I'm not sure if you're a troll or a wizard.
Wrong, I'm not an expert in world editor...so I want you all help me to solve the problem.....problem is I don't know how to explain!!!I'm poor in english!!!
You can create a region and add Neutral Passive units in it.
Player Group is a variable (Unit Group)
- A trigger
- Events
- Map initialization
- Conditions
- Actions
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Region 000 <gen>) and do (Actions)
- Loop - Actions
- If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- If - Conditions
- (Owner of (Picked unit)) Equal to Neutral Passive
- Then - Actions
- Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to PlayerGroup
- Else - Actions
Then create an easy trigger in which when a unit enters region 000<gen> will order the picked units to become player 1 unit
The 60.00 seconds is a value I put. Change it to whatever you want (like 120 sec e.t.c.)
- A trigger
- Events
- Time - Elapsed game time is 60.00 seconds
- Conditions
- Actions
- Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Center of Region 000 <gen>) using Objects\Spawnmodels\Demon\InfernalMeteor\InfernalMeteor2.mdl
- Set InfernoMeteorEffect = (Last created special effect)
- Wait 3.00 seconds
- Unit - Create 1 Infernal for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Region 000 <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
- Set YourUnit = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Destroy InfernoMeteorEffect
- Unit - Order OrcEnteringUnit to Attack-Move To (Center of Region 001 <gen>)
The special effect Objects\Spawnmodels\Demon\InfernalMeteor\InfernalMeteor2.mdlcan be found at Spawned Effects.
Attack -Move To can be also change to Move To.
I know that this could be done by the spell of the dreadlord but it's a bit complicated since you don't have much of experience.
EDIT:UndeadImmortal, yes you're right. Don't add them in unit group.
I did it as simple as I could so he could understand!!
what you all writing???Really no idea what you all talking about