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Request cheat sheet

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Level 2
Jul 30, 2009
Does anyone know where to find a "cheat sheet" of the native function, their use and proper syntax for each one. Would make life alot easier. Most functions are self explaination but im tring to learn jass and i have a very hard time learning something if i dont know the Why or the How parts of stuff. So does anyone have this resource
Level 2
Jul 30, 2009
Sweet thanks, I am going to put this into a database format for easy Query ill post it back on here. Only issue is not all of the functions have a description which kind of blows. If i post the ones on here without descriptions does anyone mind giving me one?
Level 2
Jul 30, 2009
Alright cool, ill give credit where credit is due when its finished as well. This list will take a little bit of time to compile but ill throw you things as i come across them. When im finished ill give you credit for the help
Level 2
Jul 30, 2009




(yeah i realise they're easy, itll get harder in pages to come, lol)

Ever read those "Dummy" HowTo: books, try to give those kind of descriptions.But please no technical terms such as fliberty-jibet, and dud-a-ma-flopper or thing-a-ma-bob
AddWeatherEffect -
Makes a weather effect based on effectId (an integer rawcode) in the specified rect. Basically, it's like making it rain in a rect or making sun in a rect, etc.

AdjustCameraField -
Changes a camera field. Camera fields (the whichField parameter) are as follows:

CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK - the angle of attack... 90 degrees is directly above, 45 degrees is at a good angle, 0 degrees is looking straight forward.

CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ - the far z clipping... the game will fade out things in the distance. This value is that distance.

CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW - this one's kinda hard to explain... the human field of view is approx. 120 degrees. It's like the angle in front of you that you can see.

CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL - the "sideways" rotation of the camera. 0 degrees (I think - it might be 90 degrees) is straight on, perpendicular to the ground.

CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION - which way the camera is facing. 90 degrees is "up" or "north".

CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE - how far away the camera's target (usually the ground) is from the camera "eye" (where you observe the game from).

CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET - this raises the camera target off the ground.

The offset parameter is how much to change the field by. The duration parameter is how long it will take to pan to the new camera setting.

AttachSoundToUnit - Attaches a 3D sound to the unit (the sound can be heard when the unit is near where the player is currently looking at)

CachePlayerHeroData - I don't know off the top of my head. Ill do some tests in the morning (It's 11 pm where I am).
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