You need a realy big work to do!
1. Make triggers "Begins and Unneeded" as 1 trigger
2. Use "Game - Display to (All players) for 999999.00 seconds the text: YourText
" instead of repeatable quest-message
3. Change the Event type of trigger "Unneeded Copy 2" to "Player - Player 1 (Red) skips a cinematic sequence
" - so we can heal and reset cd with ESC
4. Use only one type of variables like tempUnit, tempLoc, tempGroup etc.. etc..
5. Use arrays!
6. Try to remove waits at all coast!
7. Try adding an "Ressurection" script for the test gnolls
8. You can remove the "Unneeded Copy" trigger at all, since the testing hero is level 10 and you already have an trigger for reseting cooldowns
So for the spells:
Piercing Scream:
1. I still don't get why is this 'screamgrp' var, if you use AOE spell?
Soul Explode:
1. Why not remove "Soulintelligence" instead of doing this:
Unit - Cause Soulcaster to damage (Picked unit), dealing (Real((Intelligence of Soulcaster (Include bonuses)))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Mind
Mini Volcano:
At all I dont like this spell, you must try to create some kind of effects of volcano, this is kinda ugly (no offence plx)
Well I can give 2/5, just for the Piercing Scream thing