- Joined
- Jul 10, 2009
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- 521
This resource has been moved here from the old Code Forum. You can find the old discussion in this thread.
, etc.) to create a group/force and converts the result to a Set. This variant is guaranteed to give the same results as if you were using the group/force natives directly, but also suffers from the known bugs these natives currently have, like units sporadically being ignored by GroupEnumUnitsInRect and memory leaks created from using closures in conditionfuncs, see here. In addition, this variant shows the same quirks that the original natives had, like locust units being ignored, except by GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer
or Filter()
wrap and you don't need GetFilterUnit()
. This is much more convenient and doesn't produce memory leaks.pairs
-function can cause desyncs). I recommend having it in every Lua-map that is designed for multiplayer.SetUtils.subscribeSetForAutoUnitRemoval
-feature (see "Further Notes" below):CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABILITY = nil
in the code of this resource (just below the documentation) and replace nil
by the ability code of the copied Defend ability (in FourCC).CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABILITY = FourCC('A000')
-feature (see "Further Notes" below):CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABILITY = nil
in the code of this resource (just below the documentation) and replace nil
by the ability code of the copied Defend ability (in FourCC).CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABILITY = FourCC('A000')
function to let the SetUtils-library automatically remove all units from the specified Set that leave the game. You have to use the function on every Set that you want to subscribe to this feature, but having too many subscribed Sets at once will decrease map performance (don't bother about up to 100 subscribed Sets, but make sure you only subscribe Sets that you want to keep for longer. There is no need to subscribe one-time-use-Sets anyway). I.e. subscribing a unit-Set prevents bugs and lets them behave as you would except from a unitgroup.SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(Set)
on a unit-Set to manually remove invalid unit references, but you have to do it every time before looping over it. This can be more performant, if you have a lot of Sets, but rarely loop over each individual one. And well, this is the only option, if you haven't conducted the optional steps during the installation process.DEBUG_MODE
setting, which per default is set to true (see the code directly below the documentation).GroupEnumUnitsInRect
not picking units in the rect's bottomost row).if Debug and Debug.beginFile then Debug.beginFile("SetUtils") end ---@diagnostic disable-line
-- | API Set & Set Utils v1.3.5 | --
by Eikonium
--> https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/setutils.353716/
| Sets are data containers that can contain every element only once. Much like unitgroups, but not limited to units. |
| The Set-API offers functions to create, alter and loop through Sets. |
| The SetUtils library offers equivalents to pick-all-units-matching-condition-natives (players/destructables/items) that return a Set instead of a group or force. |
| Optional Dependencies: |
| |
| Total Initialization by Bribe: |
| https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/lua-global-initialization.317099/ |
| Having Total Init in your map script frees you of creating a GUI trigger that runs SetUtils.createTriggers() on Map Init. |
| Please make sure that you copy Global Initilization to a script file in your map that is located above(!) the Set library. |
| SyncedTable |
| https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/syncedtable.353715/ |
| Many Set-functionalities like union, intersection, except, fromTable and addAllKeys do support arrays and SyncedTables, but not normal tables (because it could |
| lead to desyncs). |
* API Functions:
* The API uses standard Lua object-oriented syntax, i.e. you have to pay attention to whether the function you want to use requires dot- or colon-notation (it's clearly visible in the documentation).
* The library provides a debug-mode that allows you to get notified about when you used dots instead of colons and vice versa.
* -------------
* | Set class |
* -------------
* - The class itself mainly offers ways to create new Sets.
* Set.create(...) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set and adds all specified arguments as elements.
* - Example:
* local a = Set.create("bla", 50, Player(0)) --creates a Set with 3 elements.
* Set.union(...) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set as the union of all specified arguments.
* - All arguments must be either Sets, SyncedTables, arrays, forces or groups. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* Set.intersection(...) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set as the intersection of all specified arguments.
* - All arguments must be either Sets, SyncedTables, arrays, forces or groups. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* Set.except(containerA, containerB) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set having all elements from specified containerA except the elements from specified containerB.
* - All arguments must be either Sets, SyncedTables, arrays, forces or groups. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* Set.fromForce(force) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set containing all players from the specified force.
* Set.fromGroup(group) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set containing all units fromn the specified group.
* Set.fromTable(array|SyncedTable) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set containing all elements from the specified table (elements refer to the values of the table, not the keys).
* - Table must be either a SyncedTable or an array. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* ---------------
* | Set objects |
* ---------------
* - The following methods are available for any existing Set object.
* --------------------------------
* --------------------------------
* <Set>:add(...)
* - adds any number of specified arguments as elements to <Set>
* - ignores all arguments that are already contained in <Set>
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* - if you highly care for performance and only want to add one single element, you can use <Set>:addSingle(element) instead.
* <Set>:remove(...)
* - removes any number of specified arguments from <Set>
* - ignores all arguments that are not contained in <Set>
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* - if you highly care for performance and only want to remove one single element, you can use <Set>:removeSingle(element) instead.
* <Set>:addAll(container)
* - adds all elements from the specified container as elements to <Set> (and ignores everything that is already present in <Set>)
* - the container must be a Set, array, force or group (in case of an array, "elements" refers to its values)
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:addAllKeys(SyncedTable) [or any table with a multiplayer-synched pairs function]
* - adds all keys from the specified table as elements to <Set>
* - this method is only multiplayer-compatible, if you input a SyncedTable or if you have overwritten the pairs-function to make it synchronous on the input table. Otherwise, using this method can lead to a desync.
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:removeAll(container)
* - removes all elements present in the specified container from <Set> (and ignores everything that is not contained in <Set>)
* - the container must be a Set, array, force or group.
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:retainAll(container)
* - only keeps elements in <Set> that are also contained in the specified container and removes the rest.
* - the container must be a Set, array, force or group.
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:clear()
* - removes all elements from <Set>
* - returns <Set> (which is empty now) to allow for chaining methods
* ---------------------
* ---------------------
* <Set>:elements()
* - iterator function for the generic for-loop over <Set>
* - Example:
* local exampleSet = Set.create(Player(0), Player(1), "bla", 5)
* for dings in exampleSet:elements() do
* print(dings)
* end
* -----------
* -----------
* <Set>:contains(element) -> boolean
* - returns true, if the element is contained in <Set> and false otherwise.
* <Set>:size() -> integer
* - returns the number of elements of the set.
* <Set>:isEmpty() -> boolean
* - returns true, if <Set> contains no elements, and false otherwise.
* <Set>:toString() -> string
* - returns a comma separated list of all elements of <Set>, engulfed in {}-brackets.
* <Set>:print()
* - prints <Set>:toString() on screen.
* <Set>:random() -> any
* - returns a random element from <Set>
* <Set>:toArray() -> any[]
* - returns a normal array (table) containing ell elements from <Set>.
* - not really useful in most cases, as arrays are not better than sets most of the time. There are exceptions however, e.g. when you want to sort the elements (Sets don't have an order, but arrays have).
* <Set>:intersects(otherSet) -> boolean
* - Returns true, if <Set> has at least one common element with the specified argument.
* - Argument currently only supports other Sets - not arrays, forces or groups.
* <Set>:copy() -> Set
* - Returns a new Set containing the same elements as <Set>.
* -------------------
* | Set Utils class |
* -------------------
* - this class offers set equivalents for the Wc3 natives that pick and return a group of units, players, destructables and items.
* ------------------
* ------------------
* | -> Units |
* ------------
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRect(rect)
* - returns a new Set with all units located in the specified rect
* - like in the Warcraft native, the rect is considered an half-open rectangle (closed to west and south, open to east and north?). That means that entering units are not guaranteed to be picked.
* - does not pick units having the locust ability
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRange(float x, float y, float radius)
* - returns a new Set with all units within the specified radius of the specified coordinates.
* - does not pick units having the locust ability
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayer(player)
* - returns a new Set with all units owned by the specified player.
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(integer typeId)
* - returns a new Set with all units on the map having the specified type.
* - the typeId parameter has to be created out of the FourCC-function, e.g. SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(FourCC('hfoo'))
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(player, integer typeId)
* - returns a new Set with all units owned by the specified player and having the specified type.
* SetUtils.getUnitsSelected(player)
* - returns a new Set with all units currently being selected by the specified player.
* - returns the empty Set, when the player doesn't have any units selected.
* - this function needs to synchronize local selections between players, so it might not be as instant as usual (needs investigation).
* ------------------------------------
* | -> Players, Destructables, Items |
* ------------------------------------
* SetUtils.getPlayersAll()
* - returns a new Set containing all players that were present during map init, i.e. a copy of InitialPlayersPlaying.
* SetUtils.getDestructablesInRect(rect)
* - returns a Set with all Destructables located in the specified rect.
* SetUtils.getItemsInRect(rect)
* - returns a Set with all Items located in the specified rect.
* -----------------------
* -----------------------
* - Below functions are variants to the above functions that take a condition function as an additional parameter.
* Only elements passing the condition will join the set.
* - The condition must be a either a Wc3 native conditionfunc or a Lua-function that takes nothing and returns a boolean.
* If you choose to provide a Lua-function, SetUtils will automatically convert it to a conditionfunc by applying the Condition()-native.
* If you use the same condition function over and over, it is recommended that you apply Condition() yourself, save it in a variable and use the same thing instead of creating a new one every time.
* - Use GetFilterUnit() inside of the condition function to refer to the unit being checked.
* ------------
* | -> Units |
* ------------
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(rect, condition)
* - returns a new Set with all units located in the specified rect and matching the specified condition.
* - like the Warcraft native, the rect is considered an half-open rectangle (closed to west and south, open to east and north?). That means that entering units are not guaranteed to be picked.
* - Example:
* local r = <someRect>
* local condition = Condition(function() return GetOwningPlayer(GetFilterUnit()) == Player(0) end)
* local exampleSet = SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(r, condition) --will contain all units in the rect owned by Player 1.
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRangeMatching(float x, float y, float radius, condition)
* - returns a new Set with all units within the specified radius of the specified coordinates that match the specified condition.
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerMatching(player, condition)
* - returns a new Set with all units owned by the specified player and matching the specified condition.
