Hi is it possible to make unit spawn in region using trigger like this
so far I've got this, but I can't find where it let u choose Option from Advance/ Random Groups from the main War craft editor. I just made this an example it wrong totally but just saying it not giving me no chance.
I know there is an Interger to make random spawn but Im not intresting in it. I'm intresting in using that advance, and random groups from that WE option.
If there a post about it go ahead link me please thank u very much.
- Unit - Create 1 a slime for Player 12 (Brown) at (Random point in Spawn a <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
so far I've got this, but I can't find where it let u choose Option from Advance/ Random Groups from the main War craft editor. I just made this an example it wrong totally but just saying it not giving me no chance.
- Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type((Name of (Random unit from (Random 1 units from (Last created unit group)))))) for Player 12 (Brown) at (Center of test region <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
I know there is an Interger to make random spawn but Im not intresting in it. I'm intresting in using that advance, and random groups from that WE option.
If there a post about it go ahead link me please thank u very much.