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RealCraft I

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Level 3
Apr 5, 2009
I'll post some info about this project what I've written on a txt file.

RealCraft I

RealCraft’s attempt is to give the players a chance to play Warcraft 3 Melee games some more depth and reality in a sense that the units don’t have that much health and can be killed more easily just like in real life.

Because in reality if you’re shot with an arrow for example, you’re not going to survive that long (depending on the place you’re hit, of course.)

Each unit has a chance to make a critical hit which kills another unit immediately and each unit is also able to dodge according to the amount of gear on them.
For example a footman is less likely to dodge an attack with his armor on than archers with their leather clothes. But this doesn’t mean that the footmen are bad, they just have less percents on their dodge chance. But then again, a footman (or any unit with a shield) has a block chance.

Heroes on this game mode have quite more health and damage than normal units, but they cost a lot to hire, and to counter heroes, there are various heroes to choose from which you can hire for less or more gold and the enemy heroes can be countered that way.

Buildings in this game are best to destroy with siege weaponry, these siege weapons are hard to destroy with normal units, they are best countered by anti tank units.

The custom maps created for this game mode will provide good strategic points and other strangle points in the map that are easily defended with a correct strategy and there’s also many places to hit the enemy from behind if you’re able to find them.

Some units also are better suited for different terrains. For example, the archers and other light units are best used in the forest areas as they are able to run and function better in the area. The footmen for example are more suitable on big open areas with less obstruction from trees and their roots.

I hope that opened up something what I'm planning to do, I'm looking for a few dedicated people to make this project happen.

I suppose what I'll need is

Mapper 2/3
Triggerer 1/2
Loading Screen Maker 0/1
Theme Song Maker 0/1
Trailer Maker 0/1

I my self do maps, but I'm planning on releasing something around 5 maps to start the project with.

I'm not good with triggers, so sadly I need someone good to make the stuff in-game happen.

Loading Screen Maker
At some point when we release the map, it would be good to have a cool loading screen picture, so it would be nice to have someone who's able to make fancy pictures.

Theme Song Maker
This comes along when we create a Trailer for the new game mode, so it's not that vital at this point. I do make some music with FLS9 but I'm not that good.

Trailer Maker
When we're done and we feel like it, it would be nice to promote the game and have a small Trailer made, this requires a guy that's good with video editing. I can do some myself, but this is something I'm not that good at.

If you're interested, follow this pattern:

Name: (Your actual name)
In-Game Name: (Your in-game name)
Age: (How old are you, honestly)
Country: (Where you're from)
Applying: (Which position are you applying for?)
Do you have skype?: This is needed to communicate and talk about stuff)
Microphone?: (Do you have a mic, it would be lovely)
Consider your skills on what you're applying for: (1-10)
How mature do you consider your self?: (1-10)
Can you act "professional" on this project: (We need people who can commit to the project as long as it's done and we don't need people who can't work as a team and just is there to screw things up. You don't need to be stiff, but some degree of professionalism would be good)

So please, apply if you think you can handle it, and you can prove it. I'd want to get this thing rolling as soon as possible.
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Level 6
Dec 9, 2010
Hey there, this sounds like an awesome idea for a project! I'll apply.

Name: Brandon
In-Game Name: Mech_Warrior (@ USEast.)
Age: 21
Country: USA
Applying: I can map, make triggers, and make music. Basically wherever the priorities lie, I can focus on.
Do you have skype?: Yes. LaMasquerade is my skype name, you can add me if you want. ^.^
Microphone?: Yes.
Consider your skills on what you're applying for: Well, I've been mapping for at least 5 years, triggering for at least 4, and writing music for 3ish. I would say I'm fairly competent at all three of these. Maybe 7-8/10?
How mature do you consider your self?: Maybe a 7. I'm mature when I need to be. I can also be fairly silly sometimes too. xD
Can you act "professional" on this project: Yah, of course.
Sounds really nice, realism has always been capturing my attention.

Let me suggest something though, since you're up to most likely get a unit killed with one shot, replace the concept of Critical Strike. We, humans for example, don't have a chance to hit harder; we in fact use greater strength and impetus to punch harder. So, use some kind of a system with an energy kind of thing (will work like a pointer to the player) that will fluctuate and score greater damage in higher levels of this energy.
Level 3
Apr 5, 2009
Yeah, I need to see what the triggerers can do for the project, I'm more of a brainstormer and a map maker rather than triggerer or a coder. So I just need to get the project up and running so we can actually get some sort of idea what we're going to do here.
Level 3
Apr 5, 2009
Hey there, this sounds like an awesome idea for a project! I'll apply.

Name: Brandon
In-Game Name: Mech_Warrior (@ USEast.)
Age: 21
Country: USA
Applying: I can map, make triggers, and make music. Basically wherever the priorities lie, I can focus on.
Do you have skype?: Yes. LaMasquerade is my skype name, you can add me if you want. ^.^
Microphone?: Yes.
Consider your skills on what you're applying for: Well, I've been mapping for at least 5 years, triggering for at least 4, and writing music for 3ish. I would say I'm fairly competent at all three of these. Maybe 7-8/10?
How mature do you consider your self?: Maybe a 7. I'm mature when I need to be. I can also be fairly silly sometimes too. xD
Can you act "professional" on this project: Yah, of course.

Because you seem like someone who can do stuff, I'll add you in, and I also added you on skype.
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