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeIdMatching(integer typeId, condition)
* - returns a new Set with all units on the map having the specified type and matching the specified condition.
* - the typeId parameter has to be created out of the FourCC-function, e.g. SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(FourCC('hfoo'))
* SetUtils.getUnitsSelectedMatching(player, condition)
* - returns a new Set with all units currently being selected by the specified player and matching the specified condition.
* - returns the empty Set, when the player doesn't have any units selected.
* - this function needs to synchronize local selections between players, so it might not be as instant as usual (needs investigation).
* ------------------------------------
* | -> Players, Destructables, Items |
* ------------------------------------
* SetUtils.getPlayersMatching()
* - returns a new Set containing all players that were present during map init and who match the specified condition.
* SetUtils.getDestructablesInRectMatching(rect)
* - returns a Set with all Destructables located in the specified rect and matching the specified condition.
* SetUtils.getItemsInRectMatching(rect)
* - returns a Set with all Items located in the specified rect and matching the specified condition.
* -----------
* -----------
* SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(Set [, boolean checkIfUnit])
* - Removes all invalid unit references from the specified Set, i.e. units that have already been removed from the game.
* - Only useful for Sets that actually contain units.
* - If your Set contains non-unit elements, you must set the second parameter to true to avoid crashes.
* - Good to use as safety mechanism before looping over unit Sets, because Sets (in contrast to Wc3 native unitgroups) don't automatically remove units that leave the game after Set creation.
* - As an alternative, you can use SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval(Set) (see below) on the Set to automatically remove invalid unit references for the rest of the game.
* SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval(Set [, boolean subscribe_yn]) [requires you to declare CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE, see options below]
* - Subscribes the specified set to automatic removal of invalid unit references, i.e. for the rest of the game, units that are removed from the game will also be removed from the specified set.
* - Only useful for Sets that actually contain units. Avoids bugs, when looping over it. As an alternative, you can just call SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitReferences (see above) on the Set before each loop.
* - Set the second parameter to false (default true) to unsubscribe the specified Set from the automatic unit cleaning.
* - As long as a Set is subscribed, it will not be garbage collected.
* SetUtils.triggerRegisterAnyUnitRemoveEvent(trigger) [requires you to declare CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE, see options below]
* - Adds the event "any unit is removed from the game" to the specified trigger. Not compatible with other events on the same trigger!
* - Use "GetTriggerUnit()" to refer to the unit being removed.
* - Will trigger twice, if the remove unit also had the original Defend ability (or just another copy), so don't use this, if you also plan to use the Defend ability in your map.
* - This functionality is not really Set-specific, but the system does use the event internally, so there is no reason to not offer it to you guys.
-- disable sumneko extension warnings for imported resource
---@diagnostic disable
-- | OPTIONS | --
-- Debug-Mode will notify you per ingame error-message, if you confused dot-notation and colon-notation. The check doesn't recognize 100% of confusions, but works for most of the cases (and most important, it has no false positives).
-- Set this to false before the release of your map.
local DEBUG_MODE = true ---@type boolean
-- To be able to use SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval, you must provide the ability code of your custom Defend ability below (make a copy of the Defend ability of the Human footman that you don't use for other purposes).
local CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE = nil ---@type integer -- Enter the abi code of your custom defend ability here (as FourCC('xxxx')). If you do, this resource will use the ability to detect units leaving the game.
---Start of code. No need to read further.---
-- | Set Library | --
---@class Set
Set = {
data = {} ---@type table data structure saving the actual elements
, orderedKeys = {} ---@type any[] to keep iteration order synchronized in multiplayer
, n = 0 ---@type number number of elements in the Set
Set.__index = Set
Set.__name = 'Set'
---Prints an error message on screen, applying red color and the ERROR-prefix.
---@param message string
local printError = function(message) print("|cffff5555Error: " .. message .. "|r") end
---To be used as a first-line-check in methods that are required to be called with colon-notation.
---Prints an error-message on screen, if the method was instead used with dot-notation.
---Doesn't catch all false uses, but most of them. Most importantly, it never brings up false positives.
---@param methodName string name of the method, will be printed as part of the error message
---@param pseudoSelf any using colon-notation does always pass the object itself as first argument, so we can check it for if it is really a Set (ok) or not (error)
local checkColonNotation = function(methodName, pseudoSelf)
if getmetatable(pseudoSelf) ~= Set then
printError("Method " .. methodName .. " used with .-notation instead of :-notation.")
---To be used as a first-line-check in functions that are required to be called with dot-notation.
---Prints an error-message on screen, if the method was instead used with colon-notation.
---Doesn't catch all false uses, but most of them. Most importantly, it never brings up false positives.
---@param methodName string name of the method, will be printed as part of the error message
---@param firstArgumentOfMethod any using colon-notation does always pass the object itself as first argument, so in case of a wrong Set:method() call, the first passed argument would be the Set class itself (error).
local checkDotNotation = function(methodName, firstArgumentOfMethod)
if firstArgumentOfMethod == Set then
printError("Method " .. methodName .. " used with :-notation instead of .-notation.")
---Returns the wc3-type of any object, i.e. 'unit', if the input is a unit. Returns the Lua-type in case the input is not a Warcraft-type.
---@param input any the object to be checked
---@return string wc3Type
local wc3Type = function (input)
local typeString = type(input)
if typeString == 'userdata' then
typeString = tostring(input) --toString returns the warcraft type plus a colon and some hashstuff.
return string.sub(typeString, 1, (string.find(typeString, ":", nil, true) or 0) -1) --string.find returns nil, if the argument is not found, which would break string.sub. So we need or as coalesce.
return typeString
--- Set constructor. Creates a Set containing all specified arguments as elements. Not specifying any arguments will create an empty Set.
---@param ... any
---@return Set
function Set.create(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.create(...)", ...) end
local new = {}
new.data = {} --place to save the actual elements of the set. Elements can't be saved in self, because they might conflict with function names of the class (adding the element "add" would prevent future access to the add-method).
new.orderedKeys = {}
setmetatable(new, Set)
return new
--- Returns true, if the input parameter is a Set and false otherwise.
---@param anything any
---@return boolean
function Set.isSet(anything)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.isSet(anything)", anything) end
return getmetatable(anything) == Set
---Adds a single given element to the set. Already existing Elements are a valid input, but won't be added again.
---@param element any
---@return Set self
function Set:addSingle(element)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:addSingle(element)", self) end
if element ~=nil and not self.data[element] then
self.n = self.n + 1
self.data[element] = self.n
self.orderedKeys[self.n] = element
return self
---Adds all specified arguments to the Set. Already existing elements are a valid input, but won't be added again.
---E.g. add(2, {2}) would add two elements, the number 2 and Set containing the number 2.
---@param ... any
---@return Set self
function Set:add(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:add(...)", self) end
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
self:addSingle(select(i, ...))
return self
---Removes the specified element from set, if existent. Non-existent elements are a valid input, but won't change the Set.
---@param element any
---@return Set self
function Set:removeSingle(element)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:removeSingle(element)", self) end
if self.data[element] then
local i,n = self.data[element], self.n
self.data[self.orderedKeys[n]] = i --last element takes iteration slot of removed element
self.orderedKeys[i] = self.orderedKeys[n]
self.orderedKeys[n] = nil
self.data[element] = nil
self.n = self.n - 1
return self
---Removes all specified arguments from the Set, if existent. Non-existent elements are a valid input, but won't change the Set.
---@param ... any
---@return Set self
function Set:remove(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:remove(...)", self) end
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
self:removeSingle(select(i, ...))
return self
---returns true, if set contains given element, false otherwise
---@param element any element to check for
---@return boolean
function Set:contains(element)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:contains(element)", self) end
return self.data[element] ~= nil
---Keeps all Elements in the set that are also present in another Set/SyncedTable/array/Force/Group. Removes all elements that are not.
---For SyncedTables and Arrays, elements refer to the values, not the keys. If the specified container is an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param container Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set self
function Set:retainAll(container)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:retainAll(container)", self) end
local typeString = wc3Type(container)
--first add all elements to a Set, if the input container is not already. This allows to intersect more easily.
local containerAsSet = Set.create()
if typeString == 'group' then --Case 1: container is group
ForGroup(container, function () containerAsSet:addSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
elseif typeString == 'force' then --Case 2: container is force
ForForce(container, function () containerAsSet:addSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
elseif (getmetatable(container) == getmetatable(self)) then --Case 3: container is Set
containerAsSet = container
elseif SyncedTable and SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(container) then --Case 4: container is SyncedTable
for _, element in pairs(container) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
elseif(typeString == 'table') then --Case 5: container is a Table. We then assume, it's an array.
for _, element in ipairs(container) do
else --Case 6: invalid input.
printError("retainAll is only compatible with a Set, SyncedTable, array, force or group")
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-return-value
-- do intersection
for element in self:elements() do
if not containerAsSet:contains(element) then self:removeSingle(element) end
return self
---Removes all elements from the set that are present in another Set/SyncedTable/array/Force/Group. For SyncedTables and arrays, elements means values, not keys.
---If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key will be ignored.
---@param container Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set self
function Set:removeAll(container)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:removeAll(container)", self) end
local typeString = wc3Type(container)
if typeString == 'group' then --Case 1: container is a group
ForGroup(container, function () self:removeSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
elseif typeString == 'force' then --Case 2: container is a force
ForForce(container, function () self:removeSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
elseif (getmetatable(container) == getmetatable(self)) then --Case 3: container is a Set
for element in container:elements() do
elseif SyncedTable and SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(container) then --Case 4: container is SyncedTable
for _, element in pairs(container) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
elseif(type(container) == 'table') then --Case 5: container is a table. We then assume, it's a sequence.
for _, element in ipairs(container) do
else --Case 6: invalid input.
printError("removeAll is only compatible with a Set, SyncedTable, array, force or group")
return self
---Adds all Elements of the given Container to the Set.
---Specifying an array or SyncedTable will add all values of that table to the set.
---If you specify an array, it must be a sequence. Otherwise, all values beyond the first nil key will not be added.
