89] = 0x8
            set andData[0x8a] = 0x8
            set andData[0x8b] = 0x8
            set andData[0x8c] = 0x8
            set andData[0x8d] = 0x8
            set andData[0x8e] = 0x8
            set andData[0x8f] = 0x8
            set andData[0x90] = 0x0
            set andData[0x91] = 0x1
            set andData[0x92] = 0x0
            set andData[0x93] = 0x1
            set andData[0x94] = 0x0
            set andData[0x95] = 0x1
            set andData[0x96] = 0x0
            set andData[0x97] = 0x1
            set andData[0x98] = 0x8
            set andData[0x99] = 0x9
            set andData[0x9a] = 0x8
            set andData[0x9b] = 0x9
            set andData[0x9c] = 0x8
            set andData[0x9d] = 0x9
            set andData[0x9e] = 0x8
            set andData[0x9f] = 0x9
            set andData[0xa0] = 0x0
            set andData[0xa1] = 0x0
            set andData[0xa2] = 0x2
            set andData[0xa3] = 0x2
            set andData[0xa4] = 0x0
            set andData[0xa5] = 0x0
            set andData[0xa6] = 0x2
            set andData[0xa7] = 0x2
            set andData[0xa8] = 0x8
            set andData[0xa9] = 0x8
            set andData[0xaa] = 0xa
            set andData[0xab] = 0xa
            set andData[0xac] = 0x8
            set andData[0xad] = 0x8
            set andData[0xae] = 0xa
            set andData[0xaf] = 0xa
            set andData[0xb0] = 0x0
            set andData[0xb1] = 0x1
            set andData[0xb2] = 0x2
            set andData[0xb3] = 0x3
            set andData[0xb4] = 0x0
            set andData[0xb5] = 0x1
            set andData[0xb6] = 0x2
            set andData[0xb7] = 0x3
            set andData[0xb8] = 0x8
            set andData[0xb9] = 0x9
            set andData[0xba] = 0xa
            set andData[0xbb] = 0xb
            set andData[0xbc] = 0x8
            set andData[0xbd] = 0x9
            set andData[0xbe] = 0xa
            set andData[0xbf] = 0xb
            set andData[0xc0] = 0x0
            set andData[0xc1] = 0x0
            set andData[0xc2] = 0x0
            set andData[0xc3] = 0x0
            set andData[0xc4] = 0x4
            set andData[0xc5] = 0x4
            set andData[0xc6] = 0x4
            set andData[0xc7] = 0x4
            set andData[0xc8] = 0x8
            set andData[0xc9] = 0x8
            set andData[0xca] = 0x8
            set andData[0xcb] = 0x8
            set andData[0xcc] = 0xc
            set andData[0xcd] = 0xc
            set andData[0xce] = 0xc
            set andData[0xcf] = 0xc
            set andData[0xd0] = 0x0
            set andData[0xd1] = 0x1
            set andData[0xd2] = 0x0
            set andData[0xd3] = 0x1
            set andData[0xd4] = 0x4
            set andData[0xd5] = 0x5
            set andData[0xd6] = 0x4
            set andData[0xd7] = 0x5
            set andData[0xd8] = 0x8
            set andData[0xd9] = 0x9
            set andData[0xda] = 0x8
            set andData[0xdb] = 0x9
            set andData[0xdc] = 0xc
            set andData[0xdd] = 0xd
            set andData[0xde] = 0xc
            set andData[0xdf] = 0xd
            set andData[0xe0] = 0x0
            set andData[0xe1] = 0x0
            set andData[0xe2] = 0x2
            set andData[0xe3] = 0x2
            set andData[0xe4] = 0x4
            set andData[0xe5] = 0x4
            set andData[0xe6] = 0x6
            set andData[0xe7] = 0x6
            set andData[0xe8] = 0x8
            set andData[0xe9] = 0x8
            set andData[0xea] = 0xa
            set andData[0xeb] = 0xa
            set andData[0xec] = 0xc
            set andData[0xed] = 0xc
            set andData[0xee] = 0xe
            set andData[0xef] = 0xe
            set andData[0xf0] = 0x0
            set andData[0xf1] = 0x1
            set andData[0xf2] = 0x2
            set andData[0xf3] = 0x3
            set andData[0xf4] = 0x4
            set andData[0xf5] = 0x5
            set andData[0xf6] = 0x6
            set andData[0xf7] = 0x7
            set andData[0xf8] = 0x8
            set andData[0xf9] = 0x9
            set andData[0xfa] = 0xa
            set andData[0xfb] = 0xb
            set andData[0xfc] = 0xc
            set andData[0xfd] = 0xd
            set andData[0xfe] = 0xe
            set andData[0xff] = 0xf

