library Projectile requires Vector, optional ProjectileArt
//# P R O J E C T I L E
//# by Berb
//* WarCraft III: Custom Projectiles Library
//* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* Author: Berb / TheKid
//* Version: 2.2.0
//* Requirements:
//* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* _ JassHelper 0.A.2.B
//* _ Vector by Anitarf
//* To Know:
//* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* _ Pitch variance requires the dummy.mdx model that is included in "xebasic".
//* _ Projectile groups are limited by the number of projectiles that they can contain.
//* Description:
//* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* The purpose of this library is to provide users with an interface by which they can easily
//* manage their projectiles. It is recommended that the user read through the API to discover
//* which control features he/she has access to.
//* Recent Changes:
//* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* 2.1.1 - Removed the "FLAG__onFinish" state flag which disallowed projectiles from being
//* launched properly in succession. It isn't actually very useful, and it doesn't provide
//* any bonus functionality - I'm not sure why I put it in there in the first place.
//* - If necessary, projectiles can be launched in their "onFinish" method response as they
//* are deactivated before that response is executed. By deactivating the "toDestroy"
//* member users will more easily be able to make projectiles "bounce" from one target
//* to another.
//* 2.1.2 - Optimized the "enumNearby" method as corrected by Bribe.
//* 2.1.3 - Fixed a very minor issue with projectiles being destroyed prematurely by adding a member
//* "destroyed" to the projectile members.
//* > Instead of checking "if (proj == 0) then" to detect if a projectile has been
//* destroyed, the user can now do: "if (proj.destroyed) then". This simply removes
//* the "double-free" message from a projectile being destroyed twice.
//* > The value "destroyed" is defaulted to false, and set to true in the "onDestroy"
//* method.
//* - Added method operator to the "projectilegroup" struct to reference members of the
//* group with array syntax, rather than using the array member "indexOf[]".
//* - Changed the members "DATA__stack" and "DATA__size" to readonly so that users can
//* perform iterations on the entire stack of projectiles.
//* 2.2.0 - Removed the indexOf[] array member from the projectile-group struct. In substitution,
//* the array syntax operator [] is available (since 2.1.3).
//* - Removed one of the hashtable requirements for projectile group referencing. Instead,
//* only one hashtable is required for this (and another for projectile groups).
//* - Removed the limit on the amount of projectiles that can be stored in a projectile
//* group by further utilizing the hashtable that was already used for the very quick
//* "inGroup" method.
//* Configuration
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* Includes default definitions of projectile settings in addition to other values that are used
//* within the system but rely on a value in order to function.
//* Fly Height Modifier Ability
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
public constant integer ID__flyHeightModifier = 'Amrf'
//* Settings
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
public constant real COLLISION__default = 70.00 // The maximum and default settings for projectile collision.
public constant real COLLISION__sizeMax = 200.00
//* Default Features Config
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
private constant boolean DEFAULT__targetFollow = true // These features enable certain elements of each projectile, giving the user
private constant boolean DEFAULT__unitCollision = false // the option to customize what properties the projectile displays - like whether
private constant boolean DEFAULT__destCollision = false // it can collide with units/destructables to whether or not it is a target
private constant boolean DEFAULT__faceRotation = true // "seeking" or following target.
private constant boolean DEFAULT__facePitch = true
private constant boolean DEFAULT__toExpire = true
private constant boolean DEFAULT__toKill = true
private constant boolean DEFAULT__toRemove = false
public constant real SETTING__timeout = 0.03 // This identifies the amount of time (in seconds) that lapses between each
//* // iteration that the projectiles are "updated".
interface projectileinterface
//* Projectile Interface
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* Includes the names for methods (and their parameters) that users can declare in child-structures to
//* acquire reference to a projectile on different occurances that prompt a response.
//* Event Response - State
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method onStart takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing
method onFinish takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing // Projectile completes trajectory.
method onGround takes nothing returns nothing defaults nothing // Impact with terran.
