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Recruiting partner/s in my project

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Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
I need people who are good at making item combinations and hero abilities (trigger based). There are experienced map makers around here, so please help me.:wgrin:
My map is a DotA like map. I have done the terraining but I need the heroes to be created with triggered skills, items to be made (with combinations), and some other modifications. ANY HELP WILL BE APPRECIATED AND CREDITED. Also can someone make a map preview. I am hoping that the map will be succesful one.:wthumbsup:
I will attach the map in this thread.
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Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
Hey, your help is appreciated!
Those heroes in my map are just the based ones. I will edit them now so please wait.
And on the items they are DotA-like ones. Any item will do and any combinations will also do.
Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
Some heroes are edited. Its up to you to create the other heroes.:wthumbsup:
I need spells that are of DotA, such like waveform,aphotic sheild, omnislash, greater bash, and many more.
:fp:[please download the map first]
-for Cristosis' remaining skills
4th=creates a hailstorm that freezes enemy units
-for Spade's remaining skills
2nd=creates a circle of green shockwaves from the hero, moving outward
4th=slashes an enemy unit that knockbacks it (with light effects)
-for Soul Knight's remaining skills
3rd=an aura that passively animates by chance a killed unit (works only on creeps)
4th=creates a blast of souls that stuns enemy units and also increases the chance of his 3rd skill as long the effect of the skill lasts
Also, i need a terrainer to make the map look real good.:wgrin:

I have attached the map in this post.
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Level 4
Apr 21, 2005
like of divine strikes from naruto, but casts automatically that it is of area effect

what's divine strike from naruto?

like chidori with light effects, but performs attack combos instead

what is this chidori thing.

(I know what it is in the naruto world but whatis it in warcraft)

no you can help with these spells. I can't do knockback

is the ursa warrior thing passive?
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Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
Looks like i have to explain every bit of it:
Divination Field(area effect divine strikes)[4 levels]= the user slams the ground with a thunder clap (use the tome of retraining effect,the damage is the same every level-125) and then attacks all nearby enemies within the range of 400 (attack number ranges from 3,4,5,6 attacks) while the user remains in the range of the ability
Destinova(chidori thing)[3 levels]= the spell has a 1 second casting time, the user charges to the enemy (walking animation) which makes him invulnerable during the charge after he reaches the enemy he then performs amazing attack combos (ranging from 7,8,9 attacks)(loses the invulnerability after the combo)(the casting range is 400,500,700)
Holy Scars(ursa warrior thing passive)[4 levels]=with every attack the user deals more and more damage (6,12,24,48 bonus every attack)
Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
No offence but that's what i am trying to make, a map similar to DotA.
EDIT: Your'e right, i have to make it a bit different from DotA. Perhaps when the map is finished you will know whats their differences.
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Level 5
Aug 3, 2007
hey mew77, i have to inform you that you gotta put the spells on another map so that i can copy the triggers. It is because i am working on the map's items and heroes now. Sorry
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