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Searcing for professional hero creator

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Level 2
Nov 14, 2006
hey my name is Rodrigo and i live in sweden.am new ate this site but there is a little competicion in sweden evry year.the misson is to create the best wc3 map i need help with putting some new models and spells to my map if you can help me plz answer quik or E-mail me at [email protected]. and 1 moore thing the one that helps is going to be rewarded with 5000 swedish krones or 8000 american dollars.so answer quik PLz
Level 7
Feb 6, 2006

Aside from the fact that this should be in the request forums, I think it would also be helpful if you told us WHAT you wanted a modeler to make.

Either way I cannot fulfill your request, at least not until I figure out this blasted Vertexer program.

I honestly doubt you would pay someone $8000 dollars for a few models...
Level 2
Nov 14, 2006
Re: Well...

ehh listen now.about the models its no model creating am after.am after someone that can come up with good hero ideas and put the models and the spells into the map.about the money so is the prize money on 10000 swedish krones.with means 18000 american dollars.and gladly want to share them with that person that wants to help me with the map :)
Level 7
Feb 6, 2006
Re: Well...

You mean like having excellent models and having heavily scripted spells that defy the laws of warcraft? Won't say it's impossible but it's pretty hard to do, in the game anime fight on B.net, some of the spells are so advanced that it takes Spathis WEEKS just to get all the spells for the characters done, and that's for starters. They then have to test it and one bug could mean you have to start from scratch, redoing the entire spell set. So if you're going for really advanced spells, you'll have to know how to work World Editor better than the blizzard developers really.

And as for the money, I doubt you'd share, seeing as you would get it THEN supposedly split it, who's to say you wouldn't keep it, who'd stop you?. No offense but there's a reason money is called "The root of all evil."
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
yeah.. i think that money thing is full of BS..
this isnt like..a dota comp or anything..
and there is no way in hell you could divide the money unless you really trust eachother and are old enugh to create bank accounts or own a credit card
and there is also NO modelers here taht can make good quality heros or scratch heroes at all, and there is no such thing as a PROFESSIONAL hero maker. :roll:
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Indeed... I seriously doubt you could find some "professional" who could do both spells and models (at all levels, which includes mesh, animations, texture and mapping). So, good luck with that. And as for the money stuff, even though it sounds appealing, it is unconfirmed and there is no way I for example, could know that I get my money after I have done my work (I am not including the fact that it is illegal). I have no guarantee or whatsoever...

I have a feeling that guy is just spamming and talking nonsense. First, 5000 krones are not 8000 dollars but 706. And that is big difference. Second, no one will pay you for making a map (because then the good maps will not be free to download). Third, it is clear from his text that he is not serious (because even 700 dollars are a lot).
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