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Request - Building Death Animations (FPShooter)

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Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
Hi, I don't think I have requested anything here before so I am not quite sure what exactly I need to say but basically I am looking for someone if its not going to be real hard to make death animations for 'Tavern' and 'Village Building 2'. I tried doing it myself by kind of using City Building 10's ruined model and resize it to fit the taverns demensions and cut off the chimney and a few roof shapings but since I don't know what I am doing really it turned out horribly.

Here is kind of what I am intending to do with what I haven currently accomplshed. You will see how the Building 10's death animation works when it is blown up, but the tavern buildings and small village building 2 can't do anything because they are missing a death animation.


Feel free to post if you have any questions or comments. Also I would like to know on a scale 1 to 10 how hard this is to do I don't want to overstep my request on an impossible task. But if it can be done, all credit will be due and shown at the startup ofcourse along with mine and my associates name.

Thanks, and again if you have any question or comment make sure to post. ^_^
Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
no, i have no clue what you are talking about with an item, and the post before I udnerstand you are saying something about editing the building 10 model to look like the tavern so it already has the death animation? Thats kind of what I got from that, but that would seem harder to me, and I alreayd tried an attempt at modeling myself but its just too hard for me. :(
Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
just a bump... again still looking for anyone to create death animations for tavern and villagebuilding2. All credit for the models will be shown at the startup of the map ofcourse. This is one of the remaining issues that has been delaying the test alpha's who people are waiting to try.
Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
zomg, the death animations on them both are PERFECT, ty so much...

however there seems to be just one tad small problem, the tavern seems to have missing sides depending on your rotation sides disappear and appear in editor and you see a single wall or the like.

Again, GREAT death animations you are awesome, Id hate to have to make you redit it again but yeah itd be perfect if the side glitching can be fixed. The villiage one seems to work right no missing sides.
Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
lol woot, that seems to have fixed it... ill try it ingame now see if its fine :)

thanks again man, ur a life saver... now that a 99% destructive city is now possible thanks to you, all i have now to fix is the horrible framerate on my map due to the wc3 engines demanding cpu power. ^_^
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