I need this model, http://wc3sear.ch/gfx/preview/s1146992900kailin2.jpg This one http://wc3sear.ch/gfx/preview/s1153608666HeroSaber.jpg This wizard onehttp://wc3sear.ch/gfx/preview/s1156537434ArchmageOnFoot.jpg this one http://wc3sear.ch/gfx/preview/s1153782996HeroBlackSaber.jpg and finally this model http://wc3sear.ch/gfx/preview/s1102366392SS.jpg in a blank RoC map. Preferably you should give yourself credit and make it over 120 by 120. Thanks in advance!
EDIT:Just go to your local Wc3.sea.ch.com (Did I get it right?) and look under human models.
EDIT:Just go to your local Wc3.sea.ch.com (Did I get it right?) and look under human models.