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Simple NameGenerator

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I created this simple name generator that follows a set of rules for creating names, such as if a generated character is p as a beginning character, it can only be proceeded with consonants h, l and r.

I based this mostly on the english language but meh, you can't even distinguish what language is the structure based upon :v

constant function NAME_GENERATOR_VOWELS takes nothing returns string
    return "aeiouy"

constant function NAME_GENERATOR_CONSONANTS takes nothing returns string
    return "bcdfghjklmnprstvwz"

constant function NAME_GENERATOR_VLENGTH takes nothing returns integer
    return 6

constant function NAME_GENERATOR_CLENGTH takes nothing returns integer
    return 18

function NAME_GENERATOR_RULES takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_NG_StartRules[1] = "hlr"
    set udg_NG_StartRules[2] = "th"
    set udg_NG_StartRules[3] = "rh"
    set udg_NG_StartRules[4] = "hlrw"
    set udg_NG_StartRules[5] = "hrw"
    set udg_NG_StartRules[6] = "h"
    set udg_NG_StartRule[1] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[2] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[3] = udg_NG_StartRules[5]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[4] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[5] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[6] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[7] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[8] = udg_NG_StartRules[4]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[9] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[10] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[11] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[12] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[13] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[14] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[15] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[16] = udg_NG_StartRules[1]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[17] = udg_NG_StartRules[3]
    set udg_NG_StartRule[18] = udg_NG_StartRules[6]
    set udg_NG_EndRules[1] = "s"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[2] = "tmns"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[3] = "cdstk"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[4] = "sk"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[5] = "h"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[6] = "sh"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[7] = "shtk"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[8] = "tmnsk"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[9] = "bs"
    set udg_NG_EndRules[10] = "r"
    set udg_NG_EndRule[1] = udg_NG_EndRules[1]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[2] = udg_NG_EndRules[7]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[3] = udg_NG_EndRules[1]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[4] = udg_NG_EndRules[1]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[5] = udg_NG_EndRules[6]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[6] = udg_NG_EndRules[10]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[8] = udg_NG_EndRules[6]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[9] = udg_NG_EndRules[2]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[10] = udg_NG_EndRules[9]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[11] = udg_NG_EndRules[3]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[12] = udg_NG_EndRules[6]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[14] = udg_NG_EndRules[8]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[15] = udg_NG_EndRules[6]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[16] = udg_NG_EndRules[1]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[17] = udg_NG_EndRules[4]
    set udg_NG_EndRule[18] = udg_NG_EndRules[5]
    set udg_NG_VowelRule[1] = "eiouy"
    set udg_NG_VowelRule[2] = "aiouy"
    set udg_NG_VowelRule[3] = "aeou"
    set udg_NG_VowelRule[4] = "aeiouy"
    set udg_NG_VowelRule[5] = "aeioy"
    set udg_NG_VowelRule[6] = "aeiou"

function NG_FindLetter takes string s, string toFind returns integer
    local integer i = 0
    local integer l = StringLength(s)
        exitwhen i == l
        set i = i + 1
        if SubString(s, i - 1, i) == toFind then
            return i
    return -1

function GenerateName takes integer length returns string
    local integer i = 0
    local string result = ""
    local string temp
    local string tempChar
    local integer tempInt
    local integer tempL
    local integer id
    local boolean doC = false
    local string prevChar = ""
    local integer cStack = 0
    local integer vStack = 0
    local integer chance = 0
    if udg_NG_StartRules[1] == "" or udg_NG_EndRules[1] == "" then
        exitwhen i >= length
        set i = i + 1
        set doC = GetRandomInt(1, 2) == 1
        if cStack >= 2 then
            set doC = false
        elseif vStack >= 2 then
            set doC = true
        if doC then
            if i == 2 then
                set id = NG_FindLetter(NAME_GENERATOR_CONSONANTS(), temp)
                set tempInt = GetRandomInt(0, StringLength(udg_NG_StartRule[id]) - 1)
                set temp = SubString(udg_NG_StartRule[id], tempInt, tempInt + 1)
            elseif i == length - 1 then
                set id = NG_FindLetter(NAME_GENERATOR_CONSONANTS(), temp)
                if udg_NG_EndRule[id] != "" then
                    set tempInt = GetRandomInt(0, StringLength(udg_NG_EndRule[id]) - 1)
                    set temp = SubString(udg_NG_EndRule[id], tempInt, tempInt + 1)
                    set i = i - 1
                    set cStack = cStack - 1
                set tempInt = GetRandomInt(0, NAME_GENERATOR_CLENGTH() - 1)
                set temp = SubString(NAME_GENERATOR_CONSONANTS(), tempInt, tempInt + 1)
            set cStack = cStack + 1
            set vStack = 0
            if vStack == 0 then
                set tempInt = GetRandomInt(0, NAME_GENERATOR_VLENGTH() - 1)
                set temp = SubString(NAME_GENERATOR_VOWELS(), tempInt, tempInt + 1)
                set id = NG_FindLetter(NAME_GENERATOR_VOWELS(), temp)
                set tempInt = GetRandomInt(0, StringLength(udg_NG_VowelRule[id]) - 1)
                set temp = SubString(udg_NG_VowelRule[id], tempInt, tempInt + 1)
            set vStack = vStack + 1
            set cStack = 0
        set result = result + temp

    return result

Note: there are still some bugs and things that are working wrong.
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