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Robots vs Forest -mappers, 3d and 2d artist needed

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Level 3
Oct 30, 2009
Noobs wants help: Robots vs Forest -mappers, 3d and 2d artist needed

Hello every one! I was just at home doing some chores and then BAM! An idea! I haven't started on the map/mod yet, but the idea just sounds so good! Just read: You play as forest, or as robots and you try to destroy each other. It will be similar to a regular melee game, but with two new races! There will be new units, new buildings, new abilities etc... The two races will be very different, not just from each other, but from default races in WC3. For instance, Forest wont have workers, the only way to build buildings is to "bud off" of another buildings, what I am saying is that almost every building can build almost any other building, you click the build button and it will build your tree right next to the other one. Well I wrote a lot and if you read the whole thing, I thank you. For additional comments/questions please post a reply or send me a PM, if you want to help me and you like the idea please PM me.
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