//* Event Response - Collision
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method onUnitCollision takes unit u returns nothing defaults nothing
method onDestCollision takes destructable d returns nothing defaults nothing
//* Filters
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method isValidTargetUnit takes unit u returns boolean defaults true
method isValidTargetDest takes destructable d returns boolean defaults true
//* Dynamic Storage
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* In order to optimize the Projectiles efficiency, certain global variables are required to make
//* special calculations and operations; such as GetLocationZ().
//* References
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
private projectile projRef
private location loc = Location(0, 0)
private group grp = CreateGroup()
private rect rct
private hashtable projGroupTable = InitHashtable( )
//* Misc
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
private integer totalProjectiles = 0
//* Total Projectile Count
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* The amount of projectiles that are currently in operation. The value that is returned is added to
//* and subtracted from whenever a projectile is created/destroyed.
function GetTotalProjectiles takes nothing returns integer
return totalProjectiles
struct projectilegroup
//* Projectile Group
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* Enumeration is a big part of WarCraft III, and it would be hard to really utilize projectiles
//* properly without having some method of enumeration.
//* API:
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* @[] - Method operator for referencing members of the group with array syntax.
//* @size - The amount of projectiles that are currently stored in the group.
//* @add( ) - Adds a specified projectile to the group if it hasn't been already.
//* @remove( ) - Removes a specified projectile from the group if it has been added.
//* @inGroup( ) - Returns true if the designated projectile is included in the group.
//* Components
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
readonly integer size = 0
private static hashtable table = InitHashtable( )
//* Operators
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method operator [] takes integer index returns projectile
return LoadInteger(table, this+8092, index)
//* Utility Methods
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method inGroup takes projectile p returns boolean // This will return true if the
return HaveSavedInteger(thistype.table, this, p) // specified projectile is included in
// "this" group.
//* Group Operators
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method add takes projectile p returns boolean
local integer indexOfLast
if not inGroup(p) then
call SaveInteger(thistype.table, this, p, size)
call SaveInteger(thistype.table, this+8092, size, p)
set size = size + 1
set indexOfLast = 0
if HaveSavedInteger(projGroupTable, p, -1) then
set indexOfLast = LoadInteger(projGroupTable, p, -1)
call SaveInteger(projGroupTable, p, indexOfLast, this)
call SaveInteger(projGroupTable, p+8092, this, indexOfLast)
call SaveInteger(projGroupTable, p, -1, indexOfLast + 1)
return true
return false
method remove takes projectile p returns boolean
local integer indexOfLast
local integer indexOfThis
if inGroup(p) then
set size = size - 1
set indexOfThis = LoadInteger(table, this, p)
call SaveInteger(table, this+8092, indexOfThis, LoadInteger(table, this+8092, size))
call SaveInteger(table, this, LoadInteger(table, this+8092, indexOfThis), indexOfThis)
call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this+8092, size)
call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, p)
set indexOfLast = LoadInteger(projGroupTable, p, -1) - 1
set indexOfThis = LoadInteger(projGroupTable, p+8092, this)
call SaveInteger(projGroupTable, p, -1, indexOfLast)
call SaveInteger(projGroupTable, p, indexOfThis, LoadInteger(projGroupTable, p, indexOfLast))
call SaveInteger(projGroupTable, p+8092, LoadInteger(projGroupTable, p, indexOfThis), indexOfThis)
if indexOfLast < 1 then
call FlushChildHashtable(projGroupTable, p)
call FlushChildHashtable(projGroupTable, p+8092)
return true
return false
//* Destructor & Clear
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* Both the .clear( ) and .destroy( ) methods will perform the exact same actions, however when
//* .destroy( ) is used it will recycle the group struct. If .clear( ) is used it will simply ensure
//* there are no projectiles included in the projectilegroup.
method clear takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = size - 1
exitwhen i < 0
call remove(LoadInteger(table, this+8092, i))
set i = i - 1
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = size - 1
exitwhen i < 0
call remove(LoadInteger(table, this+8092, i))
set i = i - 1
struct projectile extends projectileinterface
//* Projectile
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* The projectile struct controls all aspects of the projectile motion, from creating it with a unit
//* handle to launching it through the air and destroying it. It has an extensive API as control can
//* get a little complex in areas.
