RACC Lorebook of Deroc

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RACC Lorebook of Deroc
-By Deroc the Cakemaster (aka Directive255 or Soviet655)


1) Brief Summary
2) Volumes
Brief Summary

Cakes, Cookies, Crusade and Resistance. Arygos, Eiramond, Egilian. What are all these things? From the Rise of the First Cake Empire of Arygos to the Fall of the Crimson Star, this Lorebook, proudly presented by Deroc, the Second Cakemaster, will describe the stories of the Omega Multiverse, Alpha Universe and the Resistance Against the Cake Crusade...

Note: This Lorebook will have ties and connections with certain projects such as MegaCraft, History of Magic Kingdom, etc.

Volumes, Sections and Chapters

1) Volume I: The Early Decades
1) Volume II: The Second Resistance

Volume I: The Early Decades

Section I: The First Resistance
  1. Prologue -- The Beginning
    [*]Rise of the First Arygos
    [*]The Resistance Begins
    [*]The Tide Turns
    [*]Fall of First Arygos

Section II: The Shadow Legion

Section III: First Arrival of the Old Gods

Section IV: A New Era of Direction

Section V: Godly Crisis

Section VI: Against the Old Gods

Section VII: The Second Great Multiverse War

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Section I: The First Resistance
Prologue: The Beginning

Once upon a time, in Medieval Vestroya, there lived a very potential human boy, Mythic.

It is an unknown day in the year 2050 CE. Mythic, was lying comfortably on his cozy bed, sleeping. Out of the blue, a mysterious portal, shimmering with a red shining light, appeared just a few centimeters above from where Mythic was sleeping.

The magical, shining red portal then let loose powerful surges of mystical energy. The vigorous energy then forcefully pull the sleeping boy into the portal. The portal then started to fade away, after a few seconds it would have vanished into nothing.

He slowly rubbed his heavy eyes as he started to regain consciousness. He wondered how long he'd been sleeping. He blinked, shut his eyes, blinked again, he yawned, managed to fully open both eyes.

"Where am I?" Mythic, who just woke up from his slumber, asked himself with curiosity.

He then saw some living cakes. Those living cakes were cheering joyfully as if they all won the lottery. The living cakes then bowed before Mythic's eyes. Mythic was thoroughly flabbergasted by the living cakes to the point that he jumped out from his skin. "C... ca... li... livi... living... cakes!?"

"Yes, we are the living cakes, Mythic! Don't you love cakes, especially living cakes?" a living chocolate cake, who appeared to be a significant and influential among the cakes, responded.

"Yes, I love cakes, but I... I was shocked by the first sight of you living cakes." Mythic uttered. "Whom are you bowing to?" Some question marks of inquisitiveness floated above Mythic's head.

One of the living cakes, who seemed to be the living cakes' lady leader, approached the puzzled boy. "Greetings, Mythic. We all feel happy for you!"

"Who are you?" Mythic questioned the seemingly leader.

"I am the most influential Cake Crusader and your lover, Miss Stella." the lady replied. "I see. Can you tell me more about this... place? What about all these living cakes?"

Stella then briefly summarized about the history and information about the living cakes. She also told Mythic about the situation at that time.

"So, these are the so called 'Cake Minions'? And I am your 'Cakemaster'?" the boy asked.

"Yesss." Stella answered in the positive. "We humbly pledge ourselves to your service, Cakemaster Mythic!"

Now, The boy is gradually turning from a young, naive lad into one of the most brutal monarch in history...

Chapter 1: Rise of the First Arygos

5 years have been passed since Mythic has become the Cakemaster of Arygos.

Under the brilliant leadership of Cakemaster Mythic, the Cake Empire of Arygos has grown from a poverty-stricken tiny nation in Vesuro to one of the most powerful, prosperous nations in Vesuro. Lots of other Vesuro kingdoms have been conquered by the growing Arygos over the years, and soon it appears that Eiramond and Cookiengdom are the remaining free countries in Vesuro.

Devin of Eiramond is deeply anxious about the threats posed by the expanding Arygos. Under the orders of Devin, the Eiramond Army is preparing the defenses and troops for a possible invasion by the Cake Empire. Devin knows that Mythic, the ambitious Cakemaster, has always wanted to dominate the whole of Vesuro.

In the Cakemaster's eyes, the two remaining free nations, Eiramond and Cookiengdom, are a great annoyance and obstacle to his quest for conquest of Vesuro. Under Mythic's orders, the cake minions are training and preparing themselves for his evil plans of domination. The workers and blacksmiths are instructed to forge countless numbers of weapons and construct thousands of catapults.

Until one dark night, Devin's nightmare has become a terrifying reality. The Cakemaster has unleashed thousands of battalions made up from his terror toys. The evil, bloodthirsty cake minions marched towards the Eiramondian soil, looted settlements and finished off any Eiramondian on sight. The earth shakes as catapults are loaded and moved into position. Every time a Eiramond soldier falls, the ranks of the Arygos Cake Army increases by a hundred. Villages, towns and bases are collapsing before the might of the Cakemaster as the evil cakes advanced.

It took only a few weeks for the Arygos Cake Army to conquer nearly three quarters of the falling nation of Eiramond and wipe out nearly the half of the Eiramond army. Devin and his ministers, along with some troops, have abandoned the capital and fled to the northwest, hoping to evade the advancing cakes. He has dispatched a decoy of himself to the capital, hoping to fool Mythic and his minions.

A fortnight has elapsed, and finally, the cake minions has made their way to the Eiramond capital...

(to be continued)

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