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This resource has been moved here from the old Code forum. You can find the old discussion in this thread.
-iteration.-- Create a new SyncedTable. After creation, use it like any other Lua table.
PlayerColors = SyncedTable.create()
-- In this example, we add color codes for Player(0) to Player(2) to the table.
PlayerColors[Player(0)] = "FF0303"
PlayerColors[Player(1)] = "0042FF"
PlayerColors[Player(2)] = "1CE6B9"
-- Loop order will be the same for all clients in a multiplayer game (although it wouldn't matter in this particular example)
for player, color in pairs(PlayerColors) do
print("|cff" .. color .. GetPlayerName(player) .. "|r")
--Check, if a given table is a SyncedTable or not
print( SyncedTable.isSyncedTable( PlayerColors) ) --> prints "true"
is not multiplayer-safe, because iteration order is not guaranteed to be the same for different clients. Thus, manipulating game state inside a pairs()
-loop can lead to a desync.pairs()
-iteration is guaranteed to have the same order for every client in a multiplayer game, no matter which keys you use.table[key] = nil
to remove an element, table[key] = value
to add or change an element, and you can use it in any function that takes a table, such as table.sort()
or ipairs()
.{[1] = true, x = true}
) and it also doesn't work, if you use keys other than strings and numbers. Unfortunately, this happens quite quickly in Wc3, when we use units, players, etc. as keys for a table.tostring()
-function yields different results for different players).--Creates a new empty SyncedTable
local t = SyncedTable.create()
--Same as SyncedTable.create()
local t2 = SyncedTable()
--Creates a new SyncedTable and adds all elements of the specified existing table into it.
local t3 = SyncedTable.create({'a', 'b', 'c', a = true, b = true, c = false})
if Debug and Debug.beginFile then Debug.beginFile("SyncedTable") end
-- | SyncedTable v1.1b | --
by Eikonium
--> https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/syncedtable.353715/
| A Lua table with a multiplayer-safe pairs()-iteration, i.e. it will not desync unlike native pairs().
| Syncedtables achieve this safe pairs() by looping in the same order that elements got inserted into it (can change upon element removal), which is deterministic and identical across clients.
| You can do everything with a SyncedTable that you could do with a normal Lua table, with the few restrictions listed below.
| SyncedTables are pretty quick on adding and removing elements as well as looping over them, but they add some overhead to table creation. Thus, only create a SyncedTable instead of a normal one, if you intend to loop over it via pairs() in multiplayer.
| -------
| | API |
| -------
| SyncedTable.create([existingTable]) --> SyncedTable
| - Creates a new SyncedTable, i.e. a Lua-table with a multiplayer-synchronized pairs()-iteration.
| - Specifying an existing table will add all of its (key,value)-pairs to the new SyncedTable and <-sort its keys to derive the initial loop order.
| Hence, creation will throw an error, if existingTable contains keys of the same type that can not be <-sorted.
| Specifying an existing table is a convenience feature. Using it on big tables will hurt performance.
| - Typically, you create empty SyncedTables and add elements one-by-one.
| - Example:
| local PlayerColors = SyncedTable.create()
| PlayerColors[Player(0)] = "FF0303"
| PlayerColors[Player(1)] = "0042FF"
| PlayerColors[Player(2)] = "1CE6B9"
| for player, color in pairs(PlayerColors) do -- loop order will be the same for all clients in a multiplayer game (not that it matters in this particular example)
| print("|cff" .. color .. GetPlayerName(player) .. "|r")
| end
| SyncedTable.isSyncedTable(table) --> boolean
| - Returns true, if the specified table is a SyncedTable, and false otherwise.
| ----------------
| | Restrictions |
| ----------------
| - Detaching a SyncedTable's metatable or overwriting it's __index, __newindex or __pairs metamethods will stop it from working. You can however add any other metamethod to it's existing metatable.
| - You can't use next(S)==nil on a SyncedTable S to check, whether it is empty or not. You can however use pairs(S)(S)==nil to check the same (although this isn't super performant).
