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Roads Untraveled

Roads Untraveled
Created by SonofJay



Other stuffs

Roads Untraveled On the deep land of Lordaeron hides a place with small villages,
but as the war goes on supplies stopped arriving on the villages
thus forcing the villagers to move to the city,
Its been years now since someone traveled on this beautiful land.

  • 12 Orange Camps
  • 4 Green Camps
  • 4 Red Camps
  • 4 Extra Goldmine
  • 2 Mercenary Camp
  • 2 Goblin Shop
  • 1 Tavern


  • 1st Update
  • -Filled empty spaces
  • -Change acquisition range of neutral creeps to "200"
  • -Used height tools to some flat areas

Special Thanks to my honey, Solff

For suggesting to make a lake on the middle of the map.

And for ap0calypse for reminding me about the player properties.

Also this was made to be used on Moyackx's
Power of Corruption









Check my melee map tutorial: SonofJay's Melee Map Tutorial Check this other sites: ChaosRealm BlizzardModding

Classic, Blizzard, Melee Map, SonofJay

Roads Untraveled (Map)

Vengeancekael Date: 2012/Oct/20 15:17:00 [Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact] Comment: [Approved] Once again Ken-E has written a detailed review: Post Staff Contact - Rules
Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
Mmmm, The gameplay is quite good, even if I think the Tavern is quite far from base.
Also many creeps shall have minor engage range (for example the green ones near the base).
This seems also to be a quick-made map, with quite flat terrain
I got to say, not one of your bests..
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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Mmmm, The gameplay is quite good, even if I think the Tavern is quite far from base.
Also many creeps shall have minor engage range (for example the green ones near the base).
This seems also to be a quick-made map, with quite flat terrain
I got to say, not one of your bests..

Can you be more elaborate how this become flat as I constantly used the height tool? Also all melee map have the same gameplay.. just saying. And tavern placement is fine, trust me I know what I'm doing. ;p

Also dropping a 2/5 rating because this is not my best work.. is unacceptable don't you think?


What selection?

Anyway i'm still waiting for someone to make a full review *hint*Ken-E*hint*
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Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
Can you be more elaborate how this become flat as I constantly used the height tool? Also all melee map have the same gameplay.. just saying. And tavern placement is fine, trust me I know what I'm doing. ;p

Also dropping a 2/5 rating because this is not my best work.. is unacceptable don't you think?


What selection?

Anyway i'm still waiting for someone to make a full review *hint*Ken-E*hint*

Ok, you're right 'bout the tavern :)
You didn't use the height tool as much as you say, only in some parts, like on rochy paths, so it does look flat.
Also adding more trees/doodads could help with it.
Needed more lumber amount for starting points and more around the map, to replenish it (it also looks a lil' bit empity in some parts) and also to defint the creep camps positions, that in many cases shall have a 200 engage range, to define theyr positions and avoiding troops diyng just cause the move to another place of the mas and get attacked by creeps. And you should also move the green ones near the base a little farer, cause they sometimes attack your base. (creeps camps are however fine, with good drops)
Other tips about height.. Elevating trees or neutral building gives a nice effect, and also, that's very important, dont only increase the height, but also decrease it.
Also it isn't true that all melee maps have the same gameplay.. you should know it very well, as a melee player ;)
And, for last, the 2/5.. it was a missclick ^^'
It is a 3/5, if you do some uptades, 4/5
And, I'm glad to see that you still make melee maps, althought you said you were goint to retire
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
Full Review Emerges

First off, I want to welcome you back to the land of the living, sonofjay. I'm really glad you decided to mod maps once again.

Well honestly speaking, the design feels really generic old WC 3 maps. While its symmetric, I want to point out some stuffs here and there. The entire map feels really feels an empty road, perhaps this is intentional but its way too empty. I'd remedy this with more doodads and preferably more trees. Speaking of trees, there are plenty of open spaces between tree lines, this allows unit to go on a hiding, that's baaaad...

The fog implementation is really works like a charm, not too overbearing but just right! More so empty is the water ways, be sure to add plenty of rocks and river rushes or whatever water related doodads you could get cause its far empty than the ground.

Add more creeps please! there's only one green camp. Should be atleast two if you ask me. There's also plenty of opportunities that creep camps could be set, use 'em.

While its completely playable, it just lacks beautification like archways, rocks, more trees, and etc. This would work as a template for PoC but I'm very confident that you'll add tons of more improvement to the entire map.

3/5, for now...
Would work as a template but surely you're not stopping here right?
Level 3
Aug 24, 2012
Neutrals here drop some of the best items in game. It was fun to play this map. Thanks for this one. I'll sure play it again with pleasure.

PS: I'd place a health fountain in the middle of the map instead of the tavern. The map will be more strategic... :D But is very ok how is it now :)

4/5 and +1 Rep for this great map. Thanks !

Later Edit// I'd vote for a health fountain in the middle :D. Anyone else ??