//* API: members
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* @toUnit - The unit handle that represents the projectile in-game.
//* @speed - The speed at which the projectile is moving in a 2D perspective.
//* @arc - The arc at which the projectile is moving.
//* @activeTargetFollow - Enables/disables projectile homing.
//* @activePitch - Enables/disables projectile pitch rotation (cosmetic).
//* @activeRotation - Enables/disables projectile rotation (cosmetic).
//* @activeUnitCollision - Enables/disables projectile-unit collision.
//* @activeDestCollision - Enables/disables projectile-destructable collision.
//* @destroyed - Value of 'true' if the projectile has been destroyed.
//* @toDestroy - Allows the projectile struct to be destroyed once it finishes.
//* @toRemove (optimal) - Allows "toUnit" to be removed upon projectile destruction.
//* @toKill - Allows "toUnit" to be killed upon projectile destruction.
//* @x - "x" coordinate of the projectile object.
//* @y - "y" coordinate of the projectile object.
//* @z - "z" coordinate of the projectile object.
//* @collision - The collision-size of the projectile object.
//* @timescale - The execution time-scale of the projectile. Setting this to 0 will
//* freeze the projectile in position until it is "unpaused".
//* @source - The source unit of the projectile being launched.
//* @target - The target unit of the projectile being launched.
//* @targetX - "x" coordinate of the projectile target.
//* @targetY - "y" coordinate of the projectile target.
//* @targetZ - "z" coordinate of the projectile target.
//* @targetZOffset - "z" coordinate offset of the projectile target.
//* API: instance methods
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* @setTargetPos - Updates a projectile's target with 3 coordinate input parameters.
//* @launch - Launches a projectile from one point to another with given input.
//* @start - The initial position vector.
//* @finish - The final position vector.
//* @speed - The velocity of the projectile in a 2D perspective.
//* @arc - The arc that the projectile will be launched at.
//* @destroy - Destroys a projectile, cleaning all of its members and deallocating
//* it from the projectile engine in addition to removing the projectile
//* from any "projectilegroup" it was included in.
//* API: static methods
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* @create - Creates a projectile object from a unit handle.
//* @enumNearby - Gathers nearby projectiles in a specified "projectilegroup".
//* ########################################################################################################
readonly unit toUnit = null
readonly real speed // In order to launch a projectile, a "speed" and "arc" input is necessary. These
readonly real arc // values are stored in readonly-scope variables so that they can be referenced
//* // externally.
private unit PROP__target = null // Both .priv_target and .priv_source can be referenced publicly by using the
private unit PROP__source = null // method operators without the "priv_" prefix.
private real PROP__timescale = 1.00
private real PROP__collision = COLLISION__default
private real PROP__targetHeight = 0
public boolean activeTargetFollow = DEFAULT__targetFollow // These settings are all defaulted to the configuration constants that are
public boolean activePitch = DEFAULT__facePitch // declared above when the projectile is created. If the user wants to customize
public boolean activeRotation = DEFAULT__faceRotation // these settings beyond their defaults (or change them mid-flight) then they can
public boolean activeUnitCollision = DEFAULT__unitCollision // be referenced publicly and flagged on/off (true/false).
public boolean activeDestCollision = DEFAULT__destCollision
public boolean destroyed = false
public boolean toDestroy = DEFAULT__toExpire // These flags are specific to the end-phase of the projectile flight. Flags that
public boolean toKill = DEFAULT__toKill // control whether the unit handle is killed/removed upon projectile destruction,
public boolean toRemove = DEFAULT__toRemove // and whether or not a projectile is destroyed upon its "finish" event.
