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Replacing Town Portal's Invunerable Buff to a 10,000 armor buff.

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Level 2
Mar 31, 2007
In the wc3 game, whenever a hero uses a town portal, the targeted building gets an invunerable buff.

How do you replace Town Portal's Invunerable buff to a 10,000 armor buff?(Kinda like in dota map)

Casting townportal can still be cancelled.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Quite Simple

You need 2 triggers and a dummy ability.
The dummy ability is an add armour ability.
Disable the invulnarable option in the teleport ability.
Trigger 1:
Event - Unit begins casting ability.
Condition - Ability = Teleport.
Action - Add ability DummyAbility to target.
Trigger 2
Event - Unit finishes or cancelles casting ability
Condition - Ability = Teleport.
Action - Remove ability DummyAbility.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I do not see the point really in it since 10,000 armor means virtually no damage is done in the first place. Well the person above explained it well, be carefull to test for bugs it might not finish. Also you need to use Handle Vars or other equivelent systems to store the target building inorder to know which unit to remove the armor from. If you want less multinstancastibility you can use a global.
Level 2
Mar 31, 2007
I added an ability called Inner fire that adds 10,000 armor to a dummy unit that casts to the targeted unit of the Teleportation.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Whats the point

@Dr Super Good
The point is pretty obvious. In an AoS creeps spawn and run to attack towers, but if the tower is invul then they cannot attack it and will walk right past the tower.
I realized the problem with storage quite awhile after i posted, and i cant think fo a MUI way of doing this without JASS (which IceFrog uses). I suggest making it multi player enabled by adding a array variableg

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Nowhere did he say it had to be in GUI, since this is the spells and systems section, both are allowed. And with AoS that problem would only occure if the tower is all alone which points to a map flaw. But anyway, why make it make the target unkaillable when it would be fine and more strategic if it did not change the damage the target receives at all. It would force players to think before they use, going to a nearly dead tower would be a waste. But it is your map so you chose but I recommend you use handle vars (or systems that are simlar), they are the easiest way.
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