---@param container Set | any[] | SyncedTable | force | group
---@return Set self
function Set:addAll(container)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:addAll(container)", self) end
local typeString = wc3Type(container)
if typeString == 'group' then --Case 1: container is Group
ForGroup(container, function () self:addSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
elseif typeString == 'force' then --Case 2: container is Force
ForForce(container, function () self:addSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
elseif (getmetatable(container) == getmetatable(self)) then --Case 3: container is Set
for element in container:elements() do
elseif SyncedTable and SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(container) then --Case 4: container is SyncedTable
for _, element in pairs(container) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
elseif typeString == 'table' then --Case 5: container is table (and we then assume it's an array)
for _, element in ipairs(container) do
else --Case 6: invalid input.
printError("addAll is only compatible with a Set, SyncedTable, array, force or group")
return self
---Adds all keys of a given table as elements to the set. This method is only multiplayer-compatible, if you use a SyncedTable as input OR if you are have overwritten the pairs function to make it multiplayer-synchronous. Otherwise it might lead to desyncs.
---@param whichTable SyncedTable Adds all keys of given table to the set
---@return Set self
function Set:addAllKeys(whichTable)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:addAllKeys(container)", self) end
if(type(whichTable) == 'table') then
for key, _ in pairs(whichTable) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
printError("AddAllKeys only compatible with SyncedTables")
return self
--Help data structures for Set iteration that memorize all currently running iterations, their current element and counter variables.
local recycleStack = {} --State-tables are stored here to prevent garbage collection, at least up to MAX_STACK_SIZE
local stackSize = 0 --Current number of tables stored in recycleStack
local MAX_STACK_SIZE = 128 --Max number of tables that can be stored in recycleStack
--- Iterator function that is used the retreive the next loop element within a Set loop.
--- This iterator is identical for every Set. Different loops are distinguished by different loopIds and all new iterations receive a unique new loopId.
--- The iteration loops through orderedKeys[] in ascending order, saving the current position and element externally.
---@param state {loopCounter:integer, lastElement:any, loopSet:Set} loopId to identify one particular running iteration.
---@return any element
local function iterator(state)
local loopSet = state.loopSet
if state.lastElement == loopSet.orderedKeys[state.loopCounter] then --check, if the last iterated key is still in place. If not, it has been removed in the last part of the iteration.
state.loopCounter = state.loopCounter + 1 --only increase i, when the last iterated key is still part of the table. Otherwise use the same i again. This allows the removal of (key,value)-pairs inside the pairs()-iteration.
local currentElement = loopSet.orderedKeys[state.loopCounter]
state.lastElement = currentElement
--If the loop is finished and the recycleStack is not full, empty and recycle the state-table.
--If the recycleStack is full, the state-table will not be recycled and instead garbage collected (no further action required)
if currentElement == nil and stackSize < MAX_STACK_SIZE then
state.loopCounter = nil --state.lastElement is already nil at this point
state.loopSet = nil
stackSize = stackSize + 1
recycleStack[stackSize] = state
return currentElement
---returns an iterator for a standard for loop
---usage: for element in set:elements() do ... end
---You can both remove and add elements during the loop. Added elements will also be contained in the loop.
---@return function iterator
---@return integer loopId
function Set:elements()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:elements()", self) end
local state --structure to hold loop information
if stackSize > 0 then --recycled table available -> pop
state = recycleStack[stackSize]
recycleStack[stackSize] = nil
stackSize = stackSize - 1
state = {}
state.loopSet = self
state.loopCounter = 1 --current position within orderedKeys
return iterator, state
---returns the number of elements in this set.
---@return integer
function Set:size()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:size()", self) end
return self.n
---returns true, when the set is empty and false otherwise
---@return boolean
function Set:isEmpty()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:isEmpty()", self) end
return self:size() == 0
---Returns a random element from the Set.
function Set:random()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:random()", self) end
return self.orderedKeys[math.random(self.n)]
---removes all Elements from the set
---@return Set self
function Set:clear()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:clear()", self) end
self.data = {}
self.orderedKeys = {}
self.n = 0
return self
---Returns an array with exactly the elements of the Set. Only do this, when another function input needs an array, because why should you use a Set, when you convert it to an array anyway?
---@return any[] array
function Set:toArray()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:toArray()", self) end
local i,result = 1,{}
for element in self:elements() do
result[i] = element
i = i+1
return result
---Returns a comma separated list of all elements of <Set>, engulfed in {}-brackets.
---@return string
function Set:toString()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:toString()", self) end
local elementsToString = {}
for i = 1, self.n do
elementsToString[i] = tostring(self.orderedKeys[i]) --must be translated to strings, else table.concat wouldn't work.
return '{' .. table.concat(elementsToString, ', ', 1, self.n) .. '}'
---prints all elements of the Set on Screen (space separated)
function Set:print()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:print()", self) end
---Returns true, if this Set has at least one common element with another Set, i.e. the intersection is not empty.
---@param otherSet Set
---@return boolean haveCommonElement
function Set:intersects(otherSet)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:intersects(otherSet)", self) end
for element in self:elements() do
if otherSet.data[element] then
return true
return false
---Returns a copy of an existing Set.
---@return Set copy
function Set:copy()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:copy()", self) end
return Set.create():addAll(self)
---Returns a new Set, which is the union of all specified parameters.
---You can specify any number of arguments of types Set, SyncedTable, array, force and group.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param ... Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set union
function Set.union(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.union(...)", ...) end
local resultSet = Set.create()
for i = 1, select('#',...) do
resultSet:addAll(select(i, ...))
return resultSet
---Returns a new Set, which is the intersection of all specified parameters.
---You can specify any number of arguments of types Set, SyncedTable, array, force and group.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param ... Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set intersection
function Set.intersection(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.intersection(...)", ...) end
local n = select('#',...)
local resultSet = Set.create()
if n > 0 then resultSet:addAll(...) end --actually only adds the first container (addAll only supports one param)
for i = 2, n do
return resultSet
---Returns a new Set, which equals setA exluding the elements of setB.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param containerA Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@param containerB Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set setDifference
function Set.except(containerA, containerB)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.except(A,B)", containerA) end
return Set.create():addAll(containerA):removeAll(containerB)
---Returns the Set of all units from the specified unitgroup.
---@param unitgroup group
---@return Set
function Set.fromGroup(unitgroup)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.fromGroup(unitgroup)", unitgroup) end
local unitSet = Set.create()
ForGroup(unitgroup, function () unitSet:addSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
return unitSet
---Returns the Set of all players from the specified playergroup.
---@param playergroup force
---@return Set
function Set.fromForce(playergroup)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.fromForce(playergroup)", playergroup) end
local playerSet = Set.create()
ForForce(playergroup, function () playerSet:addSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
return playerSet
---Returns a new Set with all elements from the specified table (i.e. all values, not keys). The table must be either a SyncedTable or array.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param whichTable SyncedTable | any[]
---@return Set
function Set.fromTable(whichTable)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.fromTable(whichTable)", whichTable) end
return Set.create():addAll(whichTable)
-- | SetUtils Library | --
--Mimick existing pick natives, but create Sets instead of groups, forces, destructable
SetUtils = {}
local autoUnitRemoveSubscriptions = Set.create() --Set of all Sets that are subscribed to automatic unit removal. Only in use, when a custom defend ability was provided.
local getUnitTypeId, unitAddAbility, unitMakeAbilityPermanent = GetUnitTypeId, UnitAddAbility, UnitMakeAbilityPermanent --localize natives for quicker access
---Removes the specified unit from all sets subscribed to auto-removal of invalid unit references.
---Called upon any unit leaving the game.
---@param unitToRemove unit
local function removeUnitFromSubscribedSets(unitToRemove)
for set in autoUnitRemoveSubscriptions:elements() do
local checkDotNotation = function(firstArgumentOfMethod)
if firstArgumentOfMethod == SetUtils then
printError("SetUtils method used with :-notation instead of .-notation.")
local dummyGroup ---@type group this unitgroup will be used within the Wc3 natives.
---Executes the specified enumFunc to create a unitgroup and converts the output to a set.
---@param enumFunc function
---@param destroyCondition? boolexpr pass a boolean expr if you want it to be destroyed after the enumeration.
---@param ... any the parameters to pass to enumFunc
---@return Set
local function enumGroupToSet(enumFunc, destroyCondition, ...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation(...) end
dummyGroup = dummyGroup or CreateGroup()
GroupClear(dummyGroup) --do this first to ensure an empty group. Errors in the conditions passed to enumFunc below could otherwise interrupt code execution and leave dummyGroup non-empty.
enumFunc(dummyGroup, ...)
local unitSet = Set.fromGroup(dummyGroup)
if destroyCondition then
return unitSet
---Returns Condition(func), if the input a is a function. Returns the input otherwise.
---@param func? function | boolexpr
---@return boolexpr condition, boolean converted_yn
local function conditionIfNecessary(func)
local converted_yn = type(func) == 'function' ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: return-type-mismatch
return (converted_yn and Condition(func)) or func, converted_yn --real boolexpr have type userdata
---Returns the Set of all units in a specified rect that match a specified condition.
---Use GetFilterUnit() to refer to the unit being checked by the condition.
---@param whichRect rect
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(whichRect, condition)
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
return enumGroupToSet(GroupEnumUnitsInRect, converted_yn and convertedCondition or nil, whichRect, convertedCondition)
---Returns the Set of all units in a specified rect.
---@param whichRect rect
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRect(whichRect)
return SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(whichRect)
---Returns the Set of all units within a specified radius of the specified coordinates matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterUnit() to refer to the unit being checked by the condition.
---@param x real
---@param y real
---@param radius real
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRangeMatching(x, y, radius, condition)
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
return enumGroupToSet(GroupEnumUnitsInRange, converted_yn and convertedCondition or nil, x, y, radius, convertedCondition)
---Returns the Set of all units within a specified radius of the specified coordinates.