private boolean FLAG__onGround = true
private boolean FLAG__active = false
private boolean FLAG__targetFollow = false
private boolean FLAG__followUnit = false
private boolean FLAG__isPaused = false
private vector VECTOR__position // Each projectile allocates 5 vectors that control its motion. These vectors
private vector VECTOR__velocity // are mainly initiated to 0-vectors except for the "position vector", which
private vector VECTOR__acceleration // immediately occupies with the projectile's in-game coordinates.
private vector VECTOR__target
private vector VECTOR__start // The starting-position is necessary to reference the "total" distance that
//* // the projectile has traveled from where it began (cosmetic calculations).
private integer DATA__index
readonly static thistype array DATA__stack
readonly static integer DATA__size = 0
private static timer DATA__loop = CreateTimer()
private static constant real DATA__loopRef = SETTING__timeout
private real DATA__timeLeft
private static boolexpr FUNC__enumUnits = null
private static boolexpr FUNC__enumDests = null
//* ########################################################################################################
implement optional ProjectileArt
//* ########################################################################################################
//* Position Interface
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method operator x takes nothing returns real
return VECTOR__position.x
method operator y takes nothing returns real
return VECTOR__position.y
method operator z takes nothing returns real
return VECTOR__position.z
//* Timescale Interface
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method operator timescale takes nothing returns real
if FLAG__isPaused then
return 0.00
return PROP__timescale
method operator timescale= takes real r returns nothing
if (r == 0) then
set FLAG__isPaused = true
set FLAG__isPaused = false
set PROP__timescale = r
//* Collision Interface
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method operator collision takes nothing returns real
return PROP__collision
method operator collision= takes real r returns nothing
if r > COLLISION__sizeMax then
set r = COLLISION__sizeMax
elseif r < 0 then
set r = 0
set PROP__collision = r
//* Source Interface
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method operator source takes nothing returns unit
return PROP__source
method operator source= takes unit who returns nothing
set PROP__source = who
//* Target Interface
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* ========================================================================================================
method operator target takes nothing returns unit //* The target object (unit-only) can be
return PROP__target //* referenced at any time through the
//* projectile.
method operator target= takes unit who returns nothing //* The target can also be changed at any
if GetUnitTypeId(who) != 0 then //* time; setting the target to "null" or
set PROP__target = who //* even a removed unit will reset the
set FLAG__followUnit = true //* effects of modifying the target.
set PROP__target = null //* If a target is selected then the system
set FLAG__followUnit = false //* will automatically follow the unit's
endif //* position as the target vector.
//* ========================================================================================================
method operator targetX takes nothing returns real
return VECTOR__target.x
method operator targetY takes nothing returns real
return VECTOR__target.y
method operator targetZ takes nothing returns real
return VECTOR__target.z
//* ========================================================================================================
method operator targetZOffset takes nothing returns real
return PROP__targetHeight
method operator targetZOffset= takes real r returns nothing
if r < 0 then
set r = 0
set PROP__targetHeight = r
//* ========================================================================================================
method setTargetPos takes real x1, real y1, real z1 returns boolean
local real xA
local real yA
local vector v = VECTOR__velocity
if (x1 != VECTOR__target.x) or (y1 != VECTOR__target.y) or (z1 != VECTOR__target.z) then
set VECTOR__target.x = x1
set VECTOR__target.y = y1
set VECTOR__target.z = z1 + PROP__targetHeight
set xA = VECTOR__position.x
set yA = VECTOR__position.y
set xA = (x1-xA)*(x1-xA) + (y1-yA)*(y1-yA)
set yA = (v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y)/(thistype.DATA__loopRef*thistype.DATA__loopRef)
set DATA__timeLeft = SquareRoot(xA/yA)
set FLAG__targetFollow = true // The "targetFollow" flag will be toggled to notify the
return true // engine that the target has been changed from its
// original position.
