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Slender v1.4

Hello Hive! This is my second map I have released on here. This is just a simple quick map I created in a day for some fun with my mates and I decided I may as well put it on here because I was enjoying it quite a bit

This map is about the myth/legend of the Slenderman. The Slenderman is a very tall, faceless, white humanoid that hunts children to decorate his forest with their organs. Slenderman doesn't usually hunt older age people (20 +) but if you enter his territory he will find you and kill you. The most frightening thing about the Slenderman is how he can find you so easily and his terrifying faceless head.

In this particular map there are 1 - 4 hikers and a human or AI controlled Slenderman (so total of 5 people). You can choose how many people there are currently playing the hikers and you can also decide how all of them will view the map; either in first person or bird's eye view. First person view you can control with the arrow keys. This camera view is very difficult because it is hard to perfect the movement and you move slightly slower than you do if you were in bird's eye view. So basically going FP is extremely difficult compared to bird's eye view.

The basic idea of this map is to collect all 6 notes the Slenderman leaves around the area (to mark his territory) to try to figure out what is going on. After you collect all 6 pages and place them back into the jeep, you win! If the Slenderman kills all of the hikers he wins!

tldr: Feature List.
- 1 - 5 Players (You can play as Slender).
- 2 Camera view options, First person or Bird's Eye view.
- Smooth First Person view.
- Smooth arrow key movement.
- Able to pick up notes by pressing E.
- Able to put the notes in the Jeep by pressing R.
(You don't even need to use the mouse if FP mode.)
- Creepy Slender model.
- There is Slender AI.




Very Special thanks to these people:
EviL_BuddhA - For the model of the Notes. Thank you!
The_Witcher - For the amazing Arrow Key Movement system. Thank you!!
Doomlord - For helping me create the Pick Up Item ability.
Dragon 99 K - For the Slenderman model.
Illidan(Evil)X - For the Truck model.

In this small patch I added a few things in a fixed some issues.

Firstly I have added a decent ending to the game rather than it just ending. I have fixed the issues with the camera. Made the Slenderman spawn at a random point on the map. Added fog! Lets see how this goes!

Added more sounds (e.g at the end), randomly when you are playing a 'jump scare' sound might go off at random.

Whats to come in version 1.2?

Soon I will make the notes spawn on random parts of the map (in their own area) so hopefully this will increase the difficulty for the hikers. I want to add a picture that will pop at random times (like the jump scare sound) and that is about it. I hope you enjoy the fixes and new ending plus sounds. Thanks!

Well here is 1.2 at last! I am more than happy to say that I have found an amazing arrow key movement system all thanks to The_Witcher! The first person camera and the movement feels so much smoother. I have removed the introduction because I was coming across malfunctions with the triggers not functioning. But I'll try to fix this in a later patch.

Only down side to this amazing new movement system is.... It only works for one hiker.. Yeah sorry guys... Basically if there is only one hiker (doesn't matter if there is a slenderman or not) then you are able to go into first person, if there are more of you, you can only play the map in bird's eye view. I hope i can make it so first person can be chosen between everyone but for now this is all I can do.

I'll explain the new movement system a little. Firstly if you double tab the up Arrow you will run faster than normal (this does work with your Run! ability), if you double tab Down Arrow you will do a full 180 turn but if you press it once and hold it you will step backwards slowly. Pressing the left or right arrow keys will make you turn in that direction but if you double tab the button you will strafe in that direction.

Notes will now spawn at random places in the general area the were previously. With this new update it is actually a LOT harder for the hikers.

I have also added more features to the map such as 2 new small areas a note can spawn in, a line of bushes along the path making it hard to see into the trees, you can walk through dead trees (for convenience), various rocks and flowers were placed around the map and some areas were detailed.

Sorry for the heavy amount of text but I hope this new version makes the game feel smoother :)

Quite a few changes.

- All hikers can now use first person mode and the arrow key movement system.

