[General] Selection/Interface issues - builder auto-cancels build-menu, and empty interface

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Hey guys!

I encountered some "interface" problems in my map which could probably relate to each other, so I decided to post them both in this single thread.
I have no idea at all what the coding issues could be, so I can't give you any triggers so far.
What would help me the most, is if you would point out possible/common reasons that can lead to the described behaviour. :)
Thanks in advance!

The problems are as follows:

1. There is a neutral shop placed on the map that players use to make decisions for the game. Each player has visibility and access to this shop at any time during the game. Its Choose Hero ability is set to a range far enough to reach the whole map, and I don't care about which unit actually gets selected by the shop to "buy" from it.
The problem is: Periodically during the game, I force the players to make a decision at the shop by locking their camera to it and selecting it for them. At rare times, though all players (are forced to) select the shop, it doesn't show up any of its sold items for a single player or only a few, showing empty interface instead. Affected players can always select another unit and reselect the shop to solve this, but its a huge problem nontheless.

2. Each player has a worker who is possibly the main unit that is getting selected/choosed by the neutral shop and the 3 personal shops that each player owns.
The problem: Sporadically, while being in the workers build menu (in order to read tooltips or build something ;) ), you get thrown out of the build-sub-menu, returning to the normal unit interface (with stop, patrol, hold position etc). This behaviour increases with the duration of the game, beginning with happening almost never and passing an average intervall of ~2 seconds in the later game. Probably, it also (or only) scales with the amount of units and/or players that are currently ingame.
This is so annoying, as it hinders you from reading tooltips during the lategame.

As said, these problems could relate to each other, and I have not a single idea regarding their reasons atm.
I would be glad about every single hint :)

Best regards!
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Level 3
Apr 23, 2015
Problems you've specified look like something that this action may cause.

  • Selection - Select Unit
Especially second one, I think you have a trigger that constantly forces players to select a worker, which closes building menu.
I have no clue at all what the reason could be or what triggers could relate to the problem. This thread was supposed to brainstorm for the reason, so I can seek for it.

However, I can give you access to all triggers by sharing the unprotected map. That's probably more helpful than guessing for reasons.

Here it is:
[Attachment removed, because problem solved]
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I'd like to bump this.
You don't have to look at the map, but if anyone knows under what circumstances workers will auto-close their build-menu, please tell me!

LOOOOL, I found it out now!
The reason quite simply seems to be a Warcraft 3 Bug. Whenever a unit uses the unroot-ability (that nightelf ancients use to have), all workers from all players close their build-menu.

It happens in normal melee Warcraft 3 as well.

Is this a known bug? Shouldn't that have caught any past pro-players attention?^^
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Solved both problems now, and just wanted you to know their reasons.
Maybe it will help people with similiar problems in the future ;)

  • Problem 1: A neutral shop didn't show up its sold items on being selected for a player (per trigger), showing empty interface instead.
    Reason: Happens, when a trigger forces a player to select the shop while being in a workers build menu (probably same goes for spellbook).
    Solution: Ensure that no player is in his workers build menu, when selecting the shop for him. Maybe by abusing Problem 2 :cgrin: :cgrin:
  • Problem 2: Players got sporadically thrown out of their workers build menu, returning to the normal unit interface.
    Reason: A warcraft 3 bug. Whenever a unit uses the unroot ability, all players workers close their build menu (even in standard Warcraft 3).
    Solution: Do not use the unroot ability or do not use build menus ;)

Best regards!
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