return false
//* Destructor
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i
if not (destroyed) then
set thistype.DATA__size = thistype.DATA__size - 1
set thistype.DATA__stack[DATA__index] = thistype.DATA__stack[thistype.DATA__size]
set thistype.DATA__stack[DATA__index].DATA__index = DATA__index
if (thistype.DATA__size == 0) then
call PauseTimer(thistype.DATA__loop)
set totalProjectiles = totalProjectiles - 1
if LIBRARY_ProjectileArt then // If the ProjectileArt module was implemented, this will execute
call killModel( ) // a command to remove the model art.
if toRemove then // The projectile unit handle can either be removed or killed,
call RemoveUnit(toUnit) // with removal in priority if they are both flagged.
elseif toKill then
call KillUnit(toUnit)
call VECTOR__position.destroy( )
call VECTOR__velocity.destroy( )
call VECTOR__acceleration.destroy( )
call VECTOR__target.destroy( )
call VECTOR__start.destroy( )
if HaveSavedInteger(projGroupTable, this, -1) then
set i = LoadInteger(projGroupTable, this, -1) - 1
exitwhen i < 0
call projectilegroup(LoadInteger(projGroupTable, this, i)).remove(this)
set i = i - 1
call FlushChildHashtable(projGroupTable, this)
call FlushChildHashtable(projGroupTable, this+8092)
set destroyed = true
//* Projectile Enumeration
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
static method enumNearby takes projectilegroup g, real x, real y, real z, real radius returns nothing
local integer i=0
local real x2
local real y2
local real z2
local real r2 = radius*radius
local thistype p
local vector v
exitwhen i == DATA__size
set p = DATA__stack[i]
set v = p.VECTOR__position
set x2 = v.x
set y2 = v.y
set z2 = v.z
if ((x2-x)*(x2-x)+(y2-y)*(y2-y)+(z2-z)*(z2-z)) <= (r2) then
call g.add(DATA__stack[i])
set i=i+1
//* Launch Projectile
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
method launch takes vector start, vector finish, real speed, real arc returns boolean
local real d
local real a
local boolean instant = false
if (start != 0) and (finish != 0) and not (FLAG__active) then
set VECTOR__position.x = start.x
set VECTOR__position.y = start.y
set VECTOR__position.z = start.z
set VECTOR__target.x = finish.x
set VECTOR__target.y = finish.y
set VECTOR__target.z = finish.z + PROP__targetHeight
set VECTOR__start.x = start.x
set VECTOR__start.y = start.y
set VECTOR__start.z = start.z
set this.speed = speed
set this.arc = arc
set d = SquareRoot((finish.x-start.x)*(finish.x-start.x) + (finish.y-start.y)*(finish.y-start.y))
set a = Atan2(finish.y-start.y, finish.x-start.x)
if (d == 0) or (speed == 0) then
set VECTOR__position.x = VECTOR__target.x // If the projectile speed is 0 or the distance to the target
set VECTOR__position.y = VECTOR__target.y // is 0 then the projectile will be considered "instant", and
set VECTOR__position.z = VECTOR__target.z // launch to its destination immediately.
set DATA__timeLeft = 0.00
set instant = true
set DATA__timeLeft = d/speed
set VECTOR__acceleration.z = (-8*arc*speed*speed/d)
set VECTOR__velocity.x = speed*Cos(a) *thistype.DATA__loopRef
set VECTOR__velocity.y = speed*Sin(a) *thistype.DATA__loopRef
set VECTOR__velocity.z = (-VECTOR__acceleration.z * (d/speed)/2 + (VECTOR__target.z-start.z)/(d/speed)) /*
*/ *thistype.DATA__loopRef
set VECTOR__acceleration.z = VECTOR__acceleration.z *thistype.DATA__loopRef*thistype.DATA__loopRef
call SetUnitX(toUnit, VECTOR__position.x)
call SetUnitY(toUnit, VECTOR__position.y)
call MoveLocation(loc, VECTOR__position.x, VECTOR__position.y)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(toUnit, VECTOR__position.z-GetLocationZ(loc), 0)
call onStart( )
set FLAG__active = true
if instant then
set FLAG__active = false
call onFinish( )
if (toDestroy and not destroyed) then
call destroy( )
return true
return false
//* Filter Enumeration Methods
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* In order to efficiently cycle through nearby units and destructables it is necessary to use a
//* filterfunc callback which is automatically executed by the enumeration natives. These two filters
//* have global "boolexpr" references for efficient reference without having to use the Filter() native.