- Changed Slender's model

- Changed these abilities:
- Slender Step. Each level reduces the cooldown and at level 3 allows him to teleport further away. Mana cost reduced to 5 down from 10.
- Hunt. Changed the movement speed per level. At level 1 the movement speed is only + 20% and has a 12 second cooldown but at level 3 has a 9 second cooldown and gives + 40% movement speed. Duration increased to 4 seconds up from 3 seconds.
- Run! Now only lasts 1.5 seconds down from 3 seconds. You can use Run! and double tap the forward arrow key to run even faster (only in FP)
- Pick Up Item. This is a new ability, when hiker uses it he will pick up a random note with in 400 units of him.

- Changed the mana and mana regen of both Slenderman and the hikers. The hiker's mana regen is very low so use your abilities wisely. Slenderman's mana regen is a lot better than the hikers but he uses his abilities more often. Hikers have 100 mana, Slender has 150.

- Added Slenderman AI. He hunts down random people all over the map, uses his Hunt ability and teleports to random parts of the map. Make Slender a computer if you want the AI to work.

- Winning for the hikers is now easier. Instead of making one of the hikers hold all of the notes, the hikers win if there is no notes left on the ground, so just pick them all up.

- When a hiker dies he now gains vision of his fellow humans and his camera becomes unlocked.

- Fixed a bug where once slenderman has killed 3 humans he couldn't use his abilities.

I added a lot more detail to the game and made some abilities more convenient.

- Changed win conditions for Hikers. Hikers now must place their notes into the Jeep for them to win, Slenderman's win condition is the same.

- Hikers have a new ability Place Note. This ability give the notes in your inventory to the Jeep. This is to remove the tedious way of clicking it and dropping it on top of the Jeep. Only use this ability to place the notes into the Jeep.

- Hikers have slightly more mana regen. It's now 0.1 up from 0.05

- Changed Flare, you no longer have to point at the position you want flare to land. Pressing W now instantly casts Flare and gives you 1000 vision around your unit. It costs less 5 mana down from 20 now.

- Moved the ending scene close to the Jeep and smoothed it out a little.

- Slenderman now gets pings on the map where Hikers are every 40 seconds.

- Slenderman now gets pings for the position of the hikers are when they picked up note, not the position of the note.

- Added a multiboard that tells you what notes have been picked up, dropped and placed in the jeep (they are called Safe). Everyone sees this board.

- Changed the models and names for player 3 and player 4. This is because of animation issues when using the keyboard movement system.

Slender, Slenderman, Tall Man, Survival, FPS, First Person, View, Camera, Notes, Hard, Easy, Multiplayer

Slender v1.4 (Map)

Orcnet18:54, 22th June 2013 Map Approved Slender (Version 1.3) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D RateScorePercentLetter...




Orcnet18:54, 22th June 2013



Map Approved
Slender (Version 1.3)









"Slender" is a Survival map and its based to the original indie game 'Slenderman: The 8 pages'. only 5 players slot in total where a 4-man team called the Hikers must collect 6 pages to win while solo-team the Slenderman must kill all Hikers to win the game.

"A cool gameplay and useful with friends online and others but the visuals is a bit different and in a cool way should I suggest how about randomize the 6 pages or items in the game so the players replaying this map won't memorize or tactically survive the map, also make a dialog that gives page counts in example of 6-8 more items to collect, lastly when using the Slenderman make a trigger that shakes or express a red fog in the map when the Slenderman is near a Hiker to give thrill."



"Terrain needs more work but I can still accept that, from the looks of it your trying to ditch more trees for the hikers to not end up having a bad view in a 3rd person sight, how about fill the map with River Rushes and turn it as a replacement for mass grass, or any else give the map a grassy look that way it can still resemble the original game."



"To my game test, map is fair but I hope you can read the revisions I have explained it can really help you from giving more boost of gameplay."

Total Score:

Level 4
Mar 29, 2012
What you have to do?
-Improve your description and get inspire from description expert.
-Put some screenshots/videos.
-Put "Credits to:..."
-Tell us more about the map.