        private static method initORData takes nothing returns nothing
            set orData[0x00] = 0x0
            set orData[0x01] = 0x1
            set orData[0x02] = 0x2
            set orData[0x03] = 0x3
            set orData[0x04] = 0x4
            set orData[0x05] = 0x5
            set orData[0x06] = 0x6
            set orData[0x07] = 0x7
            set orData[0x08] = 0x8
            set orData[0x09] = 0x9
            set orData[0x0a] = 0xa
            set orData[0x0b] = 0xb
            set orData[0x0c] = 0xc
            set orData[0x0d] = 0xd
            set orData[0x0e] = 0xe
            set orData[0x0f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x10] = 0x1
            set orData[0x11] = 0x1
            set orData[0x12] = 0x3
            set orData[0x13] = 0x3
            set orData[0x14] = 0x5
            set orData[0x15] = 0x5
            set orData[0x16] = 0x7
            set orData[0x17] = 0x7
            set orData[0x18] = 0x9
            set orData[0x19] = 0x9
            set orData[0x1a] = 0xb
            set orData[0x1b] = 0xb
            set orData[0x1c] = 0xd
            set orData[0x1d] = 0xd
            set orData[0x1e] = 0xf
            set orData[0x1f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x20] = 0x2
            set orData[0x21] = 0x3
            set orData[0x22] = 0x2
            set orData[0x23] = 0x3
            set orData[0x24] = 0x6
            set orData[0x25] = 0x7
            set orData[0x26] = 0x6
            set orData[0x27] = 0x7
            set orData[0x28] = 0xa
            set orData[0x29] = 0xb
            set orData[0x2a] = 0xa
            set orData[0x2b] = 0xb
            set orData[0x2c] = 0xe
            set orData[0x2d] = 0xf
            set orData[0x2e] = 0xe
            set orData[0x2f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x30] = 0x3
            set orData[0x31] = 0x3
            set orData[0x32] = 0x3
            set orData[0x33] = 0x3
            set orData[0x34] = 0x7
            set orData[0x35] = 0x7
            set orData[0x36] = 0x7
            set orData[0x37] = 0x7
            set orData[0x38] = 0xb
            set orData[0x39] = 0xb
            set orData[0x3a] = 0xb
            set orData[0x3b] = 0xb
            set orData[0x3c] = 0xf
            set orData[0x3d] = 0xf
            set orData[0x3e] = 0xf
            set orData[0x3f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x40] = 0x4
            set orData[0x41] = 0x5
            set orData[0x42] = 0x6
            set orData[0x43] = 0x7
            set orData[0x44] = 0x4
            set orData[0x45] = 0x5
            set orData[0x46] = 0x6
            set orData[0x47] = 0x7
            set orData[0x48] = 0xc
            set orData[0x49] = 0xd
            set orData[0x4a] = 0xe
            set orData[0x4b] = 0xf
            set orData[0x4c] = 0xc
            set orData[0x4d] = 0xd
            set orData[0x4e] = 0xe
            set orData[0x4f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x50] = 0x5
            set orData[0x51] = 0x5
            set orData[0x52] = 0x7
            set orData[0x53] = 0x7
