
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
It is a map of different types of Skeletons fighting in Outland, they are fighting to be the new champion of the Lich King. You can also ally the other players to play united or to attack the Hellfire Citadel or Black Temple. I made this map myself and my brother's help.
The resource is mine.

-Red player select the Kills to win. It can be 25, 50 or 100 kills.
-You can ally with other players by typing -ally [color].
-There are 6 Heros to choose, each one has: a starting ability; 5 abilities to pick with 10 levels every ability; at level 60 you gain a new ability; at level 70 your starting ability is upgraded.
-Max level is 70.
-All bosses are immune to stun and movement impairing effects, with the exception of Akama, Magtheridon and Teron Gorefiend.
-Items with their name gray are the worst, items with white name are better than gray ones, items with green name are better than white ones, items with blue name are better than green ones, items with purple name are better than blue ones.

Thanks to "Lord_Arai" for the "Show Damage and Spells 1.0" system, but i modified it a bit.
Thanks to Retera for the Skeleton Marine model (found in google).
Thanks to DonDustin for the Skeleton Murloc model (from Hiveworkshop).
Thanks to ''Kitabatake'' for the ''Footman Armor'' and ''Helmet'' model (from Hiveworkshop).
Thanks to ''jatter2'' for the ''OrcAxe'' and ''trisword'' model (from Hiveworkshop).
Thanks to ''-SkatinG_CoW-'' for the ''Shoulderplates(lowpoly)'' model (from Hiveworkshop).
Thanks to ''Necrokenis'' for the ''Teron Gorefiend'' model (from Hiveworkshop).
Thanks to ''SirNathan'' for the ''Magician Staff'' model (from Hiveworkshop).
Thanks to ''Pyritie'' for the ''Caster Hand attachments'' model (from Hiveworkshop).
Taken the names of many creeps a from the MMORPG Tibia.
Taken many sounds, icons and ideas from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, World of Warcraft and it's expansions.

New shop.
Lumber is no longer used.
Skeleton Mage book spell is more randomized.
Changed revival system.
Expanded background history.
Changed all terrain from starting zone.
Hints are now correct.
Corrected typos.
Permanent items no longer have charges.
Mage Spellbook is more randomized.
Kill system is better.
Now there are items that increase spell damage of the mages.
All Bosses and mini-bosses are Immune to stun except Magtheridon, Akama and Teron Gorefiend.
Fixed more bugs!

Items that dropped when you died in previous version no longer drops.
Leviathan now can be targeted by spells.
Red no longer unally from Light Blue.
NPC's added with quests.
Varedis Boss no longer causes lag.
Skeleton Mage is stronger at the beggining but equal as previous version at the end.
Skeleton Murloc abilities costs less mana.
Skeletons now respawn invisible and camera go to the hero.
Fixed ability of Illidari Defiler.
Corrected some items that didn't say as the tooltip.
Fixed Searing Arrow's bug of the Skeleton Archer.
Hints now show properly.
Now you can vote if you want to see the cinematic or not.
Fixed Cinematic.
Optional quest easier to understand. And cinematics were added to the quest.
Added credits gameplay and commands in Quest Log.
Added a system to show the spells casted and the damage done with floating messages.
Levels of the creeps now fit the power of the creeps.

Removed Splash damage from many enemies.
New Creeps spawn later.
Balanced Heros.
Added Music.
Weakened some enemies.
Added special events.
Fixed various dialogue scrpits.
Removed Song of I am Murloc due to space issue.
Revamped Magtheridon spells.
Level Cap Raised to 70.
Added one ability per hero at level 70.
Added more cinematics.
Added more enemies of Tibia.
Fixed ability "Reincarnation" of Skeleton Grunt.
Fixed ability of Skeleton Murloc.
Fixed crash.
New loading screen.
Added a necromancer for each skeleton to explain you.
Added Black Temple as an instance, with all its Bosses, trash mobs, summons, abilities, items and terrain of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.

Akama, Skeletons, Magtheridon, Hellfire Citadel, Lich King, Kel'Thuzad, Tibia, Black Temple, Teron Gorefiend's Vigil, Necromancer, Master of Pain

SkeletonsV3.0c (Map)

13:40, 27th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2: Don't upload such low quality maps here, see post #8/13, Rejected.




