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RatlersTD1.00 Test

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
My (Our) first TD map.
About map:
Small map. 50 waves of enemies. From easy just-get-some-money up to hardcore waves, that would require you to have certain buildings to be built n ready.(This means that you'll mostly won't be able to beat this map at first try)
= Gold from killed creeps is mutual, and is added to all players at the same time. Gold trade between players is allowed.
= Highly advised to play in coop.
= Bosses aren't made to be easy.. but taking them down would increase your chances to survive harder waves.

This map is at Work In Progress state:
- Only 24 waves are present
- Balance is not flawless, but as far as we concern, its balanced enough to be somewhat enjoyable.

Some more stuff:
Also, this map requires decent level of cooperation, because money aren't endless, so you can upgrade one tower.. but will mostly fail this map, because certain towers are too effective against one kind of enemies.. but not that effective against other kind of them. This is trial-and-error until you can make it to the finish.
All spawned creeps are going to the center of the map. You only have 12 lives before you gona be eaten by Giant Rat.(happily, due to a bug that ain't gona be fixed, because its a kinda feature now, if you let multiple creeps to get to the center in a pack - they will be counted as single creature).
Every wave comes with boss creep wave right after. Boss creep will be spawned, and next wave won't start until you kill it. Bosses are an "additional gold" that you could have, if you manage to kill it. Game spawns one boss per wave(1 wave boss goes to 1st player lane, 3rd wave boss goes to 3rd player lane and etc.)
Bosses that make it to the center of map will not drain lives(they are heading for a tavern to have drink).

We're looking for criticism n stuff.., any thoughts and ideas are appeciated!


TD, Versuta, Tinker, Aquilla, Rat, Stolen models, gaymapper, shitmapping

RatlersTD1.00 Test (Map)

20:03, 6th Aug 2015 Shadow Fury: Map set to needs fix.




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Level 12
Mar 30, 2013
Ok. i might gave the basic of what is needed to be done.

Improve/change the following things;
-On you screen-shot, it looks like the language is NOT English which it should be.
-Look at the ling Arad_MNK gave you.

I haven't played it yet, but i might do soon.
Aaaannd... Don't forget to always improve your map!
Good luck!




There is a lot to do for you if you want to get this approved on Hive.

  • Tooltips should be appropriate ( upgrade ones as well)
  • Passive abilities should have passive icons
  • The map has nearly no design, just random doodads and some destructibles. It is a reason to not approve this until the other features are perfectly executed. So take a look on our terraining tutorials and create some ( more).
  • The wave spawning system is inefficient. You shouldn't create waves for all players if there are less players playing it. ( waves of players not playing are immediately killed, they shouldn't spawn)
  • I don't see a good reason why towers are damaged
  • Your triggers are not efficient. You should take a look on some tower defence tutorials and use more efficient ones. You can reduce the trigger count to 10% of its current number if using efficient triggering
  • Fix the life loss if someone leaks
Level 2
Aug 4, 2015
There is a lot to do for you if you want to get this approved on Hive.

  • The wave spawning system is inefficient. You shouldn't create waves for all players if there are less players playing it. ( waves of players not playing are immediately killed, they shouldn't spawn)
  • I don't see a good reason why towers are damaged
☻Gold is OVERALL, so you can't play one in this map without that gold.
(Your thinking is too ordinary to you might resent)

☻Towers can't use "AURA" effect when invulnerable.




☻Gold is OVERALL, so you can't play one in this map without that gold.
(Your thinking is too ordinary to you might resent)

☻Towers can't use "AURA" effect when invulnerable.
With inefficient triggers I mean that your triggers are complicated and inefficient.

Instead of writing a trigger for every wave you can write one general trigger and use a unit variable with an array to index the different waves and spawn the right wave.

You can solve the issue AURA if you allow the aura ability to target invulnerable units.
By the way, Aura tower seems not to be buildable, I tried it several times with both modes, although it is obviously the second one.
The dark green zone damage bonus does not work either.
Tier 5 Arrow Tower cannot be sold/ has no 'Sell tower' ability.
Some towers seem to not damage appropriate, for example the first Stun tower of the water tower. His attack does not damage, only a missile is shot if creeps are very near.

