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requesting custom model/animation

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Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
i was wondering if anyone could model a general proudmoore model to give him two big swords, an animation for each hand and one slam animation that uses both hands, and one where he spins around with an upside down bladestorm effect (smaller just big enough to fit his body) with both swords facing the sky. This sounds like a lot and it is but anyone who makes this will get in return some awsome custom spells they can use with it. If anything, could someone make a spinning animation where he points both hands in the air and spins.

The actual model will be reskinned to look like cervantes, and that's why i need the custom animations for a few skills i want to make and share for people. You can claim everything as your own, i just want the model for one because it would be kickass and 2 to see if i can do somethings with it that i can't with others.
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