---@param x real
---@param y real
---@param radius real
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRange(x, y, radius)
return SetUtils.getUnitsInRangeMatching(x, y, radius)
---Returns the Set of all units owned by the specified player and matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterUnit() to refer to the unit being checked by the condition.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerMatching(whichPlayer, condition)
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
return enumGroupToSet(GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer, converted_yn and convertedCondition or nil, whichPlayer, convertedCondition)
---Returns the Set of all units owned by the specified player.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayer(whichPlayer)
return SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerMatching(whichPlayer)
--Permanently stores conditions for retreiving typeIds and the worldBounds rect. Both are created on demand. Prevents continous re-creation of conditionfuncs from anonymous functions.
--TypeIds are static and limited in number, so there's not much chance of creating unused objects with this system.
local storage = setmetatable({}, {})
getmetatable(storage).__index = function(t,k)
if k == 'worldBounds' then
t[k] = GetWorldBounds()
elseif k == 'returnTrue' then
t[k] = Condition(function() return true end)
t[k] = Condition(function() return GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) == k end)
return rawget(t,k)
---Returns the Set of all units having the specified unitType and matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterUnit() to refer to the unit being checked by the condition.
---@param typeId integer
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeIdMatching(typeId, condition)
condition = condition or storage['returnTrue']
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
local logicalAnd = And(storage[typeId], convertedCondition)
local returnSet = enumGroupToSet(GroupEnumUnitsInRect, logicalAnd, storage['worldBounds'], logicalAnd)
if converted_yn then DestroyBoolExpr(convertedCondition) end
return returnSet
---Returns the Set of all units owned by the specified player and having the specified unitType.
---Use GetFilterUnit() to refer to the unit being checked by the condition.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param typeId integer
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(whichPlayer, typeId)
return enumGroupToSet(GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer, nil, whichPlayer, storage[typeId])
---Returns the Set of all units having the specified unitType.
---@param typeId integer
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(typeId)
return SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeIdMatching(typeId)
---Returns the Set of all units being currently selected by a player and matching the specified condition.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsSelected(whichPlayer, condition)
SyncSelections() --important to prevent desyncs, as selections are saved locally.
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
return enumGroupToSet(GroupEnumUnitsSelected, converted_yn and convertedCondition or nil, whichPlayer, convertedCondition)
SetUtils.getUnitsSelectedMatching = SetUtils.getUnitsSelected
---Returns the Set of all players.
---Contains players that were present during game start, including computer players.
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getPlayersAll()
return Set.fromForce(GetPlayersAll()) --global wc3 var, doesn't produce memory leaks
---Returns the Set of all active players (including computer players) matching the specified condition.
---Only contains players that were present during game start, including computer players.
---Use GetFilterPlayer() to refer to the player being checked in the condition.
---@param condition function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getPlayersMatching(condition)
local playergroup = CreateForce()
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
ForceEnumPlayers(playergroup, convertedCondition)
local playerSet = Set.fromForce(playergroup)
if converted_yn then
return playerSet
---Returns the Set of all destructables in the specified rect matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterDestructable() to refer to the destructable being checked in the condition.
---@param whichRect rect
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getDestructablesInRectMatching(whichRect, condition)
local destructableSet = Set.create()
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
EnumDestructablesInRect(whichRect, convertedCondition, function() destructableSet:add(GetEnumDestructable()) end)
if converted_yn then
return destructableSet
---Returns the Set of all destructables in the specified rect.
---@param whichRect rect
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getDestructablesInRect(whichRect)
return SetUtils.getDestructablesInRectMatching(whichRect)
---Returns the Set of all items in the specified rect matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterItem() to refer to the item being checked in the condition.
---@param whichRect rect
---@param condition function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getItemsInRectMatching(whichRect, condition)
local itemSet = Set.create()
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
EnumItemsInRect(whichRect, convertedCondition, function() itemSet:add(GetEnumItem()) end)
if converted_yn then
return itemSet
---Returns the Set of all items in the specified rect.
---@param whichRect rect
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getItemsInRect(whichRect)
return SetUtils.getItemsInRectMatching(whichRect)
---Removes all invalid unit references from the specified Set, i.e. units that have already been removed from the game.
---If your Set contains non-unit elements, you must set the second parameter to true to avoid crashes.
---@param whichSet Set the Set that might contain references to removed units
---@param checkIfUnit? boolean default: false. Set to true to avoid crashes, if the Set contains non-unit elements.
function SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(whichSet, checkIfUnit)
for element in whichSet:elements() do
if not checkIfUnit or wc3Type(element) == 'unit' then
if getUnitTypeId(element) == 0 then
---Subscribes the specified set to automatic removal of invalid unit references, i.e. for the rest of the game, units that are removed from the game will also be removed from the specified set.
---Set the second parameter to false (default true) to unsubscribe the specified Set from the automatic unit cleaning.
---As long as a Set is subscribed, it will not be garbage collected.
---This function requires CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE to be set.
---@param whichSet Set
---@param subscribe_yn? boolean default: true. true to subscribe. false to unsubscribe.
function SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval(whichSet, subscribe_yn)
if subscribe_yn or subscribe_yn == nil then
SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(whichSet, true)
printError("You can't use SetUtils.subscribeToAutoUnitRemoval, until you have provided a custom defend ability.")
local hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition ---@type conditionfunc initialized in SetUtils.createTriggers() below.
---Adds the event "unit is removed from the game" to the specified trigger.
---This event is not compatible with other events, so don't use it on triggers with multiple events (other events will simply be invalidated).
---Requires CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE to be set.
---@param whichTrigger trigger
function SetUtils.triggerRegisterAnyUnitRemoveEvent(whichTrigger)
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(whichTrigger, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER)
TriggerAddCondition(whichTrigger, hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition)
printError("You can't use SetUtils.triggerRegisterAnyUnitRemoveEvent, until you have provided a custom defend ability.")
--------Triggers for unit auto removal---------
function SetUtils.createTriggers()
--Init unit reference cleanup methods
--Add the custom defend ability to all units entering the map, if it was provided.
for i = 0, GetBJMaxPlayers() - 1 do
SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i), CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE, false)
local enterTrigger = CreateTrigger()
TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( enterTrigger, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea )
local function prepareNewUnit()
local u = GetTriggerUnit()
unitMakeAbilityPermanent(u, true, CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE)
TriggerAddAction(enterTrigger, prepareNewUnit)
--Initialize upvalue. We don't set hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition earlier to prevent using Wc3 natives in the Lua root.
hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition = Condition(function() return (GetIssuedOrderId() == 852056) and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(), CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE) == 0 end) --undefend order. This one is issued upon units leaving the game, but also under other circumstances. Ability-Level == 0 proves the removed from the game event.
local removeTrigger = CreateTrigger()
TriggerAddAction(removeTrigger, function() removeUnitFromSubscribedSets(GetTriggerUnit()) end)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global
if OnInit and OnInit.trig then OnInit.trig(SetUtils.createTriggers) end --use TotalInit library, if available.
if Debug and Debug.endFile then Debug.endFile() end
and the likes) to also add the created unit to the global Set. This is a background process that you can ignore, but should be aware of.SetUtils.getUnitsInRect(r)
successfully picks all units within the specified rect, even those in the bottommost row (unlike the Wc3 native).if Debug and Debug.beginFile then Debug.beginFile("SetUtils") end ---@diagnostic disable-line
-- | API Set & Set Utils v1.3.5 | --
by Eikonium
--> https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/setutils.353716/
| Sets are data containers that can contain every element only once. Much like unitgroups, but not limited to units. |
| The Set-API offers functions to create, alter and loop through Sets. |
| The SetUtils library offers equivalents to pick-all-units-matching-condition-natives (players/destructables/items) that return a Set instead of a group or force. |
| Optional Dependencies: |
| |
| Total Initialization by Bribe: |
| https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/lua-global-initialization.317099/ |
| Having Total Init in your map script frees you of creating a GUI trigger that runs SetUtils.createTriggers() on Map Init. |
| Please make sure that you copy Global Initilization to a script file in your map that is located above(!) the Set library. |
| SyncedTable |
| https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/syncedtable.353715/ |
| Many Set-functionalities like union, intersection, except, fromTable and addAllKeys do support arrays and SyncedTables, but not normal tables (because it could |
| lead to desyncs). |
* API Functions:
* The API uses standard Lua object-oriented syntax, i.e. you need to pay attention to whether the function you want to use requires dot- or colon-notation (it's clearly visible in the documentation).
* The library provides a debug-mode that allows you to get notified about when you used dots instead of colons and vice versa.
* -------------
* | Set class |
* -------------
* - The class itself mainly offers ways to create new Sets.
* Set.create(...) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set and adds all specified arguments as elements.
* - Example:
* local a = Set.create("bla", 50, Player(0)) --creates a Set with 3 elements.
* Set.union(...) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set as the union of all specified arguments.
* - All arguments must be either Sets, SyncedTables, arrays, forces or groups. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* Set.intersection(...) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set as the intersection of all specified arguments.
* - All arguments must be either Sets, SyncedTables, arrays, forces or groups. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* Set.except(containerA, containerB) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set having all elements from specified containerA except the elements from specified containerB.
* - All arguments must be either Sets, SyncedTables, arrays, forces or groups. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* Set.fromForce(force) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set containing all players from the specified force.
* Set.fromGroup(group) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set containing all units fromn the specified group.
* Set.fromTable(array|SyncedTable) -> Set
* - Creates a new Set containing all elements from the specified table (elements refer to the values of the table, not the keys).
* - Table must be either a SyncedTable or an array. If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
* ---------------
* | Set objects |
* ---------------
* - The following methods are available for any existing Set object.
* --------------------------------
* --------------------------------
* <Set>:add(...)
* - adds any number of specified arguments as elements to <Set>
* - ignores all arguments that are already contained in <Set>
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* - if you highly care for performance and only want to add one single element, you can use <Set>:addSingle(element) instead.
* <Set>:remove(...)
* - removes any number of specified arguments from <Set>
* - ignores all arguments that are not contained in <Set>
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* - if you highly care for performance and only want to remove one single element, you can use <Set>:removeSingle(element) instead.
