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RPG Help

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Level 2
Dec 14, 2007
Well... i need some help for my rpg i am making. I just want answers to my questions.
:fp:Question 1.= I need help with save/load system. Can someone tell me how to make or tell save/load system that saves hero's stats, items, spells, exp. Can someone help with this :confused:?
:fp:Question 2.= Second. Is it possible to put a player's name to hero? Like my name to some hero :confused:?
:fp:Question 3.= Third. I need some sort of bank system. Where hero can store his items :confused:.
:fp:Question 4.= And finaly fourth. How to make an extra inventory to hero? Something like a backpack (item). When you activate it, another inventory will apear. And there should be a way to get back to the first inventory :confused:.

I would be very gratefull if someone would answer to my questions.:wthumbsup:



Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
1. Maybe I can do this for you. If you tell me:
• The maximum items (how many items you use in your map)
• Maximum stats (the highest strengh, agility and intelligence you can get)
• Spells are waste of time and code lenght to save (I recommend not to save that)
• Sure you want to save xp, and not levels? if levels what is the maximum

The reason why im asking for this is to make the code so short as possible.
example: if you want to save xp and your hero got 123456789 xp, then the code only for xp will get 9 digits long. But if you instead save levels and the maximum level is 99, the code for levels will only be 2 digits long

2. Its only possible in object editor. You cant add names with triggers.. blizzard should have added that function.

3. You can simpel create a unit with an inventory. Does the save/load code also need to save those items?

4. Yes vexorian have created a system for that. Look at wc3campaigns.net when its running agian.. Right now the site is down
Since you have already been told about vexorians system I will answer your other questions.

1.Send a message to the creator of any of the rpgs that are currently on battle.net, I am sure they would be happy to help you, or let .KC do your work for you :p.

2.After you create your hero go into the object editor and select your hero. Scroll down to right near the bottom of the list and find "Proper Names" and "Proper Names Used". Delete all the proper names and add one that is your name, or w/e name you want the hero to use. Then change the proper names used value to 1 and this will produce the desired effect.

3. I will expand on .KC's answer of this. What you want to do is create a basic unit, probably changing the model file to the gold chest model, or the horse trough, just something that looks like a container. Then you want to go to the top of the list and give it the base ability 'inventory: hero'. Then make sure that it cant move, and change its movement type to NONE if you want to make it so other units can walk through it. I would also recommend giving it the invulnerability ability so that it cannot be killed.

+rep to me please if this was helpful.
Level 2
Dec 14, 2007
1. Maybe I can do this for you. If you tell me:
• The maximum items (how many items you use in your map)
• Maximum stats (the highest strengh, agility and intelligence you can get)
• Spells are waste of time and code lenght to save (I recommend not to save that)
• Sure you want to save xp, and not levels? if levels what is the maximum

The reason why im asking for this is to make the code so short as possible.
example: if you want to save xp and your hero got 123456789 xp, then the code only for xp will get 9 digits long. But if you instead save levels and the maximum level is 99, the code for levels will only be 2 digits long

2. Its only possible in object editor. You cant add names with triggers.. blizzard should have added that function.

3. You can simpel create a unit with an inventory. Does the save/load code also need to save those items?

4. Yes vexorian have created a system for that. Look at wc3campaigns.net when its running agian.. Right now the site is down

1.Well lets see. Max level of the hero is 255. There are 127 items in the game. Max stats are 255 of all.

2.Oh...Well, thx anyway.

3.I don't know. Maybe.

4.I'll wait for that. Thx!:wsmile:
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