These are only a few issues I discovered.
Level 2
Aug 4, 2015
With inefficient triggers I mean that your triggers are complicated and inefficient.

Instead of writing a trigger for every wave you can write one general trigger and use a unit variable with an array to index the different waves and spawn the right wave.

You can solve the issue AURA if you allow the aura ability to target invulnerable units.
By the way, Aura tower seems not to be buildable, I tried it several times with both modes, although it is obviously the second one.
The dark green zone damage bonus does not work either.
Tier 5 Arrow Tower cannot be sold/ has no 'Sell tower' ability.
Some towers seem to not damage appropriate, for example the first Stun tower of the water tower. His attack does not damage, only a missile is shot if creeps are very near.

These are only a few issues I discovered.

☻About triggers: I know, but i create ~20 waves and stop with map on near 5-6 months. Maybe i use normal spawning later, now it's not a problem.
☺ AURA: Aok. I fix it.
☺ Selling: i think than if player builds tower and up it to LVL2/3, than he need think before that and can't sell tower after. But ok, i add selling(destroying) 2 all towers.
☻ For AURA TOWERS and DARK GREEN ZONE you need votes. 3/4 votes and DARKGREENZONES start works| 2/3/4 votes and AURA TOWERS start works.
We test it much times and it always works. For solotesting look at START ==> TOWERSCHANGE/ZONESCHANGE.
☺ NODAMAGE: i try to fix it.
(sry for my bad enlgish)




☻About triggers: I know, but i create ~20 waves and stop with map on near 5-6 months. Maybe i use normal spawning later, now it's not a problem.
Its an issue of maximum 15 minutes to change them if you know what you are doing.

Why being satisfied with a complicated, inefficient solution if you can have it much more easier ?
It is a problem, as you spawn for every player independently from how many players are actually playing.
You should also avoid any kind of 'Wait' trigger. They do not work appropriate.
All these would be fixed with one solo trigger.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Tested the map for a few minutes and I already found too many negative issues.

First of all, green icons. The icon of Unstuck and of the Rat Builder turn green. This is because you did not import the DISBTN of these icons. You must import them then replace war3mapImported\ with ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\
This is compulsory because in the Map Submission Rules it is clearly stated that green icons are prohibited
I agree with Ardenian about the triggers; they could be cut down to a very small number. There are functions like "For Each Integer A/B" that usually help to condense multiple commands into one only. The use of variables in this case is almost inevitable. It is not normally mandatory reducing a large number of triggers into a smaller number (no rules state that) but in this case you really should because your triggers leak heavily with the spawns and the excessive use of the wait commands (notoriously known for being imprecise) can cause mal-performances in multiplayer. In addition, the submission rules also state that your triggers must be mostly leakless and that's not what I see. Check this tutorial to learn how to fix your leaks.
The terrain is very cheap and you should really try to improve it. It's very flat and lacking decoration since you almost only used trees everywhere. The center, on the other hand, looks so unnatural and peculiar with the pyramid-like raisings; why not smoothing them a bit?
As for the gameplay, it could be fun but I just wonder why the creeps are so slow-paced. Making your game fast-paced encourages users to go on playing the game because it is exciting. Slow-paced TDs usually bore players.
Another question is "Why do I always hear the *Slow* sound when I select a unit". I personally find it very annoying and extremely repetitive. I don't know others, but I'm quite sure a lot of people will think it the same way. I'd suggest removing this thing.
Last issue I'd like to talk about is the research RANGE. Why should I hear "Research complete" just from the very beginning of the game? If you want to have something already researched, there are two ways of doing so:

1- From the World Editor, select Scenario ---> Upgrade Properties ---> Tick *Use Custom Upgrades* ---> Change *Available* to *Researched* for the RANGE researches

2- Through the trigger editor, you use the function "Player - Set Current Research Level" and then you modify everything as needed. The function is self-explanatory

Overall the map seriously needs fix before approval.