Every Seconds
Pick Every Unit in map with Rej buff
increase their health
Unit Starts Effect of Ability
if its Rej
Custom script: local unit udg_TempUnit = GetSpellTargetUnit()
Unit - Add <self healing fountain of health ability> to TempUnit
Wait X seconds
Unit - Remove <self healing fountain of health ability> from TempUnit
Unit Starts Effect of Ability
if Ability is equal to (ability of Druids use)
Do Nothing because it already heals
Unit Starts effect of ability
If ability is Rej
Custom script:local unit u = GetSpellTargetUnit()
Custom script:local real heal = <heal per second>
Custom script:loop
Custom script:exitwhen GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,<Rejbuffrawcode>) = 0
Wait(1.0) second
Custom script:call SetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE,GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE)+heal)
Custom script:endloop
Custom script:set u = null