[Request] Model-Riddle

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Level 10
Nov 5, 2008
Hello Hiveworkshop!

I have contacted the creator of a model on this site. But he does not answear my messages and he has not been online for 3 years.
Now, I need to make a small change to the model and I hope that he does not mind the small operation the unit needs to go througt.

But since I am not a surgeon myself, I turn to all of you great modelmakers on this site!

Below is a picture of the model I need help to edit. It is also a riddle attached to the picture, so go ahead and have a look and I think you will understand what kind of operation the model needs!

If you have the time and energy to help me with this, please PM me or write in the forum below. Thanks in advance.


  • Riddle.jpg
    274.1 KB · Views: 167
  • riddle answear.jpg
    riddle answear.jpg
    268.3 KB · Views: 132
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Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
I'm not a great modelmaker (I can do simple attachments) but I guess you're looking for someone to add teamcolor? You really shouldn't make a riddle of a request.. it's almost like saying "I need a model guess what I want". But I hope you get the help you need :)
Level 10
Nov 5, 2008
Teamcolor is correct! Yeah you right that it is a long path to take to make it as a riddle, but I just play around to find out different ways to write threads.. The simple way would be like:


I wonder if someone can add teamcolor to this model?


Perhaps many thinks: "Nah that can someone else do.." But if I make an advanced thread like a riddle or something then perhaps people think: "Okey.. This kid has made it really difficult for himself.. Let's reward him!" It is all a social experiment.

Althought, I am actually looking for someone to add teamcolor..

Anyone interested?
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