private static method doLoopDestFilter takes nothing returns boolean
local destructable d = GetFilterDestructable()
local real x = GetDestructableX(d)
local real y = GetDestructableY(d)
local real xB = projRef.VECTOR__position.x
local real yB = projRef.VECTOR__position.y
if ((xB-x)*(xB-x) + (yB-y)*(yB-y)) <= projRef.PROP__collision*projRef.PROP__collision then
if projRef.isValidTargetDest(d) then
call projRef.onDestCollision(d)
endif // Destructibles are picked if their x/y coordinates fall within a
set d = null // Circular area around the projectile.
return false
private static method doLoopEnum takes nothing returns boolean
local unit filt = GetFilterUnit()
local real xA = GetUnitX(filt)
local real yA = GetUnitY(filt)
local real xB = projRef.VECTOR__position.x
local real yB = projRef.VECTOR__position.y
if (((xA-xB)*(xA-xB) + (yA-yB)*(yA-yB)) <= projRef.PROP__collision*projRef.PROP__collision) then
if (projRef.isValidTargetUnit(filt)) then
call projRef.onUnitCollision(filt)
set filt = null
return false
//* Control Loop Iterator
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
//* The loop will run through each member in the stack of projectiles and use it's acceleration and
//* velocity to calculate its motion path. This control loop will detect when the projectile collides
//* with units, destructables, or even the terrain; in addition to throwing a few interface methods
//* that allow the user to customize the actions to his/her preference.
private static method doLoop takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = DATA__size - 1
local thistype dat
local vector vA
local vector vB
local vector vC
local real x
local real y
local real z
local real x2
local real y2
local real z2
local real e
local unit u
exitwhen (i < 0)
set dat = DATA__stack[i]
if (dat != 0) then
if dat.FLAG__active then
set e = dat.timescale
set vA = dat.VECTOR__velocity
set vB = dat.VECTOR__acceleration
set vA.x = vA.x + vB.x *e
set vA.y = vA.y + vB.y *e
set vA.z = vA.z + vB.z *e
set vB = dat.VECTOR__position
set vB.x = vB.x + vA.x *e
set vB.y = vB.y + vA.y *e
set vB.z = vB.z + vA.z *e
set vA = dat.VECTOR__velocity
set vB = dat.VECTOR__position
set u = dat.toUnit
set x = vB.x
set y = vB.y
set z = vB.z
call SetUnitX(u, x)
call SetUnitY(u, y)
call MoveLocation(loc, x, y)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, z-GetLocationZ(loc), 0)
set x2 = vA.x
set y2 = vA.y
set z2 = vA.z
if (dat.FLAG__active) and (x2 != 0 or y2 != 0 or z2 != 0) then
if dat.activePitch then
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(u, R2I(bj_RADTODEG*Atan2(z2, dat.speed*DATA__loopRef)+0.5)+90)
// This requires the dummy.mdx file that is included in xepreload. I should really make
// xepreload a requirement (perhaps optional requirement) of this system.
if dat.activeRotation then
call SetUnitFacingTimed(u, Atan2(y2, x2)*bj_RADTODEG, 0)
if dat != 0 then
if (z <= GetLocationZ(loc)) then
if not (dat.FLAG__onGround) then // The ".onGround( )" method callback will only be executed
set dat.FLAG__onGround = true // once upon hitting the ground, and not repeatedly if the
call dat.onGround( ) // projectile remains under the terrain level.