            set orData[0x54] = 0x5
            set orData[0x55] = 0x5
            set orData[0x56] = 0x7
            set orData[0x57] = 0x7
            set orData[0x58] = 0xd
            set orData[0x59] = 0xd
            set orData[0x5a] = 0xf
            set orData[0x5b] = 0xf
            set orData[0x5c] = 0xd
            set orData[0x5d] = 0xd
            set orData[0x5e] = 0xf
            set orData[0x5f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x60] = 0x6
            set orData[0x61] = 0x7
            set orData[0x62] = 0x6
            set orData[0x63] = 0x7
            set orData[0x64] = 0x6
            set orData[0x65] = 0x7
            set orData[0x66] = 0x6
            set orData[0x67] = 0x7
            set orData[0x68] = 0xe
            set orData[0x69] = 0xf
            set orData[0x6a] = 0xe
            set orData[0x6b] = 0xf
            set orData[0x6c] = 0xe
            set orData[0x6d] = 0xf
            set orData[0x6e] = 0xe
            set orData[0x6f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x70] = 0x7
            set orData[0x71] = 0x7
            set orData[0x72] = 0x7
            set orData[0x73] = 0x7
            set orData[0x74] = 0x7
            set orData[0x75] = 0x7
            set orData[0x76] = 0x7
            set orData[0x77] = 0x7
            set orData[0x78] = 0xf
            set orData[0x79] = 0xf
            set orData[0x7a] = 0xf
            set orData[0x7b] = 0xf
            set orData[0x7c] = 0xf
            set orData[0x7d] = 0xf
            set orData[0x7e] = 0xf
            set orData[0x7f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x80] = 0x8
            set orData[0x81] = 0x9
            set orData[0x82] = 0xa
            set orData[0x83] = 0xb
            set orData[0x84] = 0xc
            set orData[0x85] = 0xd
            set orData[0x86] = 0xe
            set orData[0x87] = 0xf
            set orData[0x88] = 0x8
            set orData[0x89] = 0x9
            set orData[0x8a] = 0xa
            set orData[0x8b] = 0xb
            set orData[0x8c] = 0xc
            set orData[0x8d] = 0xd
            set orData[0x8e] = 0xe
            set orData[0x8f] = 0xf
            set orData[0x90] = 0x9
            set orData[0x91] = 0x9
            set orData[0x92] = 0xb
            set orData[0x93] = 0xb
            set orData[0x94] = 0xd
            set orData[0x95] = 0xd
            set orData[0x96] = 0xf
            set orData[0x97] = 0xf
            set orData[0x98] = 0x9
            set orData[0x99] = 0x9
            set orData[0x9a] = 0xb
            set orData[0x9b] = 0xb
            set orData[0x9c] = 0xd
            set orData[0x9d] = 0xd
            set orData[0x9e] = 0xf
            set orData[0x9f] = 0xf
            set orData[0xa0] = 0xa
            set orData[0xa1] = 0xb
            set orData[0xa2] = 0xa
            set orData[0xa3] = 0xb
            set orData[0xa4] = 0xe
            set orData[0xa5] = 0xf
            set orData[0xa6] = 0xe
            set orData[0xa7] = 0xf
            set orData[0xa8] = 0xa
            set orData[0xa9] = 0xb
            set orData[0xaa] = 0xa
            set orData[0xab] = 0xb
