Short story requests, anyone?

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Level 5
Aug 27, 2007
Okay, soooooo. I'm in the process of writing two novel-length thingies right now and I need something to vent my creative frustration on. I have like, ten other things I should be working on, but meh, I wanted to try something new. So, partly because I haven't published anything here and partly because I've never done anything like this before, I figured I'd step in here and ask:

Does anyone have any requests of anything they would like to see done? And I'm speaking in the realm of short stories and flash fiction here.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
You really shouldn't ask for requests as a writer, since that lowers your creativity. Dind an insperation source, and use it untill its picked dry, and move on. You'll never get better by writing about something that you don't get a big piece of influence in
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
lol yes lowering your creativity proves that you sux as a writer since its a requirement for a good novel and its also plagiarism i would think 2 copy som1's idea but then again they would be giving it 2 u so nvm about that subject and give more detail if you truly aren't good with creativity since we no nothing and will probably request some dumb thing.
Level 5
Aug 27, 2007
Write about a group of thugs, who faced Batman-Grandma and Molecule-Grandma, that asked thugs for help about mobile phones...


That... actually sounds like it'd be a great idea if I was in to writing humor stories. :p Maybe with a little modification I could use something similar, though... probably not in the WC universe, meh.

You really shouldn't ask for requests as a writer, since that lowers your creativity. Dind an insperation source, and use it untill its picked dry, and move on. You'll never get better by writing about something that you don't get a big piece of influence in

Quiet the contrary. I do agree with some of what you're saying, but understand also that there is a such thing as a writing commission. I know several hobby writers that take the occasional commission and can do aightish with it. (Not that I really want to do that, ahhhhh.)

If you read the first post, you'll see that it's not that I lack ideas or anything (and I've actually since then started on a short that's ~6000 words, loooool). It's actually more of a writing challenge, to write something in a different fandom with a story I may not fully understand. There are a lot of online writing challenges/contests that do that (give a random prompt, outline bonuses, etc.).

lol yes lowering your creativity proves that you sux as a writer since its a requirement for a good novel and its also plagiarism i would think 2 copy som1's idea but then again they would be giving it 2 u so nvm about that subject and give more detail if you truly aren't good with creativity since we no nothing and will probably request some dumb thing.

Just a few things:

Creativity has nothing to do with a good novel. (Not directly, at least.) While I don't like rehashing things that have already been hashed to oblivion, most of the time, the simplest idea is also the best, unless you're in the sci-fi domain. What's quite possibly my favorite novel is actually centered around a very simple (maybe clichè, depending on how you look at it) idea, and that's part of what makes it so powerful.

It's the writing, not the story. And I can say that for a fact, because one of my friends actually opened a thread on another forum in an attempt to find the most clichè plot ever, then wrote a story out of it, and it actually turned out pretty good.

(There was also a challenge on a podcast recently to write a story that started with a certain line of dialogue that produced some interesting results. I won't say what that line is, but will say that it involved pants. Use your imagination. o_O)

Plagiarism is when someone else's words are taken without credit. If I was to say: "I think the road to hell is paved with adverbs, and I'll shout it from the rooftops," and didn't cite it as a King quote, that would be plagiarism. As far as ideas go, turn to this sourceless (and paraphrased) quote: "There are only about three different stories, all of which have existed since the beginning of time. Since then, they have been retold countless times."

we no nothing and will probably request some dumb thing

Isn't that the point? ;]
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Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Write about an evil mage dressed white who trades poisoned clothes to a kingdom, which make the people turn into blind zombied monsters. Also the mage created thorium golems, but they ran out of control and are doing really weird things.

The mage asks heroes to help him... or the mage goes to find out the problem on his own. Whatever, at the end it turns out that the mage is very very evil and corrupt, and his golems drank potions of mana stored in mage's secret dungeon, became smart and created their own society to swim first to an island and then to Underground on a boat. 7500 words as minimum.
Level 2
Sep 27, 2009
You could write about a bloof elf thief who hates the world for undisclosed reasons (especially less intelligent creatures, gnolls etc.), who gets hired to rob a caravan/transport. Not exactly original, but that might add to the challenge. :)
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