if (dat.FLAG__onGround) then
set dat.FLAG__onGround = false
if (dat.activeUnitCollision) and dat != 0 then // Unit Collision
set projRef = dat
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(grp, x, y, dat.PROP__collision, FUNC__enumUnits)
if (dat.activeDestCollision) and dat != 0 then // Destructable Collision
set projRef = dat
call SetRect(rct, 0, 0, dat.PROP__collision, dat.PROP__collision)
call MoveRectTo(rct, x, y)
call EnumDestructablesInRect(rct, FUNC__enumDests, null)
if (dat != 0) and (dat.FLAG__active) and (dat.activeTargetFollow) then
if (dat.FLAG__followUnit) and GetUnitTypeId( != 0 then
set x = GetUnitX(
set y = GetUnitY(
call MoveLocation(loc, x, y)
set z = GetLocationZ(loc)+GetUnitFlyHeight(
call dat.setTargetPos(x, y, z)
if (dat.FLAG__targetFollow) then
set vC = dat.VECTOR__target
set x = Atan2(vC.y-vB.y, vC.x-vB.x) // Direction To Target (radians)
set y = SquareRoot((vC.x-vB.x)*(vC.x-vB.x) + (vC.y-vB.y)*(vC.y-vB.y)) // Distance To Target
set z2 = vC.z-vB.z // Height Difference
set vA.x = dat.speed * Cos(x) * DATA__loopRef
set vA.y = dat.speed * Sin(x) * DATA__loopRef
set vB = dat.VECTOR__start
set x = SquareRoot((vB.x-vC.x)*(vB.x-vC.x) + (vB.y-vC.y)*(vB.y-vC.y)) // Total Distance
set dat.VECTOR__acceleration.z = -8*dat.arc*dat.speed*dat.speed/x
set vA.z = -dat.VECTOR__acceleration.z * y/(dat.speed*2) + dat.speed*z2/y
set dat.VECTOR__acceleration.z = dat.VECTOR__acceleration.z *DATA__loopRef*DATA__loopRef
set vA.z = vA.z *DATA__loopRef
if dat.FLAG__active then
if not dat.FLAG__isPaused then
set dat.DATA__timeLeft = dat.DATA__timeLeft - (DATA__loopRef*dat.timescale)
if dat.DATA__timeLeft <= 0.00 then
set dat.FLAG__active = false
call dat.onFinish( )
if (dat.toDestroy and not dat.destroyed) then
call dat.destroy( )
set i = i - 1
set u = null
//* Constructor
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
static method create takes unit u returns thistype
local thistype dat = thistype.allocate()
local real x = GetUnitX(u)
local real y = GetUnitY(u)
call UnitAddAbility(u, ID__flyHeightModifier)
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, ID__flyHeightModifier)
if DATA__size == 0 then
call TimerStart(DATA__loop, DATA__loopRef, true, function thistype.doLoop)
call MoveLocation(loc, x, y)
set totalProjectiles = totalProjectiles + 1
set dat.toUnit = u
set dat.DATA__index = DATA__size
set dat.VECTOR__position = vector.create(x, y, GetLocationZ(loc)+GetUnitFlyHeight(u))
set dat.VECTOR__target = vector.create(0, 0, 0)
set dat.VECTOR__velocity = vector.create(0, 0, 0)
set dat.VECTOR__acceleration = vector.create(0, 0, 0)
set dat.VECTOR__start = vector.create(0, 0, 0)
set DATA__stack[DATA__size] = dat
set DATA__size = DATA__size + 1
return dat
//* Setup & Initialization
//* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set rct = Rect(0, 0, COLLISION__sizeMax, COLLISION__sizeMax)
set FUNC__enumUnits = Filter(function thistype.doLoopEnum)
set FUNC__enumDests = Filter(function thistype.doLoopDestFilter)