            set orData[0xac] = 0xe
            set orData[0xad] = 0xf
            set orData[0xae] = 0xe
            set orData[0xaf] = 0xf
            set orData[0xb0] = 0xb
            set orData[0xb1] = 0xb
            set orData[0xb2] = 0xb
            set orData[0xb3] = 0xb
            set orData[0xb4] = 0xf
            set orData[0xb5] = 0xf
            set orData[0xb6] = 0xf
            set orData[0xb7] = 0xf
            set orData[0xb8] = 0xb
            set orData[0xb9] = 0xb
            set orData[0xba] = 0xb
            set orData[0xbb] = 0xb
            set orData[0xbc] = 0xf
            set orData[0xbd] = 0xf
            set orData[0xbe] = 0xf
            set orData[0xbf] = 0xf
            set orData[0xc0] = 0xc
            set orData[0xc1] = 0xd
            set orData[0xc2] = 0xe
            set orData[0xc3] = 0xf
            set orData[0xc4] = 0xc
            set orData[0xc5] = 0xd
            set orData[0xc6] = 0xe
            set orData[0xc7] = 0xf
            set orData[0xc8] = 0xc
            set orData[0xc9] = 0xd
            set orData[0xca] = 0xe
            set orData[0xcb] = 0xf
            set orData[0xcc] = 0xc
            set orData[0xcd] = 0xd
            set orData[0xce] = 0xe
            set orData[0xcf] = 0xf
            set orData[0xd0] = 0xd
            set orData[0xd1] = 0xd
            set orData[0xd2] = 0xf
            set orData[0xd3] = 0xf
            set orData[0xd4] = 0xd
            set orData[0xd5] = 0xd
            set orData[0xd6] = 0xf
            set orData[0xd7] = 0xf
            set orData[0xd8] = 0xd
            set orData[0xd9] = 0xd
            set orData[0xda] = 0xf
            set orData[0xdb] = 0xf
            set orData[0xdc] = 0xd
            set orData[0xdd] = 0xd
            set orData[0xde] = 0xf
            set orData[0xdf] = 0xf
            set orData[0xe0] = 0xe
            set orData[0xe1] = 0xf
            set orData[0xe2] = 0xe
            set orData[0xe3] = 0xf
            set orData[0xe4] = 0xe
            set orData[0xe5] = 0xf
            set orData[0xe6] = 0xe
            set orData[0xe7] = 0xf
            set orData[0xe8] = 0xe
            set orData[0xe9] = 0xf
            set orData[0xea] = 0xe
            set orData[0xeb] = 0xf
            set orData[0xec] = 0xe
            set orData[0xed] = 0xf
            set orData[0xee] = 0xe
            set orData[0xef] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf0] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf1] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf2] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf3] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf4] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf5] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf6] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf7] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf8] = 0xf
            set orData[0xf9] = 0xf
            set orData[0xfa] = 0xf
            set orData[0xfb] = 0xf
            set orData[0xfc] = 0xf
            set orData[0xfd] = 0xf
            set orData[0xfe] = 0xf
            set orData[0xff] = 0xf