* <Set>:addAll(container)
* - adds all elements from the specified container as elements to <Set> (and ignores everything that is already present in <Set>)
* - the container must be a Set, array, force or group (in case of an array, "elements" refers to its values)
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:addAllKeys(SyncedTable) [or any table with a multiplayer-synched pairs function]
* - adds all keys from the specified table as elements to <Set>
* - this method is only multiplayer-compatible, if you input a SyncedTable or if you have overwritten the pairs-function to make it synchronous on the input table. Otherwise, using this method can lead to a desync.
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:removeAll(container)
* - removes all elements present in the specified container from <Set> (and ignores everything that is not contained in <Set>)
* - the container must be a Set, array, force or group.
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:retainAll(container)
* - only keeps elements in <Set> that are also contained in the specified container and removes the rest.
* - the container must be a Set, array, force or group.
* - returns <Set> to allow for chaining methods
* <Set>:clear()
* - removes all elements from <Set>
* - returns <Set> (which is empty now) to allow for chaining methods
* ---------------------
* ---------------------
* <Set>:elements()
* - iterator function for the generic for-loop over <Set>
* - Example:
* local exampleSet = Set.create(Player(0), Player(1), "bla", 5)
* for dings in exampleSet:elements() do
* print(dings)
* end
* -----------
* -----------
* <Set>:contains(element) -> boolean
* - returns true, if the element is contained in <Set> and false otherwise.
* <Set>:size() -> integer
* - returns the number of elements of the set.
* <Set>:isEmpty() -> boolean
* - returns true, if <Set> contains no elements, and false otherwise.
* <Set>:toString() -> string
* - returns a comma separated list of all elements of <Set>, engulfed in {}-brackets.
* <Set>:print()
* - prints <Set>:toString() on screen.
* <Set>:random() -> any
* - returns a random element from <Set>
* <Set>:toArray() -> any[]
* - returns a normal array (table) containing ell elements from <Set>.
* - not really useful in most cases, as arrays are not better than sets most of the time. There are exceptions however, e.g. when you want to sort the elements (Sets don't have an order, but arrays have).
* <Set>:intersects(otherSet) -> boolean
* - Returns true, if <Set> has at least one common element with the specified argument.
* - Argument currently only supports other Sets - not arrays, forces or groups.
* <Set>:copy() -> Set
* - Returns a new Set containing the same elements as <Set>.
* -------------------
* | Set Utils class |
* -------------------
* - this class offers set equivalents for the Wc3 natives that pick and return a group of units, players, destructables and items.
* ------------------
* ------------------
* | -> Units |
* ------------
* - in contrast to the wc3 natives, all SetUtils unit getters have the option to include locust units.
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRect(rect [, boolean includeLocust])
* - returns a new Set with all units located in the specified rect, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* - like the Warcraft native, the rect is considered an half-open rectangle (closed to west and south, open to east and north?). That means that entering units are not guaranteed to be picked.
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRange(float x, float y, float radius [, boolean includeLocust])
* - returns a new Set with all units within the specified radius of the specified coordinates, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayer(player [, boolean includeLocust])
* - returns a new Set with all units owned by the specified player, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(integer typeId [, boolean includeLocust])
* - returns a new Set with all units on the map having the specified type, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* - the typeId parameter has to be created out of the FourCC-function, e.g. SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(FourCC('hfoo'))
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(player, integer typeId [, boolean includeLocust])
* - returns a new Set with all units owned by the specified player and having the specified type, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* SetUtils.getUnitsSelected(player)
* - returns a new Set with all units currently being selected by the specified player.
* - returns the empty Set, when the player doesn't have any units selected.
* - this function needs to synchronize local selections between players, so it might not be as instant as usual (needs investigation).
* ------------------------------------
* | -> Players, Destructables, Items |
* ------------------------------------
* SetUtils.getPlayersAll()
* - returns a new Set containing all players that were present during map init.
* SetUtils.getDestructablesInRect(rect)
* - returns a Set with all Destructables located in the specified rect.
* SetUtils.getItemsInRect(rect)
* - returns a Set with all Items located in the specified rect.
* -----------------------
* -----------------------
* - Below functions are variants of the above pick functions that can additionally take any number of conditions.
* Only elements passing all conditions will join the set.
* ------------
* | -> Units |
* ------------
* - All condition functions in the unit conditional getters API must be either be functions taking a unit and returning a boolean, or functions taking nothing and returning a boolean.
* If choosing the latter method, use GetFilterUnit() to refer to the unit being checked.
* - Anonymous lua functions are a suitable way to pass conditions.
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(rect [, boolean includeLocust] [, function(unit):boolean condition1] [, function(unit):boolean condition2] [, ...])
* - returns a new Set with all units located in the specified rect and matching all specified conditions, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* - like the Warcraft native, the rect is considered an half-open rectangle (closed to west and south, open to east and north?). That means that entering units are not guaranteed to be picked.
* - Example:
* local r = <someRect>
* local exampleSet = SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(r, nil, function(u) return GetOwningPlayer(u) == Player(0) end) --will contain all units in the rect owned by Player 1.
* SetUtils.getUnitsInRangeMatching(float x, float y, float radius [, boolean includeLocust] [, function(unit):boolean condition1] [, function(unit):boolean condition2] [, ...])
* - returns a new Set with all units within the specified radius of the specified coordinates that match all specified conditions, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerMatching(player [, boolean includeLocust] [, function(unit):boolean condition1] [, function(unit):boolean condition2] [, ...])
* - returns a new Set with all units owned by the specified player and matching all specified conditions, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeIdMatching(integer typeId [, boolean includeLocust] [, function(unit):boolean condition1] [, function(unit):boolean condition2] [, ...])
* - returns a new Set with all units on the map having the specified type and matching all specified conditions, optionally including units with locust (default: false).
* - the typeId parameter has to be created out of the FourCC-function, e.g. SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(FourCC('hfoo'))
* SetUtils.getUnitsSelectedMatching(player [, function(unit):boolean condition1] [, function(unit):boolean condition2] [, ...])
* - returns a new Set with all units currently being selected by the specified player and matching all specified conditions.
* - returns the empty Set, when the player doesn't have any units selected.
* - this function needs to synchronize local selections between players, so it might not be as instant as usual (needs investigation).
* ------------------------------------
* | -> Players, Destructables, Items |
* ------------------------------------
* - All condition functions in this part of the API must be warcraft conditionfuncs (i.e. functions taking nothing and returning a boolean engulfed by Condition()).
* You can however directly pass a Lua-function and SetUtils will do the Condition() stuff for you.
* SetUtils.getPlayersMatching(function conditionfunc)
* - returns a new Set containing all players that were present during map init and who match the specified condition.
* SetUtils.getDestructablesInRectMatching(rect, function conditionfunc)
* - returns a Set with all Destructables located in the specified rect and matching the specified condition.
* SetUtils.getItemsInRectMatching(rect, function conditionfunc)
* - returns a Set with all Items located in the specified rect and matching the specified condition.
* -----------
* -----------
* SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(Set [, boolean checkIfUnit])
* - Removes all invalid unit references from the specified Set, i.e. units that have already been removed from the game.
* - Only useful for Sets that actually contain units.
* - If your Set contains non-unit elements, you must set the second parameter to true to avoid crashes.
* - Good to use as safety mechanism before looping over unit Sets, because Sets (in contrast to Wc3 native unitgroups) don't automatically remove units that leave the game after Set creation.
* - As an alternative, you can use SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval(Set) (see below) on the Set to automatically remove invalid unit references for the rest of the game.
* SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval(Set [, boolean subscribe_yn]) [requires you to declare CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE, see options below]
* - Subscribes the specified set to automatic removal of invalid unit references, i.e. for the rest of the game, units that are removed from the game will also be removed from the specified set.
* - Only useful for Sets that actually contain units. Avoids bugs, when looping over it. As an alternative, you can just call SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs (see above) on the Set before each loop.
* - Set the second parameter to false (default true) to unsubscribe the specified Set from the automatic unit cleaning.
* - As long as a Set is subscribed, it will not be garbage collected.
* SetUtils.triggerRegisterAnyUnitRemoveEvent(trigger) [requires you to declare CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE, see options below]
* - Adds the event "any unit is removed from the game" to the specified trigger. Not compatible with other events on the same trigger!
* - Use "GetTriggerUnit()" to refer to the unit being removed.
* - Will trigger twice, if the remove unit also had the original Defend ability (or just another copy), so don't use this, if you also plan to use the Defend ability in your map.
* - This functionality is not really Set-specific, but the system does use the event internally, so there is no reason to not offer it to you guys.
-- disable sumneko extension warnings for imported resource
---@diagnostic disable
-- | OPTIONS | --
-- Debug-Mode will notify you per ingame error-message, if you confused dot-notation and colon-notation. The check doesn't recognize 100% of confusions, but works for most of the cases (and most important, it has no false positives).
-- Set this to false before the release of your map.
local DEBUG_MODE = true ---@type boolean
-- The SetUtils library internally maintains a Set of all units in the game, but needs to exclude units that are removed from the game. Otherwise, the pick functions will include invalid unit references, which could cause several bugs.
-- Per default, every pick function will check every unit for if it has been removed from the game or not, but you can additionally choose one of the following options for more performance gain.
-- Option 1: Resource will exclude units immediately upon being removed from the game (trigger-based).
-- Usage: Create a custom copy of the "Defend"-ability of the Human footman in object editor and enter its ability code to CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE below.
-- Recommended if: you cycle a lot of units and plan to use a lot of pick-functions from the SetUtils-library.
-- Option 2: Resource will periodically check for invalid unit references.
-- Usage: Set CLEAN_INTERVAL below to a sensible value, e.g. 300 (-> every 5 minutes).
-- Recommended if: you cycle a lot of units, but rarely use a SetUtils pick-function.
-- Option 3: Only check for invalid unit references upon using a pick-function.
-- Usage: This behaviour is always active, so you don't need to change any constant below.
-- Recommended if: you don't use SetUtils pick functions at all.
local CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE = nil ---@type integer -- (only Option 1) Enter the abi code of your custom defend ability here (as FourCC('xxxx')). If you do, this resource will use the ability to detect units leaving the game.
local CLEAN_INTERVAL = nil ---@type number -- (only Option 2) Interval in seconds to check for invalid unit references. Once every few minutes should be sufficient.
