Heres some actual advice:
First think to yourself about what effect your trying to give by making this guy.
You have the option of doing some off the wall shit, or making the character something semi-normal. If your gonna armour the beard, you need to make him a mech character, in some regards at least. Keep your themes together, I mean, why the hell would someone have red clothes, a blue cape, and a green beard coverd in plate armour?? Exactly, they wouldnt...
Now pic your color palatte. Once you pick your color palette, sit back and think about whether this person would actually go around wearin bright 'insert color' on whatever they were wearing. Unless they have the taste of a circus clown, they are gonna tone that shit down, as should you. Also matching your colors is VERY important. Nothing ruins a decent skin more than a shitty color scheme.
Please dont mistake my jackass-ness for me calling you a hack, becasue your not, you just need to pick a good direction and go with it.
And please... No wild crazy colors, its offensive to the eyes.