If you do not follow this steps,your resources may no chance to get approve by Resources Moderator.
Think carefully,lad.
Level 7
Sep 8, 2011
Hey kingston45! Thanks for the input but there isn't really much more to tell unless I talk about the different spells you can use. Screenshots and Videos will be done soon (hopefully) but I am pretty sure it isn't necessary to have them. I did add credits in the description and in the game "Very Special thanks to these people:" :).

I will consider all of these tips though, thanks! :D
Level 7
Sep 8, 2011
Like I said on in the description meatfactory, this was just for my mates and I thought others could enjoy this too! But you do bring up good points. I will work on them in my spare time :) this was just something I wanted people to have fun with. Thanks for the help!

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Hey do you play on northend? Can you host this? Would love to give it a try :/
Level 2
Oct 23, 2011
Nice map concept but it lacks special effects and triggering... There is 1 w3 map that has super nice effects called "MWS" or maniac with saw. you should really check those special effects.
Level 4
Jan 28, 2013
Well when I played it you just chased around the other players with your few abilities. And it never got more complex nothing like that. I think its very important for a game to progress and not become the same thing over and over. So I would suggest maybe items for the chasers and runners randomly spawned, or make the chaser a hero and give him some abilities and make him gain experience over time periodically. And the trigger that says the notes says "(name of (note item)) has been found" which can be confusing when they find note 3 first and makes it harder to keep track of how many have been found. So I think it should just say x number of notes have been found. Everytime a new one is found. And maybe add a multiboard showing whose alive and which notes they found.
Level 9
Sep 8, 2011
:O Thank you very much for the suggestions, next time I work on the map again I will defiantly be adding in those things. These sound amazing :D Thanks again :)

Maybe I can add suggestions? So I was thinking about when you get all 6 pages, you move on to the next level. Kind of like Slender: The Arrival. Maybe making the 6 generators on? Or close all 6 windows and doors. Would be pretty nice if it had more levels. I haven't really looked into it, does it have THAT kind of music?
Level 7
Sep 8, 2011
I did add music from the original Slender the 8 Pages game :).

I don't really understand what you are saying sigelang o_O

Also thank you so much Orcnet for reviewing my map :)
Next time I go back to this I will be tweaking it with your suggestions and other peoples ideas too :D.
Last edited:
Level 4
May 4, 2011
Here's what I noticed-

-Slender AI or maybe a player too is sliding, lol!
-When on Bird's view, as i used the pick up skill while moving, i saw my character not playing its moving animation (Moonwalk when i move backwards xD)
-the skill flare, while on first person, is hard to use.. maybe a new skill on first person

But still scary xD 4/5!!
Level 7
Sep 8, 2011
Slender has no animations, he is just a sliding man! :p.

If I knew how to animate him I would but sadly no D: .

As for the humans sliding around I didn't notice this :O thanks for pointing it out!

The flare i'm not so sure about, i might make it so when you use the ability it casts it in front of you.
Level 4
May 4, 2011
Slender has no animations, he is just a sliding man! :p.

If I knew how to animate him I would but sadly no D:

Lol, sorry 'bout that.. cuz for me, it's funny in bird's view xD

As for the humans sliding around I didn't notice this :O thanks for pointing it out!

No problem :))

The flare i'm not so sure about, i might make it so when you use the ability it casts it in front of you.

That's better :D
Level 3
Nov 24, 2014
Oh my what a wonderful map, so unique with it's First Person View, I would love to do a Video with this, but sadly, I have no webcam, Anyway the concept is Gorgeous, I love the First Person View, it makes things more...interesting... but you know what could improve, if you add static to the slenderman when he comes near, but overall, Great, I got scared first try!

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I have no webcam
You don't need webcam :) Someone popular like Huskystarcraft has webcam, but doesn't use it in his videos, for example in the Walking Dead series he just started.

But real-time voice commentary is important. Kind of meaningless to watch a gaming video with no impressions and reactions in my opinion.