        private static method initXORData takes nothing returns nothing
            set xorData[0x0] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x1] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x2] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x3] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x4] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x5] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x6] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x7] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x8] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x9] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xa] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xb] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xc] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xd] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xe] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xf] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x10] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x11] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x12] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x13] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x14] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x15] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x16] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x17] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x18] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x19] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x1a] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x1b] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x1c] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x1d] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x1e] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x1f] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x20] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x21] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x22] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x23] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x24] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x25] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x26] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x27] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x28] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x29] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x2a] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x2b] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x2c] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x2d] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x2e] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x2f] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x30] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x31] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x32] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x33] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x34] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x35] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x36] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x37] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x38] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x39] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x3a] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x3b] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x3c] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x3d] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x3e] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x3f] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x40] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x41] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x42] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x43] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x44] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x45] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x46] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x47] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x48] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x49] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x4a] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x4b] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x4c] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x4d] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x4e] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x4f] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x50] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x51] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x52] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x53] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x54] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x55] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x56] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x57] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x58] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x59] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x5a] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x5b] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x5c] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x5d] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x5e] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x5f] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x60] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x61] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x62] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x63] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x64] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x65] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x66] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x67] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x68] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x69] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x6a] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x6b] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x6c] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x6d] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x6e] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x6f] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x70] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x71] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x72] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x73] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x74] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x75] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x76] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x77] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x78] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x79] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x7a] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x7b] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x7c] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x7d] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x7e] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x7f] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x80] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x81] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x82] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x83] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x84] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x85] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x86] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x87] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x88] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x89] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x8a] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x8b] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x8c] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x8d] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x8e] = 0x6
            set xorData[0x8f] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x90] = 0x9
            set xorData[0x91] = 0x8
            set xorData[0x92] = 0xb
            set xorData[0x93] = 0xa
            set xorData[0x94] = 0xd
            set xorData[0x95] = 0xc
            set xorData[0x96] = 0xf
            set xorData[0x97] = 0xe
            set xorData[0x98] = 0x1
            set xorData[0x99] = 0x0
            set xorData[0x9a] = 0x3
            set xorData[0x9b] = 0x2
            set xorData[0x9c] = 0x5
            set xorData[0x9d] = 0x4
            set xorData[0x9e] = 0x7
            set xorData[0x9f] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xa0] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xa1] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xa2] = 0x8
            set xorData[0xa3] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xa4] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xa5] = 0xf
            set xorData[0xa6] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xa7] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xa8] = 0x2
            set xorData[0xa9] = 0x3
            set xorData[0xaa] = 0x0
            set xorData[0xab] = 0x1
            set xorData[0xac] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xad] = 0x7
            set xorData[0xae] = 0x4
            set xorData[0xaf] = 0x5
            set xorData[0xb0] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xb1] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xb2] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xb3] = 0x8
            set xorData[0xb4] = 0xf
            set xorData[0xb5] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xb6] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xb7] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xb8] = 0x3
            set xorData[0xb9] = 0x2
            set xorData[0xba] = 0x1
            set xorData[0xbb] = 0x0
            set xorData[0xbc] = 0x7
            set xorData[0xbd] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xbe] = 0x5
            set xorData[0xbf] = 0x4
            set xorData[0xc0] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xc1] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xc2] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xc3] = 0xf
            set xorData[0xc4] = 0x8
            set xorData[0xc5] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xc6] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xc7] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xc8] = 0x4
            set xorData[0xc9] = 0x5
            set xorData[0xca] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xcb] = 0x7
            set xorData[0xcc] = 0x0
            set xorData[0xcd] = 0x1
            set xorData[0xce] = 0x2
            set xorData[0xcf] = 0x3
            set xorData[0xd0] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xd1] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xd2] = 0xf
            set xorData[0xd3] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xd4] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xd5] = 0x8
            set xorData[0xd6] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xd7] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xd8] = 0x5
            set xorData[0xd9] = 0x4
            set xorData[0xda] = 0x7
            set xorData[0xdb] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xdc] = 0x1
            set xorData[0xdd] = 0x0
            set xorData[0xde] = 0x3
            set xorData[0xdf] = 0x2
            set xorData[0xe0] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xe1] = 0xf
            set xorData[0xe2] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xe3] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xe4] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xe5] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xe6] = 0x8
            set xorData[0xe7] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xe8] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xe9] = 0x7
            set xorData[0xea] = 0x4
            set xorData[0xeb] = 0x5
            set xorData[0xec] = 0x2
            set xorData[0xed] = 0x3
            set xorData[0xee] = 0x0
            set xorData[0xef] = 0x1
            set xorData[0xf0] = 0xf
            set xorData[0xf1] = 0xe
            set xorData[0xf2] = 0xd
            set xorData[0xf3] = 0xc
            set xorData[0xf4] = 0xb
            set xorData[0xf5] = 0xa
            set xorData[0xf6] = 0x9
            set xorData[0xf7] = 0x8
            set xorData[0xf8] = 0x7
            set xorData[0xf9] = 0x6
            set xorData[0xfa] = 0x5
            set xorData[0xfb] = 0x4
            set xorData[0xfc] = 0x3
            set xorData[0xfd] = 0x2
            set xorData[0xfe] = 0x1
            set xorData[0xff] = 0x0

