I stopped working on this map very long ago, but I thought I had put too much work to just toss it away, so I finished the tooltips, quests and descriptions so it could be playable on battle-net.
This is a risk/strategy map, You choose what race you want to be before you start. There are 4 races: Furbolgs and Night elves - Undeads - Dragons and Golems - Trolls and Gnolls.
You start with a semi buildt base, you cant build any buildings, but you can do "quests" to improve your base. Soldiers are gotten through quests and events, but mostly through researching. If you for example research Lesser skeleton warriors, You will gain 3 skeleton warriors and 2 skeleton warriors every 2min, until the tower that researched this tech gets destroyed.
If a hero dies on this map, he stays dead, so keep him alive.
I have not taken time to hotkey every spell, sorry.
Also, very little fun for people who like to play singleplayer maps, sorry.
This map is NOT protected, feel free to make better versions, but do give me credit.
// Made by Ripoff // Inspired by Panther-Anthro's map - Conflict of sereg D'or
This map is not dead for those few who downloaded it, I decided to take it up again.
Changelog from 1.0 - 1.1
Added a few hotkeys, not all still.
Made Furbolg base and Undead base less impenetrable.
Added a second base for Dragons and golems, and another building for furbolgs (That includes several extra units.
Re balanced some stats on several units.
Changed terrain more.
Comments or tips would be nice=)
risk, conquest, race, furbolgs, trolls, undead, night elf, strategy