thanks a lot guys... that will help me alot =)~ ... later wi will try add some other effects... i would like to try first =) ( like making the exploding place burn ( likely blood mage 's flamestrike does to the ground) ) now my rocket shooter game can be proceded ^^... and lol... i was searching on jass scripts for do that xD, and you guys can count on me for some help if need ( realy i get some weird game sugestions on my head when im sleeping o__o ) ... oh no... i was testing ( well i test when i get time for do , idon't stop studyng for create -.- ) , well the problem was a weird thing that i dunno how to explain ... lets say that the normal unit from editor placed , is visible floating and explode .... well when its is being created by the trigger its turns changed... don't float , is invisible and don't get the explode ability ... i cheked of the unit created was the same of the otehr ... but it as ... i dunno if a mistake i have done or something from the editor