Hey, I animated that Spongebob thank you very much. And apparently people loved it.
And don't give me this stuff about those kind of models not being useful, have you seen the request section lately? People request crazy things like this all the time, just recently Werewulf made a Bender model for some dude who wanted it.
Why should talented people stunt themselves by only making Warcraft styled things, these can be achieved a lot of the time with decent geomerges. You don't need a scratch model to have another naga hero, just a hero glow and and edit on the skin of a siren, or maybe a few model edits done in Vertex modifier.
And only making Warcraft creatures limits the possibilities of custom maps that one can make.
If I make a full demon race, yes thats great for a demon mod, or a demon map. But that's about it.
If someone makes a few dinosaur models, suddenly the possibility of a prehistoric map comes into play, instead of only using giant thunderlizards tinted different colors.
So, I think really what you're saying, is that you personally would like naga models and demon models, because they would personally benefit you.
And, there are already mods for Dwarves (WotTH) High Elves (RotHE) Demons (PoC) and Naga as well I believe. People are making the models you want, they are just keeping them themselves for their own modding projects, till the release of them.
This leaves the other modelers with a predicament. Do I make a model almost exactly the same as this project's, just so that others can use it too? Or do I not waste my time and make something completely different, and just be patient till the release of this mod?
Sorry for the long post and the rambling, but this is my feeling on the subject matter, which of course means that "cartoony" models will be accepted, if they are quality. And just because something is Warcraft-ish, but is poorly presented, doesn't mean it will bne approved.