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Skin requests!

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Level 2
Nov 18, 2004
I added this topic becouse I want to request skins, and there will also be open for other ppl to write their requests too, hopefully some skilled skinners drop by, and read some request and we get what we want :p

Request 1 [18.Nov 15:00]:
A sorcerer looking like Christina Aguilera or another sexy artist! I want to use this in my upcomming rpg :wink:
I hope that a skilled skinner takes this reqquest, I know that it is going to be very difficult :p
Level 2
Nov 18, 2004
Am I breaking any rules with this topic?
If so, which one, I can't seem to find it.

Saikann, I though of this "version" of Christina:

But without that red dress and have some military clothes instead.. like a khaki-bikini :p
Level 13
May 5, 2004
Perhaps this one:

Only Request Resources In The Request Forum

Aside from spell or tirgger work, all requests must be posted in the Requests Forum. This is one of the most violated rule, so strict action will be taken on anyone who violates it. Also make sure before posting in the Requests forum that you have read and understood the Request Forum Information sticky in thge Request forum. Failure to do so will result in strict action.


edit: damn sai, don't type while I'm posting :lol:
ok, now you were warned by sai
Level 2
Nov 18, 2004
Ohh, :oops: sry.. I didn't see it, but now I know..
hehe.. I just didn't look for a request forum.. I clicked when I saw the skin forum, didn't think of that it was a request forum.... :oops:
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