Hiya, i played a game (Veun's DnD) and some skins i liked. So i copyed and pasted the MDL's to my map i am making. and then i placed the 7 units on teh ground to see if they turned out fine, AND they did! i was uber happy. So then i tested the map. Guess what? al the units werent there! all i could see where there shadows. So i tabbed out and went to my editor. there were 7 GCOD's (Green Cubes Of Doom). the units MDL's are Judah2(Sword)2a.mdl , Units\DwarfWarrior.mdl , HeroWhiteManeDruidX.mdl , RedDragonFirePhalanx.mdl , AzureDragonJudicator.mdl , DragonCallerofFire.mdl , And ElvenSpearmen.mdl. soooooo, anyone know how to fix this?