13:40, 27th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Don't upload such low quality maps here, see post #8/13, Rejected.
Level 4
May 6, 2008
I hope you like my map. If you find a bug please post it, also post if you have a suggestion.
Please rate my map if you liked it:thumbs_up: or if you disliked it:thumbs_down:.
In some of the next versions I will put new skeletonal-hero, i will import more skeleton models from hiveworkshop :smile:.

I like the skeletons in warcraft III :grin:.
Last edited:
Level 2
Feb 12, 2009
Man this thing that murloc skeleton has negative mana regen really sucks. :/
i think u should put a minor mana regen instead.:thumbs_up:
Level 1
Apr 25, 2009
I'll try your map out and when i have had a good go at it i'll get back to you on what i thought of it.
I've always wanted to make a map with an emphasis on skellys.
Maybe i can get some tips from your map :).
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
>Use the quest menu for the credits. Their appearance in the cinematic distracts a little.
>Make the cinematic skippable.
>You need terrain improvements in the cineamtic. Using just one tile is not good.
>When the game starts I have to choose the number of kills. The message about its description comes before this message & due to this I cannot read that. Use a little wait.
>Use the quest menu for description of the gameplay also.
>When I choose my hero then the camera should automatically shift to my hero's position. Otherwise my hero once died before I even reached him.
>You have used quite a lot of area in the middle for a 2 tiles. Add wildlife. Use rocks & shrubs etc. too. Height variations are needed. Use different trees too.
>You need to let the optional quest come one by one. They came all of sudden without much background for them. Let one come after one before it is complete.
>Take care of the levels of the creeps. Level7 assassin is weaker than level3 aqueous spawn.
>Magtheridon was killed in "The Frozen Throne" before The Lich King came into existence so you need to change the name.
>The map can use better details for the gameplay. I am moving around killing creeps but don't know exactly what to do. As I mentioned the optional quests came without descriptions & directions etc. so it is a setback for me currently.
>When my hero dies then the necromancer's face appears but his dialogue do not. They appear only in the log.
>It is good that you have taken care of credits properly.
With that said I used iseedeadpeople to take a look on the terrain of the map. The terrain is poor & it is just creeps randomly placed.

Rating : 1/5 & Vote For Disapproval

Improved description, terrain, story(currently against warcraft lore) etc. are needed for its approval.
Level 4
May 6, 2008
>Use the quest menu for the credits. Their appearance in the cinematic distracts a little.
>Use the quest menu for description of the gameplay also.
I just wanted to use the quest log for the optional quests, but if you think it looks better like that then I'll do it.

>Make the cinematic skippable.
>You need terrain improvements in the cineamtic. Using just one tile is not good.
I am working for that for the next version.

>When the game starts I have to choose the number of kills. The message about its description comes before this message & due to this I cannot read that. Use a little wait.
Thanks for this information, I'll correct it.

>When I choose my hero then the camera should automatically shift to my hero's position. Otherwise my hero once died before I even reached him.
Good idea, I'll add it.

>You have used quite a lot of area in the middle for a 2 tiles. Add wildlife. Use rocks & shrubs etc. too. Height variations are needed. Use different trees too.
About the trees, Blizzard make maps with just the mushrooms and look cool, maps like: Gates of Abyss, Lord of Outland, etc. However I'll try to make cooler the terrain.

>You need to let the optional quest come one by one. They came all of sudden without much background for them. Let one come after one before it is complete.
Well there is just one (1) optional quest but very long, however if you like I can fraction it into an optional quest of 3 parts.

>Take care of the levels of the creeps. Level7 assassin is weaker than level3 aqueous spawn.
I'm working on that for the next version.

>Magtheridon was killed in "The Frozen Throne" before The Lich King came into existence so you need to change the name.
He wasn't killed, just play World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, he is alive, captive by Illidan to create fel orcs and you can make a raid and kill him. It is consistent with the warcraft lore, I just made it as if, instead of players of World of Warcraft invading his lair, some skeletons sent by the Lich King do it. If you don't believe me check out the official World of Warcraft site: [] (chek the lore section), Dungeons - Hellfire Citadel (here are pictures of Magtheridon). Also remember that in WC3TFT Illidan never killed Magtheridon just tell him that he will be replaced.

>The map can use better details for the gameplay. I am moving around killing creeps but don't know exactly what to do. As I mentioned the optional quests came without descriptions & directions etc. so it is a setback for me currently.
Ok, I'll add my details for the gameplay.

>When my hero dies then the necromancer's face appears but his dialogue do not. They appear only in the log.
Strange, I am trying it but always appears the dialogue.

>It is good that you have taken care of credits properly.