-- disable sumneko extension warnings for imported resource
---@diagnostic disable
---Comparison function for sorting a set of objects having a natural order. Primarily sorts by type, secondarily by <-relation.
---Used, if an existing table is specified during SyncedTable creation.
---@param a any
---@param b any
---@return boolean
local function comparisonFunc(a,b)
local t1,t2 = type(a), type(b)
if t1 == t2 then
return a<b
return t1 < t2
--Help data structures for SyncedTable loops, shared between all existing SyncedTables.
local recycleStack = {} --State-tables are stored here to prevent garbage collection, at least up to MAX_STACK_SIZE
local stackSize = 0 --Current number of tables stored in recycleStack
local MAX_STACK_SIZE = 128 --Max number of tables that can be stored in recycleStack
---@class SyncedTable : table
SyncedTable = {}
---Creates a table with a multiplayer-synchronized pairs-function, i.e. you can iterate over it via pairs(table) without fearing desyncs.
---After creation, you can use it like any other table.
---The implementation adds overhead to creating the table, adding and removing elements, but keeps the loop itself very performant. So you should only used syncedTables, if you plan to iterate over it.
---You are both allowed to add and remove elements during a pairs()-loop.
---Specifying an existing table as input parameter will add its elements to the new SyncedTable. This only works for input tables, where all keys are sortable via the "<"-relation, i.e. numbers, strings and objects listening to some __lt-metamethod.
---@param existingTable? table any lua table, whose elements you want to add to the new SyncedTable. The table is required to only contain keys that can be sorted via the '<'-relation. E.g. you might write SyncedTable.create{x = 10, y = 3}.
---@return SyncedTable
function SyncedTable.create(existingTable)
local new = {}
local metatable = {class = SyncedTable}
local data = {}
--orderedKeys and keyToIndex don't need to be weak tables. They reference keys if and only if those keys are used in data.
local orderedKeys = {} --array of all keys, defining loop order.
local keyToIndex = {} --mirrored orderedKeys, i.e. keyToIndex[key] = int <=> orderedKeys[int] = key. This is used to speed up the process of removing (key, value)-pairs from the syncedTable (to prevent array search in orderendKeys).
local numKeys = 0
--If existingTable was provided, register all keys from the existing table to the keyToIndex and orderedKeys help tables.
if existingTable then
--prepare orderedKeys array by sorting all existing keys
for k,v in pairs(existingTable) do
numKeys = numKeys + 1
orderedKeys[numKeys] = k --> the resulting orderedKeys is asynchronous at this point
data[k] = v
table.sort(orderedKeys, comparisonFunc) --result is synchronous for all players
--fill keyToIndex accordingly
for i = 1, numKeys do
keyToIndex[orderedKeys[i]] = i
--Catch read action
metatable.__index = function(t, key)
return data[key]
--Catch write action
metatable.__newindex = function(t, key, value)
--Case 1: User tries to remove an existing (key,value) pair by writing table[key] = nil.
if data[key]~=nil and value == nil then
--swap last element to the slot being removed (in the iteration order array)
local i = keyToIndex[key] --slot of the key, which is getting removed
keyToIndex[orderedKeys[numKeys]] = i --first set last slot to i
keyToIndex[key] = nil --afterwards nil current key (has to be afterwards, when i == numKeys)
orderedKeys[i] = orderedKeys[numKeys] --i refers to the old keyToIndex[key]
orderedKeys[numKeys] = nil
numKeys = numKeys - 1
--Case 2: User tries to add a new key to the table (i.e. table[key] doesn't yet exist and both key and value are not nil)
elseif data[key]==nil and key ~= nil and value ~= nil then
numKeys = numKeys + 1
keyToIndex[key] = numKeys
orderedKeys[numKeys] = key
--Case 3: User tries to change an existing key to a different non-nil value (i.e. table[existingKey] = value ~= nil)
-- -> no action necessary apart from the all cases line
--Case 4: User tries to set table[nil]=value or table[key]=nil for a non-existent key (would be case 1 for an existent key)
-- -> don't do anything.
