Request for a Ogre Mage model

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
My request is a Ogre-Mage, details below.

This ogre is not a brutal butcher or just a bandit, he is a archmage of the Kirin Tor, so that makes him a part of the alliance, he no longer uses his shamanistic behaivor and has more likely converted into a normal humanoid, and has learned to speak with the human and elves among Dalaran.

The ogre i'm requesting should have a blue skin, two heads as the standard ogre mage, and the Skull on his sash should be removed and I preffer it to be replaced with this flag of dalaran, if this is not possible, just remove the skull.

Instead of having a club in his left hand I would love it if he wielded the Human Archmage staff, though scaled to fit the ogre a little bit perhaps. On his 'smart' head I want him to bear a cowl of some kind, prefer it to have teamcolor on it, and of course at last I want hero glow, and that was it. I would really love if anyone would do this, thanks in advance all who reads this!
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