---Start of code---
-- | Set Library | --
---@class Set
Set = {
data = {} ---@type table data structure saving the actual elements
, orderedKeys = {} ---@type any[] to keep iteration order synchronized in multiplayer
, n = 0 ---@type number number of elements in the Set
Set.__index = Set
Set.__name = 'Set'
---Prints an error message on screen, applying red color and the ERROR-prefix.
---@param message string
local printError = function(message) print("|cffff5555Error: " .. message .. "|r") end
---To be used as a first-line-check in methods that are required to be called with colon-notation.
---Prints an error-message on screen, if the method was instead used with dot-notation.
---Doesn't catch all false uses, but most of them. Most importantly, it never brings up false positives.
---@param methodName string name of the method, will be printed as part of the error message
---@param pseudoSelf any using colon-notation does always pass the object itself as first argument, so we can check it for if it is really a Set (ok) or not (error)
local checkColonNotation = function(methodName, pseudoSelf)
if getmetatable(pseudoSelf) ~= Set then
printError("Method " .. methodName .. " used with .-notation instead of :-notation.")
---To be used as a first-line-check in functions that are required to be called with dot-notation.
---Prints an error-message on screen, if the method was instead used with colon-notation.
---Doesn't catch all false uses, but most of them. Most importantly, it never brings up false positives.
---@param methodName string name of the method, will be printed as part of the error message
---@param firstArgumentOfMethod any using colon-notation does always pass the object itself as first argument, so in case of a wrong Set:method() call, the first passed argument would be the Set class itself (error).
local checkDotNotation = function(methodName, firstArgumentOfMethod)
if firstArgumentOfMethod == Set then
printError("Method " .. methodName .. " used with :-notation instead of .-notation.")
---Returns the wc3-type of any object, i.e. 'unit', if the input is a unit. Returns the Lua-type in case the input is not a Warcraft-type.
---@param input any the object to be checked
---@return string wc3Type
local wc3Type = function (input)
local typeString = type(input)
if typeString == 'userdata' then
typeString = tostring(input) --toString returns the warcraft type plus a colon and some hashstuff.
return string.sub(typeString, 1, (string.find(typeString, ":", nil, true) or 0) -1) --string.find returns nil, if the argument is not found, which would break string.sub. So we need or as coalesce.
return typeString
--- Set constructor. Creates a Set containing all specified arguments as elements. Not specifying any arguments will create an empty Set.
---@param ... any
---@return Set
function Set.create(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.create(...)", ...) end
local new = {}
new.data = {} --place to save the actual elements of the set. Elements can't be saved in self, because they might conflict with function names of the class (adding the element "add" would prevent future access to the add-method).
new.orderedKeys = {}
setmetatable(new, Set)
return new
--- Returns true, if the input parameter is a Set and false otherwise.
---@param anything any
---@return boolean
function Set.isSet(anything)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.isSet(anything)", anything) end
return getmetatable(anything) == Set
---Adds a single given element to the set. Already existing Elements are a valid input, but won't be added again.
---@param element any
---@return Set self
function Set:addSingle(element)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:addSingle(element)", self) end
if element ~=nil and not self.data[element] then
self.n = self.n + 1
self.data[element] = self.n
self.orderedKeys[self.n] = element
return self
---Adds all specified arguments to the Set. Already existing elements are a valid input, but won't be added again.
---E.g. add(2, {2}) would add two elements, the number 2 and Set containing the number 2.
---@param ... any
---@return Set self
function Set:add(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:add(...)", self) end
for i = 1, select('#',...) do
self:addSingle(select(i, ...))
return self
---Removes the specified element from set, if existent. Non-existent elements are a valid input, but won't change the Set.
---@param element any
---@return Set self
function Set:removeSingle(element)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:removeSingle(element)", self) end
if self.data[element] then
local i,n = self.data[element], self.n
self.data[self.orderedKeys[n]] = i --last element takes iteration slot of removed element
self.orderedKeys[i] = self.orderedKeys[n]
self.orderedKeys[n] = nil
self.data[element] = nil
self.n = self.n - 1
return self
---Removes all specified arguments from the Set, if existent. Non-existent elements are a valid input, but won't change the Set.
---@param ... any
---@return Set self
function Set:remove(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:remove(...)", self) end
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
self:removeSingle(select(i, ...))
return self
---returns true, if set contains given element, false otherwise
---@param element any element to check for
---@return boolean
function Set:contains(element)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:contains(element)", self) end
return self.data[element] ~= nil
---@diagnostic disable: param-type-mismatch
---Keeps all Elements in the set that are also present in another Set/SyncedTable/array/Force/Group. Removes all elements that are not.
---For SyncedTables and Arrays, elements refer to the values, not the keys. If the specified container is an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param container Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set self
function Set:retainAll(container)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:retainAll(container)", self) end
local typeString = wc3Type(container)
--first add all elements to a Set, if the input container is not already. This allows to intersect more easily.
local containerAsSet = Set.create()
if typeString == 'group' then --Case 1: container is group
ForGroup(container, function () containerAsSet:addSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
elseif typeString == 'force' then --Case 2: container is force
ForForce(container, function () containerAsSet:addSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
elseif (getmetatable(container) == getmetatable(self)) then --Case 3: container is Set
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: cast-local-type
containerAsSet = container
elseif SyncedTable and SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(container) then --Case 4: container is SyncedTable
for _, element in pairs(container) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
elseif(typeString == 'table') then --Case 5: container is a Table. We then assume, it's an array.
for _, element in ipairs(container) do
else --Case 6: invalid input.
printError("retainAll is only compatible with a Set, SyncedTable, array, force or group")
-- do intersection
for element in self:elements() do
if not containerAsSet:contains(element) then self:removeSingle(element) end
return self
---Removes all elements from the set that are present in another Set/SyncedTable/array/Force/Group. For SyncedTables and arrays, elements means values, not keys.
---If specifying an array, it must form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key will be ignored.
---@param container Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set self
function Set:removeAll(container)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:removeAll(container)", self) end
local typeString = wc3Type(container)
if typeString == 'group' then --Case 1: container is a group
ForGroup(container, function () self:removeSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
elseif typeString == 'force' then --Case 2: container is a force
ForForce(container, function () self:removeSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
elseif (getmetatable(container) == getmetatable(self)) then --Case 3: container is a Set
for element in container:elements() do
elseif SyncedTable and SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(container) then --Case 4: container is SyncedTable
for _, element in pairs(container) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
elseif(type(container) == 'table') then --Case 5: container is a table. We then assume, it's a sequence.
for _, element in ipairs(container) do
else --Case 6: invalid input.
printError("removeAll is only compatible with a Set, SyncedTable, array, force or group")
return self
---Adds all Elements of the given Container to the Set.
---Specifying an array or SyncedTable will add all values of that table to the set.
---If you specify an array, it must be a sequence. Otherwise, all values beyond the first nil key will not be added.
---@param container Set | any[] | SyncedTable | force | group
---@return Set self
function Set:addAll(container)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:addAll(container)", self) end
local typeString = wc3Type(container)
if typeString == 'group' then --Case 1: container is Group
ForGroup(container, function () self:addSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
elseif typeString == 'force' then --Case 2: container is Force
ForForce(container, function () self:addSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
elseif (getmetatable(container) == getmetatable(self)) then --Case 3: container is Set
for element in container:elements() do
elseif SyncedTable and SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(container) then --Case 4: container is SyncedTable
for _, element in pairs(container) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
elseif typeString == 'table' then --Case 5: container is table (and we then assume it's an array)
for _, element in ipairs(container) do
else --Case 6: invalid input.
printError("addAll is only compatible with a Set, SyncedTable, array, force or group")
return self
---@diagnostic enable: param-type-mismatch
---Adds all keys of a given table as elements to the set. This method is only multiplayer-compatible, if you use a SyncedTable as input OR if you are have overwritten the pairs function to make it multiplayer-synchronous. Otherwise it might lead to desyncs.
---@param whichTable SyncedTable Adds all keys of given table to the set
---@return Set self
function Set:addAllKeys(whichTable)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:addAllKeys(container)", self) end
if(type(whichTable) == 'table') then
for key, _ in pairs(whichTable) do --pairs-function is multiplayer synced for SyncedTables.
printError("AddAllKeys only compatible with SyncedTables")
return self
--Help data structures for Set iteration that memorize all currently running iterations, their current element and counter variables.
local recycleStack = {} --State-tables are stored here to prevent garbage collection, at least up to MAX_STACK_SIZE
local stackSize = 0 --Current number of tables stored in recycleStack
local MAX_STACK_SIZE = 128 --Max number of tables that can be stored in recycleStack
--- Iterator function that is used the retreive the next loop element within a Set loop.
--- This iterator is identical for every Set. Different loops are distinguished by different loopIds and all new iterations receive a unique new loopId.
--- The iteration loops through orderedKeys[] in ascending order, saving the current position and element externally.
---@param state {loopCounter:integer, lastElement:any, loopSet:Set} loopId to identify one particular running iteration.
---@return any element
local function iterator(state)
local loopSet = state.loopSet
if state.lastElement == loopSet.orderedKeys[state.loopCounter] then --check, if the last iterated key is still in place. If not, it has been removed in the last part of the iteration.
state.loopCounter = state.loopCounter + 1 --only increase i, when the last iterated key is still part of the table. Otherwise use the same i again. This allows the removal of (key,value)-pairs inside the pairs()-iteration.
local currentElement = loopSet.orderedKeys[state.loopCounter]
state.lastElement = currentElement
--If the loop is finished and the recycleStack is not full, empty and recycle the state-table.
--If the recycleStack is full, the state-table will not be recycled and instead garbage collected (no further action required)
if currentElement == nil and stackSize < MAX_STACK_SIZE then
state.loopCounter = nil --state.lastElement is already nil at this point
state.loopSet = nil
stackSize = stackSize + 1
recycleStack[stackSize] = state
return currentElement
---returns an iterator for a standard for loop
---usage: for element in set:elements() do ... end
---You can both remove and add elements during the loop. Added elements will also be contained in the loop.