With that said I used iseedeadpeople to take a look on the terrain of the map. The terrain is poor & it is just creeps randomly placed.
The first map where you are are random placed creeps, and appear in random places. But in the Hellfire Citadel I placed them as best as I could. In the Black Temple you can't say they are bad placed, because I copied then of Blizzard... look at this map []Black Temple - Zone - World of Warcraft and I copied it with all it's creeps, abilitys, etc; so If you are telling me that the Black Temple it's bad made then you are telling that Blizzard don't know to make maps...

About the terrain, the Black Temple has poor but I'll try to make it cooler.

Improved description, terrain, story(currently against warcraft lore) etc. are needed for its approval.
I'll improve terrain and description. But no the story, the story is good and doesn't go against warcraft lore, I'm telling you this because I have read many books of warcraft, beated all games and read it's RPGs, knowing almost every aspect of it.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
I never played WoW. I was telling about Magtheridon according to TFT. I never knew he was captive. Sorry for that.

Regarding the terrain. O.K. the Blizzard may have used totally plain terrain but it is my advise that improvements can be done still to look it much better. Blizzard terrain are average to be frank. If you think that I am incorrect then look at these terrain made by guys of this website. If you can try to use some of these as your goal then you will see some very nice comments on your terrain.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I would recommend reading the whole review, because it clearly states why your map isn't ready for approval yet.
I know it might seem much, but it isn't...


  • The description is missing some important information (the hive, in-game), the loading screen is too stuffed and the overall description isn't appealing.
  • There are some typo's (it's "Lieutenant", for example)
  • Missing DIBTN's
  • Passive Buttons mixed with active abilities
  • Huge map size for what it is, I'm certain you can reduce it by at least 1MB.
  • The cinematic isn't good, I know this isn't a cinematic map, but you could at least edit the terrain and make the dialogue a little more epic.

  • The hero portrait is being overrided from time to time, making it impossible to check your and the enemy's HP/Mana in a boss-fight
  • Creeps are set/spawned randomly, so they spawn at the revive-place and unreachable places (not always a good idea, is it?)
  • Goblin Merchant quest isn't in the quest-menu, neither is the Goblin Market Owner quest
  • I don't know, but... aren't banshees, warlocks, ... and skeletons all undead? Why fight them then? Same goes for the dwarves and elves teaming up with eachother and the undead.
  • The hints are annoying (-unally [color] is good enough, you don't need to sum op the whole list, + Dark Green isn't completely in the text)
  • My lumber (randomly?) switched from 1 to 0 and back, though I didn't see any use for lumber.

  • Flat terrain, stacked trees
  • Tiles haven't been used correctly (see screenshot below)
  • There weren't enough doodads in some places and too much in others.

  • Not enough purchasable items
  • There weren't really types of creeps, it looked like you picked some 'evil' units and edited them.
  • "Crafted Shoulders" (item) says "click to use", but it's a permanent item.
  • Most spells were just the standard spells.

This map is of a low quality, some quests do not work correctly (they do not show up, or can't be completed), your English needs some improvement, the terrain has to be changed! You can make a bandit-area, an undead-area and others, so they don't just spawn randomly (and a hero-revival spot wold be good as well).
There were only a few triggered spells, all the others were just edited standard spells.
I'm also having my thoughts about the races (the dwarves teaming up with the undead and things like that).

On the other hand: there were a lot of units, elites, mini-bosses and bosses and their loots were acceptable (they could be improved).
The credits have also been given correctly.

Rating: 1.5/5 (rated up to 2/5)
Vote for Rejection


I think you've spent quite some time on this map and that you're not an advanced mapper, making the triggers less efficient, but they work (most of them).
Still the quality of the map is too low to be accepted.
This is probably going to be my only review, but I still added the "#1" in the hidden-tag, in case you clearly request another review, or do not agree with what I have said.
Level 4
May 6, 2008
I would recommend reading the whole review, because it clearly states why your map isn't ready for approval yet.
I know it might seem much, but it isn't...


  • The description is missing some important information (the hive, in-game), the loading screen is too stuffed and the overall description isn't appealing.
  • There are some typo's (it's "Lieutenant", for example)
  • Missing DIBTN's
  • Passive Buttons mixed with active abilities
  • Huge map size for what it is, I'm certain you can reduce it by at least 1MB.
  • The cinematic isn't good, I know this isn't a cinematic map, but you could at least edit the terrain and make the dialogue a little more epic.