--In all cases, do the following:
data[key] = value --doesn't have any effect for case 4.
--- State-based iterator function that is used the retreive the next loop element within a SyncedTable loop.
--- The iteration loops through orderedKeys[] in ascending order, saving the current position and key in the state-table.
---@param state {loopCounter:integer, lastKey:any} holds loop metadata
---@return any key, any value
local function iterator(state)
if state.lastKey == orderedKeys[state.loopCounter] then --check, if the last iterated key is still in place. If not, it has been removed in the last part of the iteration.
state.loopCounter = state.loopCounter + 1 --only increase i, when the last iterated key is still part of the table. Otherwise use the same i again. This allows the removal of (key,value)-pairs inside the pairs()-iteration.
local currentKey = orderedKeys[state.loopCounter]
state.lastKey = currentKey
--If the loop is finished and the recycleStack is not full, empty and recycle the state-table.
--If the recycleStack is full, the state-table will not be recycled and instead garbage collected (no further action required)
if currentKey == nil and stackSize < MAX_STACK_SIZE then
state.loopCounter = nil --state.lastKey is already nil at this point
stackSize = stackSize + 1
recycleStack[stackSize] = state
return currentKey, data[currentKey] -- (key,value)
--- Metamethod to define the pairs-loop for a SyncedTable. Runs every time a new loop is initiated.
--- Fetches a new state-table and returns it together with the above iterator.
---@param t SyncedTable
---@return function iterator
---@return integer state loopId of the new loop
metatable.__pairs = function(t)
local state --structure to hold loop information
if stackSize > 0 then --recycled table available -> pop
state = recycleStack[stackSize]
recycleStack[stackSize] = nil
stackSize = stackSize - 1
state = {}
state.loopCounter = 1 --current position within orderedKeys
return iterator, state, nil
setmetatable(new, metatable)
return new
---Returns true, if the input argument is a SyncedTable, and false otherwise.
---@param anyObject any
---@return boolean isSyncedTable
SyncedTable.isSyncedTable = function(anyObject)
local metatable = getmetatable(anyObject)
return metatable and metatable['class'] == SyncedTable
--Allows writing SyncedTable() instead of SyncedTable.create().
setmetatable(SyncedTable, {__call = function(func, t)
return SyncedTable.create(t)
if Debug and Debug.endFile then Debug.endFile() end
, __newindex
and __pairs
-loop via table[key] = nil
is allowed as long as you only remove the current loopElement.--Let t be a SyncedTable with any elements.
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t[k] = nil
--Not Allowed:
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t[anyKey] = nil --where anyKey ~= k
-loop is allowed, but new elements will also be looped over. This might lead to an endless loop, if done poorly. Remember that the same rule holds for normal tables, so this is not really a restriction.--The following code will lead to an endless loop (well, it will maybe end at max integer range)
t = SyncedTable{1}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t[k+1] = true
<varName> = SyncedTable.create(existingTable)
only works, if all keys in existingTable
are either numbers or strings (or have the __lt-metamethod defined in their metatable). Keys of any other type have to be added after creation.next(S)
on a SyncedTable S
to check, whether or not it is empty. You can however use the iterator returned by pairs
to achieve the same result. A SyncedTable is empty, if pairs(S)(S) == nil
(yes, the double brackets look confusing, but it's absolutely fine this way. Note that for a normal table, pairs(T)
just returns next
, so the check next(T) == nil
is equivalent to pairs(T)(T) == nil
-loop, but instead creates a fixed iterator upon SyncedTable creation that uses global indexing to distinguish different loops running at the same time. This puts less pressure on the garbage collector.false
as a key in a SyncedTable would break a loop early, if another loop was nested upon iterating this exact key.break
-keyword to exit a pairs-loop early would cause an integer leak (not really a bug, but still annoying). The code is now using table-based state iteration involving table recycling instead, which leaves a table for garbage collection every time the break
-keyword is used. Thanks @moddiemads for reporting the leak and @maddeem for bringing table-recycling to my attention.