        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call initShiftData()
            call initANDData()
            call initORData()
            call initXORData()

I've used loops for sbyte l/r initialization what reduced the code lines by roughly 486. This does not break OP limit and since its performed only during initialization I think it's fine. I haven't done similar thing with AND/OR/XOR though.

And, btw, guys I had to do this: I've counted those "miscellanous" libs, and result is 12. Thats an absurd ;>

I was thinking on removing lbyte & rbyte structs and instead providing additional methods for sbyte:
    struct sbyte extends array
        static method l takes integer val returns integer
            return leftByte[val]

        static method r takes integer val returns integer
            return rightByte[val]
    // (...)
There is also a possibility to remove some of the arrays and instead use one, which contains all the neccesary data.

Whatever you wish.
Last edited:
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
why didnt you put your name into it as well, since you did the work to couple it into one trigger/thread? :D

your shifting is inefficient, make it a array, since when you shift you always divide/multiply by shift, so you can store it in 1 array and then divide/multiply as required :D
I did put it. Bannar it is.
My nick was never Spinnaker, it's my brothers nick with which he bashes nubs in diamond lol/dota leagues and ton of other games. I've already contacted Ralle, now I just pm staff and name change is done.

@regarding array - I was sick of arrays after coupling this. Will fix that tomorrow, last thing I'm doing today is watching LoL NA Lcs. Thanks for feedback, appreciated.
Updated to
2^n (where n >= 0 && n <= 32) are stored within array for extra speed when computing shift operations.
What do you think about other propositions? Meaning usage of single array instead of 6; removal of (l/r)byte and adding (l/r) methods? This would reduce array count by 2 on top of 5 from first proposition.

Honestly, left/right subbytes are mostly to be used within AND/OR/NOT as internal functions to ease process of actuall bitwise operation. I see no real reason why one would use them apart from that. Removing these handy structs may be less convinient but equivalent methods will still be held within sbyte struct.

I'm not forcing anything, don't get me wrong.



Level 13
Feb 13, 2008
You either give pros/cons - elaborate or your post is empty.

Meh, and i thought linking an alternative would be enough for the curious.
But here is the spoon:

* It's a third the size of this
* It's way more readable
* It uses only one array
* It has less features
* It's faster
* It's a third the size of this
Couting init yes, without, nope.
* It's way more readable
It got fked up identation, no spaces, no lines, bad function naming (original byte libs here, on hive had at least: OR32 or B_OR) - leaving just OR is some bad design. No lib description/API listed - someone new to this resources might find it usefull to have API listed at the top instead of being forced to check whats in there.
* It uses only one array
I've already proposed 1 array version (at first, read topic plis). None replied, and since it's resource gathered up from 14 libs mostly by Nes and Mag, I've not uploaded it.
* It has less features
Nail in the coffin. This got more features, it's more convenient in usage and has rotate r/l. More features is win win here, we don't need to be always oriented into speed.
* It's faster
Again, not true. This is much faster when using OR/AND/XOR in 0x0 - 0xFF range. In 32 case, sure it's slower.

Edit: On top of that, the linked script is not initialized with module initializer i.e it fails when using OR/anything for e.g in random struct initializer.
Last edited:
Might want to include this stuff just to make it complete. The stuff on github isn't the latest. Right now this is in JASS form for shadowvzs. You'd want to change udg_powArr to just powArr, add a globals block with it, and move the trigger function that initializes udg_powArr into a module initializer.

function Bits2String32 takes integer num returns string
    local string str0 = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
    local string str = ""
    local integer bit0 = 0
    if (num < 0) then
        set bit0 = 1
        set num = -2147483648 + num
        exitwhen 0 == num
        set str = I2S(num - num/2*2) + str
        set num = num/2
    return I2S(bit0) + SubString(str0, 0, 31 - StringLength(str)) + str

function Bits2String takes integer num returns string
    local string str0 = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
    local string str = ""
    local integer bit0 = 0
    if (num < 0) then
        set bit0 = 1
        set num = -2147483648 + num
        exitwhen 0 == num
        set str = I2S(num - num/2*2) + str
        set num = num/2
    if (0 == bit0) then
        return str
    return I2S(bit0) + SubString(str0, 0, 31 - StringLength(str)) + str

function GetBitSize takes integer bits returns integer
    local integer low = 0
    local integer high = 31
    local integer mid = 15
    if (0 == bits) then
        return 0
    elseif (0 > bits) then
        return 32
        if (bits < udg_powArr[mid - 1]) then
            set high = mid - 1
            set low = mid + 1
        set mid = (high + low)/2
        exitwhen high < low
    return mid

function GetFreeBits takes integer bits returns integer
    return 32 - GetBitSize(bits)

