If it is from external speakers then it could be an audio driver crash.
Like the display, sound is not something that can be turned off very easily. Instead it prefers to constantly send output, even if that output is the same as the previous output. If the graphic drivers crash then the display hangs on the last frame as it cannot update the output buffer, at least until they are restarted or the system rebooted.
I am guessing sound works in the same way, with a driver crash causing the last packet of sound data (each packet is a certain period of time) to be repeated indefinitely. Depending on what kind of sound data this was at the time of the crash, you will get a variety of noises. If it was idling doing nothing (no sound output), then no audible sound will be heard as it repeats a DC signal. If the sound was a distinctive piece of a music then you will hear part of that music repeat itself again and again. If the sound was some random noise (buffer garbage, or hardware malfunction) it is highly likely you will hear a screeching sound as the produced sound will have an abnormally high frequency.