---@return function iterator
---@return integer loopId
function Set:elements()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:elements()", self) end
local state --structure to hold loop information
if stackSize > 0 then --recycled table available -> pop
state = recycleStack[stackSize]
recycleStack[stackSize] = nil
stackSize = stackSize - 1
state = {}
state.loopSet = self
state.loopCounter = 1 --current position within orderedKeys
return iterator, state
---returns the number of elements in this set.
---@return integer
function Set:size()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:size()", self) end
return self.n
---returns true, when the set is empty and false otherwise
---@return boolean
function Set:isEmpty()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:isEmpty()", self) end
return self:size() == 0
---Returns a random element from the Set.
function Set:random()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:random()", self) end
return self.orderedKeys[math.random(self.n)]
---removes all Elements from the set
---@return Set self
function Set:clear()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:clear()", self) end
self.data = {}
self.orderedKeys = {}
self.n = 0
return self
---Returns an array with exactly the elements of the Set. Only do this, when another function input needs an array, because why should you use a Set, when you convert it to an array anyway?
---@return any[] array
function Set:toArray()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:toArray()", self) end
local i,result = 1,{}
for element in self:elements() do
result[i] = element
i = i+1
return result
---Returns a comma separated list of all elements of <Set>, engulfed in {}-brackets.
---@return string
function Set:toString()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:toString()", self) end
local elementsToString = {}
for i = 1, self.n do
elementsToString[i] = tostring(self.orderedKeys[i]) --must be translated to strings, else table.concat wouldn't work.
return '{' .. table.concat(elementsToString, ', ', 1, self.n) .. '}'
---prints all elements of the Set on Screen (space separated)
function Set:print()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:print()", self) end
---Returns true, if this Set has at least one common element with another Set, i.e. the intersection is not empty.
---@param otherSet Set
---@return boolean haveCommonElement
function Set:intersects(otherSet)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:intersects(otherSet)", self) end
for element in self:elements() do
if otherSet.data[element] then
return true
return false
---Returns a copy of an existing Set.
---@return Set copy
function Set:copy()
if DEBUG_MODE then checkColonNotation("Set:copy()", self) end
return Set.create():addAll(self)
---Returns a new Set, which is the union of all specified parameters.
---You can specify any number of arguments of types Set, SyncedTable, array, force and group.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param ... Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set union
function Set.union(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.union(...)", ...) end
local resultSet = Set.create()
for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
return resultSet
---Returns a new Set, which is the intersection of all specified parameters.
---You can specify any number of arguments of types Set, SyncedTable, array, force and group.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param ... Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set intersection
function Set.intersection(...)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.intersection(...)", ...) end
local n = select('#',...)
local resultSet = Set.create()
if n > 0 then resultSet:addAll(...) end --actually only adds the first container (addAll only supports one param)
for i = 2, n do
return resultSet
---Returns a new Set, which equals setA exluding the elements of setB.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param containerA Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@param containerB Set | SyncedTable | any[] | force | group
---@return Set setDifference
function Set.except(containerA, containerB)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.except(A,B)", containerA) end
return Set.create():addAll(containerA):removeAll(containerB)
---Returns the Set of all units from the specified unitgroup.
---@param unitgroup group
---@return Set
function Set.fromGroup(unitgroup)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.fromGroup(unitgroup)", unitgroup) end
local unitSet = Set.create()
ForGroup(unitgroup, function () unitSet:addSingle(GetEnumUnit()) end)
return unitSet
---Returns the Set of all players from the specified playergroup.
---@param playergroup force
---@return Set
function Set.fromForce(playergroup)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.fromForce(playergroup)", playergroup) end
local playerSet = Set.create()
ForForce(playergroup, function () playerSet:addSingle(GetEnumPlayer()) end)
return playerSet
---Returns a new Set with all elements from the specified table (i.e. all values, not keys). The table must be either a SyncedTable or array.
---Arrays are required to form a sequence. Otherwise, values beyond the first nil-key are ignored.
---@param whichTable SyncedTable | any[]
---@return Set
function Set.fromTable(whichTable)
if DEBUG_MODE then checkDotNotation("Set.fromTable(whichTable)", whichTable) end
return Set.create():addAll(whichTable)
-- | SetUtils Library | --
--Mimick existing pick natives, but create Sets instead of groups, forces, destructable
SetUtils = {}
--Preparation: Use a Set to save all units, overwrite existing CreateUnit functions.
local allUnits = Set.create() --Set of all units currently present on the map. This set is used as a base for all pick-functions in SetUtils.
local autoUnitRemoveSubscriptions = Set.create(allUnits) --Set of all Sets that are subscribed to automatic unit removal. Only in use, when a custom defend ability was provided.
local removeTimer ---@type timer Periodic Timer to check for invalid unit references in allUnits.
local getUnitTypeId, unitAddAbility, unitMakeAbilityPermanent = GetUnitTypeId, UnitAddAbility, UnitMakeAbilityPermanent --localize natives for quicker access
---Adds new units to the allUnits Set and adds the custom defend ability, if provided by the user.
---@param u unit
local function registerNewUnit(u)
unitMakeAbilityPermanent(u, true, CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE)
---Check-function for invalid unit references, i.e. units that have been removed from the game (via RemoveUnit or complete decay).
---To be used by the periodic cleanup option.
local function checkForDeadReferences()
---Removes the specified unit from all sets subscribed to auto-removal of invalid unit references.
---Called upon any unit leaving the game.
---@param unitToRemove unit
local function removeUnitFromSubscribedSets(unitToRemove)
for set in autoUnitRemoveSubscriptions:elements() do
--------Overwrite Natives---------
--The native pick functions are able to pick new units immediately after creation.
--That holds for both creating and picking a new unit in immediate order within a function as well as for event responses like enters map, gets constructed, gets summoned.
--If we just registered new units to the allUnits-Set as an enters-map-event-response, using SetUtils-pick-functions on the same event would not be guaranteed to pick the new unit.
--So instead of using enters-map-event, we directly register the unit in the CreateUnit-native (by overwriting the native) and all similar natives.
--We also register trained, summoned and constructed units upon the respective events instead of enters-map.
--Tests show that this method enables the SetUtils-pick-functions to properly mimick the original behaviour, i.e. pick new units upon the enter-map-event.
--If you use a pick function upon one of the "gets trained", "gets summoned" and "gets constructed" events, the new unit is still NOT guaranteed to be picked.
local oldCreateUnit = CreateUnit
---@param owningPlayer player
---@param unitid integer
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param face number
---@return unit
function CreateUnit(owningPlayer, unitid, x, y, face)
local u = oldCreateUnit(owningPlayer, unitid, x, y, face)
return u
local oldCreateUnitByName = CreateUnitByName
---@param owningPlayer player
---@param unitname string
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param face number
---@return unit
function CreateUnitByName(owningPlayer, unitname, x, y, face)
local u = oldCreateUnitByName(owningPlayer, unitname, x, y, face)
return u
local oldCreateUnitAtLoc = CreateUnitAtLoc
---@param owningPlayer player
---@param unitid integer
---@param whichLocation location
---@param face number
---@return unit
function CreateUnitAtLoc(owningPlayer, unitid, whichLocation, face)
local u = oldCreateUnitAtLoc(owningPlayer, unitid, whichLocation, face)
return u
local oldCreateUnitAtLocByName = CreateUnitAtLocByName
---@param owningPlayer player
---@param unitname string
---@param whichLocation location
---@param face number
---@return unit
function CreateUnitAtLocByName(owningPlayer, unitname, whichLocation, face)
local u = oldCreateUnitAtLocByName(owningPlayer, unitname, whichLocation, face)
return u
local oldBlzCreateUnitWithSkin = BlzCreateUnitWithSkin
---@param owningPlayer player
---@param unitid integer
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param face number
---@param skinId integer
---@return unit
function BlzCreateUnitWithSkin(owningPlayer, unitid, x, y, face, skinId)
local u = oldBlzCreateUnitWithSkin(owningPlayer, unitid, x, y, face, skinId)
return u
local oldRemoveUnit = RemoveUnit
---@param whichUnit unit
function RemoveUnit(whichUnit)
---Only used for the player, item and destructable enums.
---Returns Condition(func), if the input a is a function. Returns the input otherwise.
---@param func? function | boolexpr
---@return boolexpr condition, boolean converted_yn
local function conditionIfNecessary(func)
local converted_yn = type(func) == 'function' ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: return-type-mismatch
return (converted_yn and Condition(func)) or func, converted_yn --real boolexpr have type userdata
---Returns the AND-concatenation of all functions
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return function
local function matchAllConditions(...)
local tableOfConditions = table.pack(...)
return function(...)
for i = 1, tableOfConditions.n do
if tableOfConditions[i] and not tableOfConditions[i](...) then
return false
return true
local oldGetFilterUnit = GetFilterUnit
---Returns the Set of all living units that match all specified conditions.
---All params must be functions that takes either a unit or nothing and return a boolean (true, if the unit is supposed to be in the result set). If using a function taking nothing, use GetFilterUnit() to access the unit being checked.
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(...)
local lastUsedLoopUnit
GetFilterUnit = function() return lastUsedLoopUnit end --overwrites GetFilterUnit for the duration of the pick loop to allow usage of GetFilterUnit() in conditionfuncs.
local conditionfunc = matchAllConditions(...)
local result = Set.create()
for loopUnit in allUnits:elements() do
lastUsedLoopUnit = loopUnit
if getUnitTypeId(loopUnit) == 0 then --Remove all dead unit references from the data structure. This condition provides extra safety, even if the undefend method to remove dead references is used.
elseif conditionfunc(loopUnit) then
if CLEAN_INTERVAL then --cleanup was conducted during the pick loop above, so we can delay the next cleanup.
TimerStart(removeTimer, CLEAN_INTERVAL, true, checkForDeadReferences)
GetFilterUnit = oldGetFilterUnit
return result
local Aloc = FourCC('Aloc')
local function hasUnitNoLocust(u)
return GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,Aloc) == 0
---Returns the Set of all units in a specified rect that match all specified conditions. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would not do that).
