Request for "emergency" Playtesting

Level 14
Jun 9, 2008
Hi; so I opened a bunch of threads about this already, and the general gist is that I cannot for the life of me figure out why my map crashes or indeed if it has actually anything to do WITH my map. Timing seems to be random. I change triggers or add or remove doodads and that either helps or makes it worse or does nothing, but there is just no pattern to it. One version seemed to go from "stable" to "unstable" by placing a perfectly default doodad (Lordaeron summer rocks)).

(Custom models should not be the issue, check them with sanity test, and they seem to have no crashing errors.)

At this point the only thing I could see helping is if other people playtest the map and tell me if they see anything. Which I would hereby kindly ask for, if there are volunteers.

Project is at an alpha-ish stage.


- Melee map. Uses no custom AI.

- The map is set up so you can have it run to observe what the AI does. Your starting position is on an isolated island, left arrow key to view entire map. If you DO want to get involved for a melee game, get a transport and try to reach the mainland. Otherwise, just let it run and tell me if and at what point it crashes or lags or whatever.

- Some "quirks" such as the delay in the start position setup are intentional, the mechanics currently work as I intended, it's just that the presentation is still wip.

- ! Most important, Night elves are not a playable faction, and most nightelf players will be defeated at initialization, except for one. Don't pick nightelf for playtesting.

- Many models are still placeholders. Indeed there are many, MANY things I still want to do with this project, from art to triggers to terrain, to better solutions to what I have improvised so far, but I am reluctant to make investments before I figure the thing with the crashes out.

- The wip aspect is most visible in the way many triggers send game messages and units change vertex colour, for testing purposes (mostly to monitor the triggers).


  • 480 Base fuer Shortlegs EH AI tests7l7d hive.w3x
    17.2 MB · Views: 14
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
I remember this, you had trouble with too fast animations as well.
Giving it a spin.

(minimap looks cool this way :thumbs_up: )
Some of your triggers are extremely long, which i've heard can be problematic - maybe not much of an issue.

Okay 45m ingame no crash, no animation bugs too shrug.
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Level 14
Jun 9, 2008
So anyway, to those who have downloaded it - did you get a chance to run it?

Did the crashes happen for you, too?

I noticed that at least one of my triggers - Buying Districts - isn't working in this version because I had done some copy-past with a periodic trigger, but that should not be of consequence (as the crashes happen even if you just let the AI run, and that trigger is irrelevant to the AI).