A simulation of how a siege perhaps could take place in medieval times, with some extra thingies like orcs and mortars and a minigame, all those things you just know that existed back then 1000 years ago,
-contains a cinematic start
-probably very hard on the first time
-most people probably dont like this kind of maps
-allmost impossible to win for humans if they build no walls
my first upploaded map
units are very balanced.
Does sometimes cause server split for some unknown reason (i do accept help).
-minigame can be called by saying "-last outpost" without the marks " "
a strategy guide,
humans make loads of walls so they leave no opening around the castle, and make squires for a start later armored citizens and some ranged units of your own choice.
orcs make any units you like i prefer the "grunt" type warriors and uppgraded warriors, and siege ladders perhaps war huts if you need them, most importantly make siege ladders 2-5 and move them close to the cliffs then you can walk up there to destroy the walls
orc,man,human,siege,walls,castle,minigame,war,units,unit siege,defense,castle defense,willy,willydawiller.