  • The hero portrait is being overrided from time to time, making it impossible to check your and the enemy's HP/Mana in a boss-fight
  • Creeps are set/spawned randomly, so they spawn at the revive-place and unreachable places (not always a good idea, is it?)
  • Goblin Merchant quest isn't in the quest-menu, neither is the Goblin Market Owner quest
  • I don't know, but... aren't banshees, warlocks, ... and skeletons all undead? Why fight them then? Same goes for the dwarves and elves teaming up with eachother and the undead.
  • The hints are annoying (-unally [color] is good enough, you don't need to sum op the whole list, + Dark Green isn't completely in the text)
  • My lumber (randomly?) switched from 1 to 0 and back, though I didn't see any use for lumber.

  • Flat terrain, stacked trees
  • Tiles haven't been used correctly (see screenshot below)
  • There weren't enough doodads in some places and too much in others.

  • Not enough purchasable items
  • There weren't really types of creeps, it looked like you picked some 'evil' units and edited them.
  • "Crafted Shoulders" (item) says "click to use", but it's a permanent item.
  • Most spells were just the standard spells.

This map is of a low quality, some quests do not work correctly (they do not show up, or can't be completed), your English needs some improvement, the terrain has to be changed! You can make a bandit-area, an undead-area and others, so they don't just spawn randomly (and a hero-revival spot wold be good as well).
There were only a few triggered spells, all the others were just edited standard spells.
I'm also having my thoughts about the races (the dwarves teaming up with the undead and things like that).

On the other hand: there were a lot of units, elites, mini-bosses and bosses and their loots were acceptable (they could be improved).
The credits have also been given correctly.

Rating: 1.5/5 (rated up to 2/5)
Vote for Rejection


I think you've spent quite some time on this map and that you're not an advanced mapper, making the triggers less efficient, but they work (most of them).
Still the quality of the map is too low to be accepted.
This is probably going to be my only review, but I still added the "#1" in the hidden-tag, in case you clearly request another review, or do not agree with what I have said.

I have put more information in both the hive and in-game.
Corrected the typos, icons, etc.
I can't reduce the map size without removing the imported stuff, and if I remove it I would not be satisfied, so I won't do that point.
Although it is override by a cinematic-like quote it's only at the start of the game, after beating a boss or when you die, so it won't affect in a boss fight.
The map is supposed to have everything from the starting zone randomized, that's the way I create it and that will remain. Some reasons include:
*If you have a fixed location then you will be camped.
*If the creeps have fixed location you'll only kill the strong creeps and I don't like that for my map.
*They used to appear in unreachable places but I have revamped the terrain and I think that they are all reachable now.
The goblin quest can't be in quest log because it is an individual quest and there is NO way to give the quest to just one person. It is given to everyone and it would cause confusion to the people who hasn't even seen the goblin.
I have explained why they are all allied in the quest log background information, if you play Tibia you'll know why. In that MMORPG all elves, dwarves, bandits, orcs, goblins, undead, etc don't fight between themselves and always attack you regardless the race.
I've played my map and many guys keep asking how to ally even after the hints appear every 5 minutes, that's why I repeat them so much, so that people see it. Also corrected the dark green mistake.
The lumber in no longer randomized.
Terrain, doodads, etc. revamped.
New shop.
The creeps have been given all different stats and abillities. You said that they were based from evil units and just edited, but actually I based most of them from only 4 units and totally remade them, so your speculation is incorrect.
Exactly what quest can't be completed? I've tested all and everyone works.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I have put more information in both the hive and in-game.
Could be more attractive, but all right...

I can't reduce the map size without removing the imported stuff, and if I remove it I would not be satisfied, so I won't do that point.
you can with a map optimizer.

Although it is override by a cinematic-like quote it's only at the start of the game, after beating a boss or when you die, so it won't affect in a boss fight.
It's still annoying, you can fix it by using a normal game message.

The goblin quest can't be in quest log because it is an individual quest and there is NO way to give the quest to just one person.
Are you really sure about that? (you sound like you are).

It's actually possible... with this function: (note: WE isn't open)

  • Quests
  • Actions
    • Custom script: if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(0) then
    • Quest - create the quest
    • Custom script: endif
"Player(0)" has to be changed: 0 = red, 1 = blue, ...
If you want to get the triggering player, use "GetEnumPlayer()", if you want something else, you can either ask, or convert GUI to JASS
Level 1
Aug 29, 2009
Can't enter the citadel because I always click on the citadel instead of the portal. :(