[Cinematic] Shark Cinematic

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Well after seeing Shark Night 3D which recently came out it gave me an idea. What if I can make a cinematic about sharks in warcraft 3? Though it would be I guess difficult to have the shark attack people in the cinematic, but it's worth a shot. Now I know that when you use movie titles for a movie of your own they can come after you and make you give them a shit load of money. That is if it for some reason counts towards warcraft 3 cinematic making. That's why I think I should change the title from Shark Night to something else. Suggestions welcome.

As of progress, right now I'm working on the opening sequence. The cinematic will obviously include shark attacks(somehow). I also know I'm going to end up getting stuck on something so any of you cinematic types out there that know your stuff are welcome to offer help on this. I haven't really developed a good story for it yet. I don't plan to use Shark Night's story since I want it to be original.

As you can see in the picture above, it's part of the opening sequence. Yes the shark is an actual model and not photoshopped in.

That's pretty much it. Going to update as I go along.

Also I would like to know what you think about this idea. If it's interesting or not etc.

(Credit for the shark model goes to whoever made it.)
Well I know what map it's from. That's about it. I will find out. :grin:
Still working on it though. First I need to get the camera angles just right in terms of smooth movement since it's first person through the eyes of a shark underwater.

The first sequence is just the intro. Camera moving underwater with opening credits and all that. Then after that the first attack takes place. I'd love to have people models with swimming animations, so I'm on the lookout for that at the moment.
Well I'll do some research on it and find out. :p
Last time I heard WoW rips are illegal, if it is a rip and the cinematic isn't accepted on the hive then I guess I have no choice but to get rid of it and find something else.
Cool to see another shark lover. :D
Remember, suggestions and help is welcome!

By the way I can't wait to see your finished product of Hybris!
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
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