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Replacing Clifs

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Level 12
Mar 23, 2008
I'm using Dirt Cliff and Tiled Wall as Cliffs, but the first one isn't really dirt, its grass!

Since I can't change in advance options, how can I change it?
I'm looking for some cliff that looks like pure earth, something that could go with grass, desert and dirt without looking too much ugly. (currently grass and desert is strange...)
Level 16
Jul 21, 2008
You have to import custom cliffs. Same as importing skins.

When you impor it, save it as replaceabletextures\cliff\cliff1.blp or replaceabletextures\cliff\cliff0.blp.

Blizzard made ''note'' in edit tileset window.
''Note that cliff tiles (red) cannot be added or replaced''

But you can customize tileset. Advanced -> Modify Tileset.

67chrome made very useful tile that has many variations. This tile is has 17 tiles in it.
Level 7
Mar 26, 2009
Just if the city tileset have snow, frozen water, desert, light flat stones, vines, grass and many "brick-like".

I'm sorry but that's not what I meant. I was asking if you were using the city tileset and if you were williing to change your tileset to something else more appropriate for your purposes...

But anyway, I think Child_0f_Bodom answered your question.
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