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Replacing a Hero with another Hero?

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Level 1
Jun 27, 2007
I got a question about Hero replacing. In my map, I want to make it so that when a player types in a certain message, their hero will be replaced by another one. I've tried multiple ways, but none of them seem to work.
Level 1
Jun 27, 2007
I didn't think of that! Thanks.
EDIT: It didnt seem to work right.......what is the unit array?
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Level 1
Jun 27, 2007
I tried that one. Whats really busting me is that since the heroes are chosen from an altar, I don't have a concrete unit to use the unit triggers with, since they aren't placed on the map until they have been chosen. I tried to use the hide/unhide and move instantly action triggers, but I can't properly target the original hero because he hasn't been placed. The hidden heroes have been placed, but when I type the message, nothing happens.:sad:
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Okay didnt bother writting the triggers here. So I am just going to post this map I made with hero swiching.
Hope it helps you out, it works.
Just download test it, and look in triggers to see what I done.

that would destroy his items + experience +....all of the replaced unit ^

and he is just switching between heroes, not morphing, so you don't need to keep the relative health and mana
This isnt correct: He will keep his items, and his exp. His original unit would be removed yes, but then he could just use same trigger to replace the new one with a unit of the old type....
My maps shows it, just made it more useful
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