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Skinner and Icon maker needed for Acolyte's RPG

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Hello everyone.

Currently Acolyte's RPG is goign great, but I've realized lately that I have a desperate need for skinners and icon...ers.

- Experienced
- Active
- You must have QUALITY work to show. I dont want people showing their stuff made in paint trying to get into the project

I have a space open for Skinner - Iconer - Both If I get someone who can do both then I will not need anyone else.

- Acolyte
Level 11
Nov 9, 2004
i can i can

ohh i cant wait for your rpg.i volunteer to do this.plz go to my icon and skin workshop.i am not very good wiht icons but i can do skins np.i will olny do 3 skins max for you at a time, i am very busy and have many skins on my hands.
Level 8
Oct 5, 2004
i can help. I just expericanced a new teqnique, now my skins look great. Ill be active to do the skins for it after i finish my crystal giant (tree of life made out of CRYSTALS!!! topaz diamond ruby emrald saphire gold silver bronze , and maybe petrified wood.) hehe. So far ive done face.
Level 8
Oct 5, 2004
halo,Ur retarted arn't u? Its like, why go and make a skin and icon workshop if you've never made a skin and ur icons are crap? And if u had a brain that was actuly bigger then a few penuts then you would actuly know that my first ten skins used filter u retard, Its all freehand if u can read.
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