function WriteBits takes integer bits, integer bitsToWrite, integer bitsToOccupy returns integer
    return bits*udg_powArr[bitsToOccupy] + bitsToWrite

function ReadBitsBack takes integer bits, integer bitCount returns integer
    if (bits < 0) then
        return (bits - 2147483648)/udg_powArr[32 - bitCount] + udg_powArr[bitCount - 1]
        return bits/udg_powArr[32 - bitCount]

function ReadBitsFront takes integer bits, integer bitCount returns integer
    if (bits < 0) then
        if (bitCount == 32) then
            return bits
        set bits = bits - 2147483648
    return bits - bits/udg_powArr[bitCount]*udg_powArr[bitCount]

function PopBitsFront takes integer bits, integer bitsToPop returns integer
    if (bits < 0) then
        return (bits - 2147483648)/udg_powArr[bitsToPop] + udg_powArr[31 - bitsToPop]
        return bits/udg_powArr[bitsToPop]

function PopBitsBack takes integer bits, integer bitsToPop returns integer
    if (bits < 0) then
        if (bitsToPop == 0) then
            return bits
        set bits = bits - 2147483648
        return bits - bits/udg_powArr[32 - bitsToPop]*udg_powArr[32 - bitsToPop]
        return bits - bits/udg_powArr[31 - bitsToPop]*udg_powArr[31 - bitsToPop]

function ReadBits takes integer bits, integer bitStart, integer bitEnd returns integer
    return ReadBitsFront(PopBitsFront(bits, bitStart), bitEnd - bitStart + 1)

function GetBitNumber takes integer bits returns integer
    return udg_powArr[bits - 1]

function ShiftLeft takes integer bits, integer shift returns integer
    return bits*udg_powArr[shift]

function ShiftRight takes integer bits, integer shift returns integer
    return PopBitsFront(bits, shift)

function RotateLeft takes integer bits, integer shift returns integer
    return ShiftLeft(bits, shift) + ReadBits(bits, 0, shift - 1)

function RotateRight takes integer bits, integer shift returns integer
    return ShiftRight(bits, shift) + ReadBits(bits, 32 - shift, 31)*udg_powArr[32 - shift]
function InitTrig_Bitmanip_library takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 1
    set udg_powArr[0] = 1
        set udg_powArr[i] = udg_powArr[i - 1]*2
        set i = i + 1
        exitwhen i == 32
    set udg_powArr[32] = -2147483648
documentation can be found on github page

the rest can be found here (including what was changed)


Althought we may actually want to consider the above to be a full separate library, which is how I had it, but I know I do go way farther than what people like. Your call. Right now it's called BitManip. The shifts and rotations are also a lot faster for 32 bit numbers and ofc are logical shifts. If you right shift a negative number, it's not going to fill the thing with 1's. Maybe there should be a logical shift and regular shift though. The regular shift will, if the number == -1, return -1.
Level 1
Jan 8, 2020
So I was looking for possible bit shift optimization for my bonus lib.

Just out of curiosity.. in what scenario is this useful? IMO the only places where I'd use bitwise ops over mul/div are to save space (e.g. memory allocators) or to improve performance (e.g. i = i / 2 vs i >>= 1, although any decent compilers today would optimize them to be the same).

If bitwise ops use more space and more time I personally don't see any point using it.
Level 1
Jan 8, 2020
This makes me question the design of JASS. Why not make them part of the JASS operators. like & | ^ ~ in C. Also integer modulo is apparently a native function too.. why not just introduce %. This way it saves at least one call and return in bytecode. Unless JASS has an optimizer to inline the natives during bytecode compilation.
Because that would be incompatible with JassHelper. And modulo is actually a normal function, declared in Blizzard.j, not a native. I've heard that they added % as an operator in some recent version, and it's not recognized by vJASS, so it's pretty useless. This is why they added Lua, because JASS is a horrible language with many performance and design issues, which is honestly not surprising. Hard to compare an in-house language developed for a game 20 years ago to any actual language that is professionally used.