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Rune Maul

Rune Maul - 1v1
5 gold mines
2 goblin merchants
2 goblin labs
1 tavern
1 marketplace
1 lordaeron fall merc camp

1 red camp
10 orange camps
8 green camps



Winter temple in overgrown ruins. Name reflects wow's ruined temple dire maul!

About map:
Hire purge gnoll, bloodlust ogre and slow mud golem from the middle map merc camp.
Natural is easy but slow because of high HP mammoth.
Creep lab early for charged lvl 3 item and zeppelins.
Use back routes to sneak creep two biggest camps on map, red mine & market.

Entry for the 8th Melee Mapping Contest

Rune Maul (Map)

Ah, the map that got away :( It's a real shame it wasnt in the top7 of the contest and featured in the cup. My impression was that pretty much everyone who looked at the maps from the contest saw this as a certain top7, if not a potential winner. I...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
Ah, the map that got away :(
It's a real shame it wasnt in the top7 of the contest and featured in the cup. My impression was that pretty much everyone who looked at the maps from the contest saw this as a certain top7, if not a potential winner. I certainly did. And yet, possibly the only person who disagreed happened to be a judge....

Honestly, there is really not much wrong with this map. For my taste, the tileset could be less dark, but whatever. Maybe the "instant lvl 2" from either just the shop or just the lab could prove to be too strong. But like Dise said: The map is similar to EI, but fixes many of its issues.
Pretty much all creeps and items are good. The layout is fine. The south mine and the market place layout seem to violate the unwritten rule of "creepcamps should only be approachable from one direction", but do so in a way that they still work without creating accidential creep aggro issues.
Visually, the balance of not-boring-but-also-not-over-the-top is spot on, and there are also some eye candy locations such as the "dice" made from cliffs, the gate in the north, or even just the mix of different types of trees.

So overall, map approved. Hopefully it will get some second chances is future tournaments.