Redstone Captain

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.

Redstone Captains have the ability to defend and enhances attack and movement speed with Endurance Aura.

Unlike the Imperial and the Republic Captains, Redstone Captains are durable and more resilient than their two counterparts. They have the ability to inspire their attack speed and movement by giving them the Endurance Aura, these battle-hardened Captains were once mercenaries and Bandit Lords, but they built like a tank.
The Revamped version is a moderately armored bandit model.

The previous version is a captain one with blood red armor:

Redstone Captain (Model)

Redstone Captain Portrait (Model)

The portrait doesn't have a lip sync, perhaps give it a peasant facefx; also, the Rogue's lip sync got messed up so you also need to give the model proper its own facefx; then make the geoset visibility of the imported geosets with the skeleton...


HD Model Reviewer
Level 34
Jun 22, 2013
The portrait doesn't have a lip sync, perhaps give it a peasant facefx; also, the Rogue's lip sync got messed up so you also need to give the model proper its own facefx; then make the geoset visibility of the imported geosets with the skeleton

AWAITING UPDATE until the issues are resolved.

also, please give harmony to the model's theme regarding the geosets and then perhaps the textures.