---All ... params must be functions that takes either a unit or nothing and return a boolean (true, if the unit is supposed to be in the result set). If using a function taking nothing, use GetFilterUnit() to access the unit being checked.
---@param whichRect rect
---@param includeLocust? boolean defines, if units having locust should be picked or not. default: false
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(whichRect, includeLocust, ...)
return SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(function(u) return RectContainsUnit(whichRect,u) end, (not includeLocust and hasUnitNoLocust) or nil, ...)
---Returns the Set of all units in the specified rect. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would not do that).
---@param whichRect rect
---@param includeLocust? boolean defines, if units having locust should be picked or not. default: false
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRect(whichRect, includeLocust)
return SetUtils.getUnitsInRectMatching(whichRect, includeLocust)
---Returns the Set of all units within a specified radius of the specified coordinates matching all specified conditions. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would not do that).
---All ... params must be functions that takes either a unit or nothing and return a boolean (true, if the unit is supposed to be in the result set). If using a function taking nothing, use GetFilterUnit() to access the unit being checked.
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param radius number
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRangeMatching(x, y, radius, includeLocust, ...)
return SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(function(u) return IsUnitInRangeXY(u, x, y, radius) end, (not includeLocust and hasUnitNoLocust) or nil, ...)
---Returns the Set of all units within a specified radius of the specified coordinates. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would not do that).
---@param x number
---@param y number
---@param radius number
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsInRange(x, y, radius, includeLocust)
return SetUtils.getUnitsInRangeMatching(x, y, radius, includeLocust)
---Returns the Set of all units owned by the specified player and matching all specified conditions. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would do that in contrast to all other pick functions).
---All ... params must be functions that takes either a unit or nothing and return a boolean (true, if the unit is supposed to be in the result set). If using a function taking nothing, use GetFilterUnit() to access the unit being checked.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerMatching(whichPlayer, includeLocust, ...)
return SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(function(u) return GetOwningPlayer(u) == whichPlayer end, (not includeLocust and hasUnitNoLocust) or nil, ...)
---Returns the Set of all units owned by the specified player. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would do that in contrast to all other pick functions).
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayer(whichPlayer, includeLocust)
return SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerMatching(whichPlayer, includeLocust)
---Returns the Set of all units having the specified unitType and matching all specified conditions. You can specify to include units with locust (the Wc3 native would not do that).
---All ... params must be functions that takes either a unit or nothing and return a boolean (true, if the unit is supposed to be in the result set). If using a function taking nothing, use GetFilterUnit() to access the unit being checked.
---@param typeId integer
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeIdMatching(typeId, includeLocust, ...)
return SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(function(u) return GetUnitTypeId(u) == typeId end, (not includeLocust and hasUnitNoLocust) or nil, ...)
---Returns the Set of all units owned by the specified player and having the specified unitType. You can specify to include units with locust.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param typeId integer
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId(whichPlayer, typeId, includeLocust)
return SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(function(u) return GetUnitTypeId(u) == typeId and GetOwningPlayer(u) == whichPlayer end, (not includeLocust and hasUnitNoLocust) or nil)
---Returns the Set of all units having the specified unitType. You can specify to include units with locust.
---@param typeId integer
---@param includeLocust? boolean default:false
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeId(typeId, includeLocust)
return SetUtils.getUnitsOfTypeIdMatching(typeId, includeLocust)
---Returns the Set of all units being currently selected by a player and matching all specified conditions.
---All ... params must be functions that takes either a unit or nothing and return a boolean (true, if the unit is supposed to be in the result set). If using a function taking nothing, use GetFilterUnit() to access the unit being checked.
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param ... fun(unitToCheck:unit):boolean
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getUnitsSelected(whichPlayer, ...)
SyncSelections() --important to prevent desyncs, as selections are saved locally.
return SetUtils.getUnitsMatching(function(u) return IsUnitSelected(u,whichPlayer) end, ...)
SetUtils.getUnitsSelectedMatching = SetUtils.getUnitsSelected
---Returns the Set of all players.
---Only contains players that were present during game start, including computer players.
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getPlayersAll()
return Set.fromForce(GetPlayersAll()) --global wc3 var, doesn't produce memory leaks
---Returns the Set of all active players (including computer players) matching the specified condition.
---Only contains players that were present during game start, including computer players.
---Use GetFilterPlayer() to refer to the player being checked in the condition.
---@param condition function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getPlayersMatching(condition)
local playergroup = CreateForce()
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
ForceEnumPlayers(playergroup, convertedCondition)
local playerSet = Set.fromForce(playergroup)
if converted_yn then
return playerSet
---Returns the Set of all destructables in the specified rect matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterDestructable() to refer to the destructable being checked in the condition.
---@param whichRect rect
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getDestructablesInRectMatching(whichRect, condition)
local destructableSet = Set.create()
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
EnumDestructablesInRect(whichRect, convertedCondition, function() destructableSet:add(GetEnumDestructable()) end)
if converted_yn then
return destructableSet
---Returns the Set of all destructables in the specified rect.
---@param whichRect rect
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getDestructablesInRect(whichRect)
return SetUtils.getDestructablesInRectMatching(whichRect)
---Returns the Set of all items in the specified rect matching the specified condition.
---Use GetFilterItem() to refer to the item being checked in the condition.
---@param whichRect rect
---@param condition? function | boolexpr
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getItemsInRectMatching(whichRect, condition)
local itemSet = Set.create()
local convertedCondition, converted_yn = conditionIfNecessary(condition)
EnumItemsInRect(whichRect, convertedCondition, function() itemSet:add(GetEnumItem()) end)
if converted_yn then
return itemSet
---Returns the Set of all items in the specified rect.
---@param whichRect rect
---@return Set
function SetUtils.getItemsInRect(whichRect)
return SetUtils.getItemsInRectMatching(whichRect)
---Removes all invalid unit references from the specified Set, i.e. units that have already been removed from the game.
---If your Set contains non-unit elements, you must set the second parameter to true to avoid crashes.
---@param whichSet Set the Set that might contain references to removed units
---@param checkIfUnit? boolean default: false. Set to true to avoid crashes, if the Set contains non-unit elements.
function SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(whichSet, checkIfUnit)
for element in whichSet:elements() do
if not checkIfUnit or wc3Type(element) == 'unit' then
if getUnitTypeId(element) == 0 then
---Subscribes the specified set to automatic removal of invalid unit references, i.e. for the rest of the game, units that are removed from the game will also be removed from the specified set.
---Set the second parameter to false (default true) to unsubscribe the specified Set from the automatic unit cleaning.
---As long as a Set is subscribed, it will not be garbage collected.
---This function requires CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE to be set.
---@param whichSet Set
---@param subscribe_yn? boolean default: true. true to subscribe. false to unsubscribe.
function SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval(whichSet, subscribe_yn)
if subscribe_yn or subscribe_yn == nil then
SetUtils.clearInvalidUnitRefs(whichSet, true)
printError("You can't use SetUtils.subscribeToAutoUnitRemoval, until you have provided a custom defend ability.")
local hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition ---@type conditionfunc initialized in SetUtils.createTriggers() below.
---Adds the event "unit is removed from the game" to the specified trigger.
---This event is not compatible with other events, so don't use it on triggers with multiple events (other events will simply be invalidated).
---Requires CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE to be set.
---@param whichTrigger trigger
function SetUtils.triggerRegisterAnyUnitRemoveEvent(whichTrigger)
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(whichTrigger, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER)
TriggerAddCondition(whichTrigger, hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition)
printError("You can't use SetUtils.triggerRegisterAnyUnitRemoveEvent, until you have provided a custom defend ability.")
--------Triggers to maintain the unit getters---------
function SetUtils.createTriggers()
--We use separate Train, Summon and Construction events instead of one enters-map-event to ensure that new units can be picked immediately as enters-map-event response.
local addTrigger1 = CreateTrigger()
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( addTrigger1, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH ) --Units entering the map by being trained
TriggerAddAction(addTrigger1, function() registerNewUnit(GetTrainedUnit()) end)
local addTrigger2 = CreateTrigger()
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( addTrigger2, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMON ) --Units entering the map by being summoned
TriggerAddAction(addTrigger2, function() registerNewUnit(GetSummonedUnit()) end)
local addTrigger3 = CreateTrigger()
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( addTrigger3, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START ) --Units entering the map by being constructed
TriggerAddAction(addTrigger3, function() registerNewUnit(GetConstructingStructure()) end)
--Init unit reference cleanup methods
--Method 1: Custom defend ability, catch undefend order.
for i = 0, GetBJMaxPlayers() - 1 do
SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i), CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE, false)
--Initialize upvalue. We don't set hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition earlier to prevent using Wc3 natives in the Lua root.
hasUnitBeenRemovedCondition = Condition(function() return (GetIssuedOrderId() == 852056) and GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(), CUSTOM_DEFEND_ABICODE) == 0 end) --undefend order. This one is issued upon units leaving the game, but also under other circumstances. Ability-Level == 0 proves the removed from the game event.
local removeTrigger = CreateTrigger()
TriggerAddAction(removeTrigger, function() removeUnitFromSubscribedSets(GetTriggerUnit()) end)
--Method 2: Periodically remove invalid references.
removeTimer = CreateTimer()
TimerStart(removeTimer, CLEAN_INTERVAL, true, checkForDeadReferences)
if OnInit and OnInit.trig then OnInit.trig(SetUtils.createTriggers) end --use TotalInit library, if available.
if Debug and Debug.endFile then Debug.endFile() end
and SetUtils.subscribeSetToAutoUnitRemoval
to select
-based enumeration to improve performance and avoid the need of garbage collection.Debug.beginFile
-support for the upcoming version of DebugUtils.false
to a Set would break a loop early, if another loop was nested upon iterating this exact element.break
-keyword to exit an elements-loop early would cause an integer leak. The code is now using table-based state iteration involving table recycling instead, which leaves a table for garbage collection every time the break
-keyword is used.