Really Need a set of NAGA models!

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Level 5
Jan 23, 2006
Hey People...

I need a set of NAGA models... here is what i want..if you can help make me it would be a great you :)

here :

Naga Siren : With the same spear/sword on each hand, new animations...

Naga Archer : Summoner with Sea WItch's Bow, and Sea With's Animations, no HERO Glow...i'll g2g..brb soon..
Level 9
Jun 28, 2005
omg... how many times does it take for people to get it through thier head that they should describe better.... btw use the naga war enchantress wich is like an elite naga sea bi.. i mean witch
Level 5
Jan 23, 2006

Well...that was a a nice description..

NAGA SIREN : With 4 Swords, exactly the same ones that she was always holding..And If you can, please make her new animations..And if you want you can add her a amour, or change her skin colour.

NAGA RANGER/ARCHER : I don't think this one is that clear..ok so here : Naga Summoner (yes, the one in the campaign with the summoning ritual)...please change her Naga Siren Sword to the Sea Wicth's Bow, with her animations..and maybe some of her armour on the Summoner with the i said...NO HERO GLOW!!!

NAGA WARRIORESS : Any model is OK, but no-hero one..a lttle outline is like Naga Sea WItch, but smaller and new weapon(s)(Melee : sword, spear, trident, etc.), attacking in melee...

NAGA SPEARMEN : ANY male Naga Model is OK, but holding a spear, a near Naga-Myrmidon model would be fine, but holding a spear,...NAGA MYRMIDON/ROYAL GUARD Animations would be fine..

NAGA ANTI-SPELL : A Hero, holding a NAGA Siren Spear, with Naga Sea Witch's Tail but Siren's Upper Body...Hero Glow and good animations needed..THNX!
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