My (Our) first TD map.
About map:
Small map. 50 waves of enemies. From easy just-get-some-money up to hardcore waves, that would require you to have certain buildings to be built n ready.(This means that you'll mostly won't be able to beat this map at first try)
= Gold from killed creeps is mutual, and is added to all players at the same time. Gold trade between players is allowed.
= Highly advised to play in coop.
= Bosses aren't made to be easy.. but taking them down would increase your chances to survive harder waves.
This map is at Work In Progress state:
- Only 24 waves are present
- Balance is not flawless, but as far as we concern, its balanced enough to be somewhat enjoyable.
Some more stuff:
Also, this map requires decent level of cooperation, because money aren't endless, so you can upgrade one tower.. but will mostly fail this map, because certain towers are too effective against one kind of enemies.. but not that effective against other kind of them. This is trial-and-error until you can make it to the finish.
All spawned creeps are going to the center of the map. You only have 12 lives before you gona be eaten by Giant Rat.(happily, due to a bug that ain't gona be fixed, because its a kinda feature now, if you let multiple creeps to get to the center in a pack - they will be counted as single creature).
Every wave comes with boss creep wave right after. Boss creep will be spawned, and next wave won't start until you kill it. Bosses are an "additional gold" that you could have, if you manage to kill it. Game spawns one boss per wave(1 wave boss goes to 1st player lane, 3rd wave boss goes to 3rd player lane and etc.)
Bosses that make it to the center of map will not drain lives(they are heading for a tavern to have drink).
We're looking for criticism n stuff.., any thoughts and ideas are appeciated!
TD, Versuta, Tinker, Aquilla, Rat, Stolen models, gaymapper, shitmapping